Theatre Of Tragedy : Fragments

Gothic Metal / Norway
(2005 - Self-Produced)
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Thou dawdl'd not bringing me fro Aether to Nether,
Still, duringly cling I on to this heather
Dew-scented blossom; thou wast pristine,
The sweven of thee ne'er will I cede, my colleen.
Drat this creature of memories ill,
Foolhardy and fey I may be, yet him I shall quell.

'Vaunt! Devil tyne
Wadst thou wane fore'ermae;
Daunt, sinsyne thence,
Ta'en as a dint, Angelique?

Perforce and grinningly shall I maim in the vie
Alas dastard! Hanging by the noose die.

'Vaunt! Devil tyne -
Wadst thou wane fore'ermae;
Daunt, sinsyne thence,
Ta'en as a dint, Angelique?

'Come not wont to this uncouth Devil!,
Lest to a Devil thou wilt translate... my Angel.

'Vaunt! Devil tyne
Wadst thou wane fore'ermae;
Daunt, sinsyne thence,
Ta'en as a dint, Angelique?


Broken frames
Shattered glass
Like a monochrome film
The replaceable background
Flickers and dissolves
Out of control

There's no sense, it's all Volta, Ampere and Ohm
Earth to Moon, it's the same as London-Rome

Out of focus, blurred image
As solid as a liquid monument
A second of life
The time-frame of '69
Technology, machinery, humanity
It's all the same

There's no sense, it's all Volta, Ampere and Ohm
Earth to Moon, it's the same as London-Rome

Time and age, what's the difference
Based upon the same reference
Touch-and-go, who's to know the random order
Contorted, distorted it doesn't make any sense at all
A fragment, a segment - bits and pieces, bits and Hz
Angular, circular
It's all the same

There's no sense, it's all Volta, Amp?re and Ohm
Earth to Moon, it's the same as London-Rome


Whether the throned Monarch weareth the crown,
Which I know not whether to his belongeth;
Doth he hence the sceptre sway?
Seasoneth he justice?
Daresay I he doth not,
Will he then use his sceptre as a wand?
Where doth sit my awe? Trieth me conjure;
Perchance a spell?; a reptile, a sullied hound?
Is the gentle rain a quality of his?
I bethink this fro my thoughts; hitherto, about this,
I beheld to these words no tongue; are the
Monarch's men his thralls or his servants?
Oft I waylay my tongue
Those of which are withal by my gnarled heart not heed'd;
Or doth the throstle sing with more glee
At daybreak than than a twilight?
Brawl not my imp, nor my cherub; reserve my judgement
Crave not the sword when the bodkin fro ere thine is;
That undiscover'd country; be that
Of calamity, be that of joy, be that of apathy;
Tread not paths of new when those of old are
Far by an only single footstep; walk, be it
On the left, on the right - be it the one which
Straight forward leadeth; the one of correct
I have as until now not heed'd any signs of!


The pulsing of the flare reflected in the air
Stick-stuck goggles deflecting the stare
Underground, overdrive
Countdown, take off
We're gone, they're here
Head for planets far and near
Don't know what upsets you
We're gonna take you to the outer space
Find planets, red, blue
Let's make a universal race
We're gonna take you to places never seen
A rigid-like gesture since we were nineteen
Inner space, outer space
Head off, head on Slot in, interface
Bounce back and forth like electrons
We're gonna take you to planets never seen
Solar systems run by machines
Out of code Crash, reboot
'Redo from Start', who is he anyway?
Don't know what upsets you
We're gonna take you to the outer space
Find planets, red, blue aha
Let's make a universal race.


"Be my kin free fro varnal sin,
Bridle the thoughts of thy Master."
"There hath past away a glore fro the Earth;
A glore that in the hearts and minds of men,
Men dementéd - blindfoldéd by light,
Hourisheth as weed in their well-groom'd garths."

"Might I too was blindfoldéd ere,
"The quality of mercy and absolution,
Tho' years have master'd me
Whence cometh such qualities?
A masque of this to fashion:
Build thyself a mirror in which
Seer blest, thou best philosopher!"
Solely wanton images of thy desire appear!"

"'Tis the Divine Comedy
"'Tis the Divine Tragedy
The fool and the mocking court;
The fool and the mocking court;
Fool, kneel now, and ring thy bells!
Fool, kneel now, and ring thy bells!
We hold the Earth fro Heaven away."
Make us guffaw at thy futile follies,
Yet for our blunders! Oh, in shame;
Earth beareth no balm for mistakes
We hold the Earth fro Hell away."

"Believe? In a deily long dead?
I would rather be a pagan suckléd in creeds outworn;
Whith faärtytales fill'd up in head;
Thoughts of the Book stillborn."

"Shadow of annoyance
Ne'er come hither!
...And when He falleth, He falleth like Lucifer,
Ne'er to ascend again..."

