Timoratus : 7 Deadly Sins

Experimental Metal / USA
(2018 - Self-Released)
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Deep rooted glory attached to triumph's conceit
Ego, vanity, narcissism
Spread out amongst the facade of society
I’m a balloon steadily growing
I will never burst
From the self-love that is constantly justified
Constantly filling
I feel as if I will live forever
I will never die
I am a mountain looking down on all others
Viewing the lives
Of those worth so much less
I will find my end
For it indeed draws near
Lies I’ve told myself crumble into the dirt
My pride scatters like ash in the wind
Never to be seen again
No more legacy


Burning desire
Grows from within
Visions of bodies, twisted together
As I grapple with this sin
You are not just a person
You are the object of my eye
Taking advantage
Take Take Take Take
Rape, Molestation, Infatuation, Violation
Pulsing injections oozing from every orifice
Gnawing and throbbing in anguish
Grinding and churning the bowels
As the sludge slowly excretes


The endless desire of wanting more
Compare your life to another
Don’t you find it just so sad?
Constantly pushing the shore for
You to see your neighbor with their life
So much better than yours
So you just sit and ponder for hours
How you can make what’s theirs, yours
You have to grow your shining pile
Steal and plot in hate to score
As you continue to picture their life
So much better than yours
Never content with what you have
Never content with what’s been given
Always, wasting your life inside your own mind
Instead of living out in the world
“Things” will never make you happy
You need to make this clear
Before you can finally lift greed’s curse


Gulping down the slathered excess
Force it through your gaping maw
Choke on every single morsel
Head first in your thick gullet
Over indulgence
Consume that feed
You stuff yourself to mountainous stature
You gulp up your needless brew
You live your life in fat squalor
To the point of waste
Might as well take from the needy
Just to stuff your greasy face
Deny to live a life of sharing
In the end a bloated waste


Comparing to others
They have what I want
Inwardly, angrily
Wanting their life
Wanting their house
Wanting their car
Wanting their spouse
Why not me? Why them?
The appetite, longing, craving, desire
Seeing people for what they have, than who they are
Manifesting insidiousness of sin and human depravity
Rotting my mind of what I don’t have
Gnawing my innards
Lives destruction, remorse
Turning to healing of animosity
Realizing life’s not fair
Taking solace in the truth


The anger that builds inside you
Presses against the walls
Never ceasing in your hatred
Can’t conceive your life at all
Violent feuds explode in your wake
As you injure all who cross your path
You can’t cope with changes ‘round you
Hate just boils in your heart
Murder, Death, Wrath
Seem to be your only friends
Mind can’t take the never ceasing hole
Collapse in heated hatred
Your wraith a steaming coal
It ends in your destruction


Growing old
Still afraid
Yet, I fall
Waste away
Choking back
The bitter pill
To haste the day
You see me lying here
Won't do anything at all to get my fill
Can't seem to move my limbs
My eyes just seem to dim
Fixed upon a gazing prize
Can't do
Won't do
At all

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