Thornafire : Granted for All Somberness

Death Metal / Chile
(1999 - Self-Released)



See at the emergent fog
From those cavern
This is a sign of our lord
It's a great event
I'm only lead by his stench trace
Master, expect for me
I'm go towards him

Lord, I have arrived in front you
Innefable lord
Your appearance is supreme
Lord, let me be
One with you!!!

I hear your players
Your great desire
Will be obeyed

Flames of this hell
Burn it's out crying flesh
Burn my flesh
Burn I want to be part of your might
Be your red ablaze
Be your eternal flame
Be your burning hell

I feel your burning force
I'm part of breat now!!!
Oh mighty lord
Your flames cover me
Your power is great
I burn whit you!!! Ha ha
I feel your power supreme
Strong in me!!!

Dracon, I have arrived in front you
Magnify lord
Your presence is supreme
Oh, lord let me be
One with you!!!

I hear your players
Your great desire
Will be obeyed

Flames of this hell
Burn it's out crying flesh
Burn my flesh
Burn I want to be part of your might
Be your red ablaze
Be your burning hell
In Sulphurous Dragon's Den


After a constant meeting
In the abysm
I knew was, it mournished my spirit
And all in me
The way I was created
The teaching that I received
Everything about my ancestors
Returned to a caudal
That nobody and nothing could bend

It was destinated
Pre-writted, everything was thought
At the same way
That everything by my side
Call it good or Evil

Who subdue,
Who is subdued?
What is light, what is dark?
All definitions in a thing
That if I dare to call
Full of disgrace
I could leave

;歌词由 添加 Marcellus - 修改此歌词