[ Dialog from "And when He Falleth" ]

[Male Voice]
That cross you wear around your neck;
is it only a decoration, or are you a
true Christian believer?

[Female Voice]
Yes, I believe, truly

Then I want you to remove it at once!
And never to wear it within this castle
Again! Do you know how a falcon is trained my
Dear? Her eyes are sown shut. Blinded temporarily
She suffers the whims of her God patiently, until
Her will is submerged and she learns to serve
As your God taught and blinded you with

You had me take off my cross because it

It offended no-one. No, it simply appears
To me to be discourteous to... to wear
The symbol of a deity long dead.

My ancestors tried to find it. And to open
The door that seperates us from our Creator.

But you need no doors to find God.
If you believe...
Believe?! If you believe you are gullible.
Can you look around this world and believe
In the goodness of a god who rules it?
Famine, Pestilence, War, Disease and Death!
They rule this world.

There is also love and life and hope.

Very little hope I assure you. No. If a god
Of love and life ever did exist... he is long
Since dead. Someone... something rules in his


Circa mea pectora multa sunt suspiria
De tua pulchritudine, que me ledunt misere.

Venus! I trow'd thou wast my friend
Professed to Heaven thou wouldst send;
As a disciple of a villain
Didst thou act the tragedienne.

Iam amore virginali totus ardeo.
Amor volat undique, captus est libidine.

Venus! I trow'd thou wast my friend
Professed to Heaven thou wouldst send;
As a disciple of a villain
Didst thou act the tragedienne.

Iam amore virginali totus ardeo.
Circa mea pectora multa sunt suspiria
De tua pulchritudine, que me ledunt misere.
Tui lucent oculi sicut solis radij,
Sicut splendor fulguris, qui lucem donat tenebris.


Oh, my dearest; the sweet music in the ear
Albeit, daresay I, the lullaby of an everso dark sleep.

My precious,
Likest thou what emergeth yon the distant?
The throbbing and breathing of life's machinery!

Wanion its oh so damndest soul!
With the devil-instrument it we shall reap,
After the banquet obscur'd in our thole,
Its blood so lovingly across our faces smear

Lord of carnagel,

Lady of carnagel,

One funeral maketh many,

Swarm god's acres;

Two indeed more:
Blest treat of delight

Give praise for the blood it bled,
Grant a rose for the dead!
Grant a rose for the dead!

Enraptur'd by the timeless beauty of the
We two abide the overlook'd time of the watch.

Make this cherish'd feast last
But until the new dawn ascendeth.

Be still, harken the lure of night!
Bale in each its damndest shadow,
Cloth me in night, ne'er fell rue,
In its face, behold! naught save grue.

Pray, ne'er come hither daylight!
Wane to dust the wight,
Velvet darkness, thee we ourselves bestow!
Misery it in velvet fright


Moving sideways through the sold photo
Slow figures flashing on tiptoe
Crashing cars on a blue tableau
Goes to show it wasn't everywhere
No one steering, just an auto-move
Round and round the streetlights in the groove
Flying windscreens, dropping down below
Aisles of bricks, crumbling with the smoke
Here we go
Dissolving turnpikes in a placid light
Intersections similarly white
I never found the concrete slab
I must have left it on the showroom tab
Escalators moving side to side
Round and round the footprints on the slide
From a picture, the city turned and spoke
There she was, the woman in the smoke
Here we go I think you suit me I'll make you happy
You specify me You can't deny me
Must have left my eyes on a moving train
Tangled phone lines told me to revoke
Turgid reasons, everything's mundane
There she was, the woman in the smoke Here we go
I guess you suit me Do you extend me?
You maximise me You can't deny me
I think you suit me I'll make you happy .


High-rise buildings
Low cost apartments
Financial district
Industrial area
Rows of blue collars
Steelworkers' clink-clang
Metal rhythm left and right
This is the city, city of light

Click on
Click off
Click on
The faceless men
The machines of the city

6 p.m. whistle
Next the inner city
Smiling grimey faces
Tea at the local pub
Low-cut dresses
High-spirited workers
Sizzling neon-lights, click on
This is the city, city of light

Click on
Click off
Click on
The faceless men
The machines of the city

2 a.m. binge
Low-life slagheap
Used up and burnt out
Like a kick in the teeth
Ramble, shamble on home
Grime back in harness
Metal rhythm left and right
This is the city, city of light

Click on
Click off
Click on
The faceless men
The machines of the city


Come in out of the rain thou sayest, but thou ne'er step'st aside;
And I am trapp'd
A distance there is...
None, save me and the bodkin, pitter-patter on the roof:
Behold! 'tis not the rain; thence me it has to be
I will not drink thy vintage wine, my dear;
Thou hast heed'd that I am of innocence, yet thou let'st thy lass into peril

Thou let'st me be parched;
My heart is of frailty, my pale skin is hued damask.
When thou thy tears hast hidden, "Come back!", thou sayest
There I soon am to be - but how am I to run when my bones, my heart!
Thou hast me bereaft!
But run thou sayest; I run
And there and then I behold that a time will come when I again dead will be.
Thou tell'st me to leave without delay
I leave with my bodkin and my tears in my hands;
Lo! The shadows, the sky - descending;
So by a dint of smite I gait ere I run and melt together with dusk.
In my mind in which is this event,
But it seems as if naught is to change anyway?!
After all these years thou left'st me down in the emotional depths
The sombre soaked velvet-drape is hung upon me,
Turning my feelings away from our so ignorant world:
All the beatiful moments shared, deliberatlely push'd aside
...A distance there is...


