Tiles : Fly Paper

Progressive Metal / USA
(2008 - InsideOut Music)
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I feel a presence
I catch your movement
In the corner of my eye

Keeping its distance
Features hidden
With passing time

Exerting tension
I still grate against the pull
Keeping pace with me
More than company to see

Hide in my shadow
Deep within my wounds
Hide in my shadow
Brick by brick
I build my tomb

Exerting tension
I will grate against the pull
While this dissention speaks
And plays the fool

Every Fall the fear is always there
I like to visit my despair
Silent but not gone


Drop by drop
Sinking inch by inch
Feel the ebb and flow
As momentum slows

One by one
Changing bit by bit
Ivory tower test
Entertains the guest

Hidden in the space between the words
Another dialect to learn
An ounce prevents a pound of cure
Sacred and mundane

Word by word
Standing face to face
Bridges burning still
In a test of wills

Step by step
Twisting day by day
Addicted to the fight
Words as sharp as knives

I see blue washing into orange and red
Fanning sparks to flame
Details multiply
Never twice the same

Choice by choice
Shrinking lie by lie
False identity
Keeping you from me


Downstairs up and upstairs down
I dream of angels
In white flowing gowns
Fancy fades as earth and sky explode
I should have understood
What I was told

Always longing for a place I'm not
It has a stronger pull
Than what I've got
Indecision builds a bigger mess
More is more but finally more is less

Back and forth
Between the poles
Comfort in the only place I know
In limbo lost
Holding only possibilities
Thinly stretched
The synapse snaps to impasse

Inside out and outside in
I see too many things
To know where to begin
I pace the floor
In search of middle ground
Lost in the weeds
I'm living downside up or upside down

Back and forth
Side by side
Between the poles
Comfort in the only place I know

When I'm here
I'm thinking there
When I'm there
I wonder what's going on
I miss everything


Standing there abandoned
And in disrepair
Stranded in a question
Frozen in the air
Left behind to find
That there is no one left to care
Unsuspecting unaware

Skeletons awake to play
Secret life in sins implied
Chasing time for ties that blind
Buried by the Landscrape
Looking in the wrong place

Sleeping deep inside
I'm drifting through the weeds
Sweeping up the ashes
Of these broken dreams
Looking to the past
To glance at all that might have been
In between the unseen sins

I'm believing & deceiving myself
I can't keep carrying memories around


Part 1
I can't see inside the present
Staring down the road reflected in the sun
More said than done
I'm immersed in introspection
Setting stones of speculation one by one

Longing for something more
Tomorrow cannot come
While I wish my time away

Safe in my comfort zone
Ignoring cold reality
I can feel the strings attaching
Stumbling blocks overturning under me

Part 2
Scraping toward
Faint rewards
Fabricating milestones

Living in
Stately whims
At a place beyond my reach

Wanting – searching
Scanning – yearning
Markers guiding me

Skating past
Liquid glass
On my way to something else

I forget
What I get
Before it's what I've got

Planning – tracking
Clipping – posting
Markers sticking to me

Scraping toward
Faint rewards
Skating past
Liquid glass
Cue cards show
All I know
Markers pulling me

Part 3


Here I am
On an island once again
Hoping I can stay
Far away
In my solitude
In this place I choose

Four winds raising waves
As old ghosts play

Dragons, dreams, and daring deeds
Breathing mystery
Helps me cope with insecurity

Dragons, dreams, and daring deeds
To soar on gilded wing
Fancy free
For we decree a halo for the king

Here I am
Reaching for the promise land
Dancing on a myth
I romance the past in dark embrace
In my secret place

In between the winds
Where breath begins

Dreams and daring deeds
Dreams and daring deeds
Dreams and daring deeds
Dreams and daring deeds
Dreams and daring deeds…


I… shut out myself
And the world
You… ignore the past
Say it won't last

Some mistakes will not erase
Coloring all that I do and say
Empty heart and crowded mind
Won't make it right

I… hang by a thread
Upside down
We… step off a ledge
Onto the edge

I lift my head
I clear my thoughts
And listen for words of saving grace
I'm letting go of all the skeletons I chase

We can co-exist
Living in the Crowded Emptiness


Something else to occupy
Something else to drain your energy
Something more weighs on your mind
Something more that's keeping you from me
All these things to make me bleed

Tangled up in the weeds
Playing hide and seek

As you fade from my view
Where are you?
You're not here when you should care
Reaching out for your hand
But it's not there
Hide and seek
You're not here

Somewhere else is beckoning
Somewhere else is hidden in plain sight
Somewhere else is my retreat
Somewhere else is shelter deep inside

Floating on the sea
Random currents moving me
If I don't care
I will go somewhere
Rain in the morning light
Dreamt a lifetime in a single night

Weathered and worn
Creased and torn
Creased and torn
Understanding comes too late

lyrics added by TimeTraveler - Modify this lyrics