Thrown To The Sun : Out of Themselves Things Will Come

Progressive Death / Turkey
(2014 - Self-Released)
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This horror is mine
None but I
Could even have summoned the courage of a lie
To gaze behind the veils of man

Feigning utmost,
I witness
The extraction of frailty, shaping of a bane
Voicelessly exposed
Eyes listless, and shackled
Orbless in their chasmal white

Truth, with all its power,
Lives inside me. breathes inside me

As deafening summons descend on deaf ears,
Viperous skin blenches
With the touches, from the speckles,
Of white, of life, of light

This horror is mine. none but I
Could even have summoned the courage of a lie
To gaze behind the veils of man

A tender void
To silence,
The clamor, the bellowing, echo of my will
Riotously exposed.
Hand calloused
The heart withering
Burdened with time

Choke the channels the self is rooted in
Abandon your limbs, abandon your skin

As deafening summons descend on deaf ears,
Viperous skin blenches
With the touches, from the speckles,
Of white, of life, of light

Truth, with all its power,
Lives inside me. breathes inside me


I thought life would be a brilliant comedy
I never knew that it was to be a great catastrophe
I never knew it'd be a repellant tragedy

I thought life would be a brilliant comedy
Full of figures of pleasantry,
Around me are not scenes from
an eloquent journey
But a deviant form of a most baleful custody

Tired eyes,
Wailing mind

An odd sense of anger
An odd sense of lunacy
I never knew that it was to be
I never knew...

Textures form
My trails glow

Damnable restraint
I will pluck you out of my way
Trail, my trail, misplaced. all led astray
I'll light my inner kindle

Thoughts appear. ever wrestle
In the rain, in the sound
I never chase them away

Stripped of the mask of joy
Vile rows of silent days, narrowed will
Stillness engraved in memories
Thawed by trails ablazed by light

I'll wipe my tired eyes
Silence my wailing mind
I will mark my trail
I'll shout my words, in endless space
I will make up
For silent days, for baleful days

I will earn my rest


Whatever is sought, can be found
Whatever is neglected, slips away

I dive into negation,
Eternal, a moment of pure comfort

Signs cover the mind, like spiteful snow
A false warmth arises,
Thoughts numb
I dive deeper
In totality of my vision,
Misery is manifold

The past is the unseen,
A forgotten wound on the prowl
Waiting to resurface and pounce
It's easy to forget,
That it is vital as life

Drenched in the gloom of lost springs,
Bygone thrills and rhapsody,
This dreadful exile mars the souls with agony

The din of the world is lashing,
Maladies foul the ground beneath
Little things act as symbols,
Kindlings to the minds asleep

This mission shall unseal for me
All the wells of pity
Make the desert blossom
Bring me out of the bitterness of lonely exile

I will emerge from this brutal baptism!


Through it all
Through veins and our bones
Through them all
Time plays its swathe notes

Time shall loose its hold
When the chill of white oblivion
Slowly claims us
I feel the grip tighten

We are the weight
On our own
Fading souls

We are the snails
Creeping on
Razors of bone

Weightless, amiss and flawed
We sprout, we turn, we mourn


Terrible, how terrible to see the truth
When the truth is only pain to the one who sees

Are you the warder? The scum of the earth
Who could restrain anger hearing you?
You skew the word of gods

You are blind as the stone you are, lost in the night
That endless night that nursed you!
You can't hurt me, I see the light!

You are the great mastermind, you will pay in tears
May the din of the world, pester the life out of you

Oh the power! the cardinality
Your envy of my mission
Drains all the wells of pity

A crowd of horrors you'd never dream
Plethora of torment will rain down your eyes

Out of themselves things will come
Even if the warder shrouds them all in silence
And hides them, breathes not a word of them
They will come, what will come, will come

Soon you'll scream aloud and
What haven won't reverberate?
What valley won't scream back in echo?
No man will ever be rooted from the earth as brutally as you

All unknowing, you are the scourge of your own flesh
Your own blood
The dead below the earth and the living here
Will whip you from this life

Your light is murk, it is darkness, it is shadows, it is gloom
Go! Unravel my words
If you find I'd lied
From this day, call the warder blind


The man will be outside himself
So outside himself
And happy for no reason
No other reason that
He is so outside of
So alien to
No one but himself

He will enjoy the ineffable share
The opulent lustre,
The odourous aroma
Of the supreme good
Which draws everything into itself.