He gave to her, yet tenfold claim'd in return
She hath no life but the one he for her wrought;
Proffer'd to her his wauking heart, she turn'd it down,
Riposted with a tell-tale lore of lies and scorn.

Prophetess or fond?,
Tho' her parle of truth:
"I ken to-morrow, refell me if ye can!",
Yet the kiss and breath - Apollo's bane
Sëer of the future, not of twain,
"Sicker!", quoth Cassandra.

Still, is she lief and quaint in his eyne, a sight divine?
A mistress fuell'd by his prest haughtiness
If he did grant, wherefore then did he not foresee,
Belike egal as it to him might be?!

Prophetess or fond?
Tho' her parle of truth:
"I ken to-morrow - refell me if ye can!",
Yet the kiss and breath - Apollo's bane
Sëer of the future, not of twain,
"Sicker!", quoth Cassandra.

'Or was he an eried being,
'Or was he weening, alack nay mo;
Her naysay' raught his heart,
Her daffing was the grave of all hope
She belied her own words,
He thought her life, save moreo'er scourge,
She held him august, yet wee;
He left her ne'er without his heart.


Head crash, I can't see you
Spit teeth, I can hear you
I feel your pounding me onto the street
I've learned to know the taste of concrete

Why don't you follow me?

Street brash, time flies, tick-tock
Eyes flash, feels like electroshock
I feel the blood gushing, crumbling away
I know this marks the end of my hey-day

Why don't you follow me?


An artist is what is call'd the self that the brush holdeth
Though hath it then caringly caress'd the Canvas of tomorrow?,
O Canvas! for thee I hold my tool, still! passionless it quivereth,
Minding not that my hands are more than apt;
My Muse,

Where is hidden
The blue-huéd arch'neath the High Heaven's rich emblazonry,
The flowery meadow, embrac'd by the horizon, snowflakéd and aery mountains,
In which the barebreastéd maidens dance to the lay o' midsummer,
Aloft the distant lazy flapping of the doves in vainglore.

O Canvas!, wherefore canst thou these images not allow?
I deem a projection of my Theatre they should be!
Then, I challenge thee the wisdom of naysaying the yearns o' mine
What is this unforseen that not enjoineth light shades to be skillfully paintéd?

The raven sky prey'd on by the snowfill'd, blustery clouds,
Unadornéd the meadow - hunger driveth the wolf out of the wood,
The maidens chainéd and whippéd within a dreary dungeon
And, lo! 'twixt the wizen roses a mossy grave:
"The Devil is as Black as he Painteth"
O Canvas! wherefore?...


Don't you wanna end up with this mister?
He is just being nice with his kisses and he
Thinks you're not one of the smart ones Say it darling
Doesn't seem like you want that kind of honey, honey
From the automatic lover's store To the first floor of your backroom door
From the spin-spin of the fickle swirl
In a freak-freak dance of the showroom girl
From the window of the red lit shop To the hop-hop of the fluid swap
To the bang-bang when the wallet's gone
And the run-run when the heat is on From the automatic lover's store
To the first floor of your homeroom door
And the cry-cry of your better half To the laugh-laugh at your minuscule staff
From the plead-plead when you really want in
To the knead-knead 'fore the blanket-spin
From the flush-flush of the bed-time art
To the raging heart when she doesn't do her part
Don't you wanna end up with this mister?
He is just being nice with his kisses and he
Thinks you're not one of the smart ones
Say it darling Doesn't seem like you want that kind of honey, honey
Out the door-door to the dance-dance hall
To the bawl-bawl of the bar room brawl
From the drink-drink until on the floor
To the blink-blink of the girl next door
To the rock-rock until off the hinge
To the luck-luck to complete the binge
From the rush-rush when you're feeling bored
To the second floor of your homeroom door
To the plead-plead when you really want in
And the knead-knead 'fore the blanket-spin
From the fug-fug of the bedroom air
To the hug-hug of the professional lair
To the automatic lover's store
Where it feel-feels much less like a chore
To the lick-lick of the lipstick lip
To the electric trip of the perfect strip
Hey you are you oh-oh are you I owe you a go-go are you
Nothing but an oh-oh yeah
I owe you a kissy baby Hey you are you oh-oh are you
I owe you a go-go are you Nothing but an oh-oh yeah
I owe you a kissy baby.

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