The whole man
Will be outside himself
He will live not in himself,
But in the object of his love
His desire for more
He will move out of himself
Further and further
Each passing day
Will bring him closer,
Into sin that is his love

The whole man will be outside himself,
But a motionless sense will remain
A sense of lunacy in a breathless dark
Into this darkness he will smother
The words his love will utter
Rejecting its lover

Wise in measure should each man be
But never let him wax too wise
Who looks not forward to learn his fate
Unburdened heart will bear


Sins of the flesh are nothing
They are maladies to be cured
Sins of the soul alone are shameful
All our sanities are obscured

The great things of life
Are what they seem to be
Loathsome to interpret
They reveal nothing
Little things of life are symbols
By which we receive our bitter lessons

In prisons
In lives
Which hold no event but sorrow
Time is measured by throbs of pain
Between myself and the memory of joy,
There lies a gulf,
No less deep than that between myself
And the bliss in existence
I stand on holy grounds of sorrow

I search my fate in mires
Wisdom is profitless
Philosophy barren
Consolations are dust
And ashes in my mouth

Into harmony with the wounded,
Broken, great heart of the world!


Don't lay on me this question
I will not avow this adoration
Much less embrace it
This is not a burden
For earthly shoulders

If I am to live this life
As I now live it
If I am to recur
Reappear innumerably
I will not name you a god
And never will I have heard
Anything more profane

If this is just a step in a cycle
A mere mold stain on a pattern
Carve my heart out
And release this fever
For I know not a moment of me
In which I beg to reappear

Hearken, child
For heaviness is what gives you meaning
Nourishing your purpose
It connects you to the moment
Lest you take leave of this earthly body
And soar among the lustre of heavens

Don't lay on me this question
This is a burden of the heaviest weight
I will not embrace it
This is not a burden for earthly shoulders


The ones who think in eternity
Are snails
Creeping on razors of bone

We slice ourselves upon every step
Slowly into a fraction of our being
Everything straight, lies
And therein lies
The whole of man's plight

Crawling insects
Gnawing on the insides of a branch
Just to find the meaning
In between the panels
That enclose the earth
Coating the sun
With the slime of vanity
By which our eyelids
Are sewn together
With threads of iron

The ones who think in eternity
We walk a straight line

Ours is a silence without excuse
Without palliation

Where we walk, there are thorns
Where we look, there are walls


A long time may pass
In this eternal play of repetition
A dissonant sway
Tuned to the note of
the terror of coincidence

A long time may pass
The concrete bodies
May disperse, scatter, splinter
Into a fraction of their being

Every figure cast its shade upon this earth
Every moment burst out of the clock...

The tail eater turns
The tail eater sprouts
From within itself

One must want
Nothing different
Not forward, nor backward
Not in all eternity
Not merely to bear the necessary
Still less to conceal it
But to love it

Every shape and every form
Every oak and every stone
Shall reemerge
To meet, attract, repulse, kiss
And corrupt each other

A long time may pass
In this eternal play of repetition
A dissonant sway
Tuned to the note of terror

The tail eater turns
The tail eater sprouts
From within itself


Time has reappeared
And with it
Memories, regrets, spasms, fears
Anguishes, nightmares
Angers and neuroses
All of its devilish train
It reigns now!
Time rules sovereign!

Time reigns!
It rules sovereign!
Its brutal rule whipping
Screaming in carnal torture
"Run, you nobody!
Sweat now, my slave!
Live! Live on!
Live on, you damned one!"

Each hit
Each life
Each second
Full of caresses and treachery
Time reigns

Time reigns sovereign

Each second
Bursting from the clock
Screaming in carnal torture
"I am life!


Thoughts of many,
Become the acts of one
Out of themselves things will come

Like a hammer to the chest
I feel the pounding
The heartbeat of millions
Screaming for release

I keep them hidden
In profound depths
In caverns of reason
In totality of my vision

Repellant is the sight
But I must
I must take flesh and bone
Oak and stone
And turn them into thoughts
Thoughts of many
Become the acts of one

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