The Vision Bleak : Club Single

Symphonic Dark / Germany
(2007 - Prophecy Productions)
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Thou, dweller of the nightsky whose voice is thunder and storm,
thy allies are chaos and glory, thy realm is darkness adorn
Thou, slayer of apophis who died a thousandfold death
Bringer of light - blessing and bane

Six is thy number,
thy name is Seth

Adversary of the onesided
Grant us thy magical will
Great is thy power - ferocious thy wrath
Thy brilliant endeavour - we shall fulfill

Seth Io !
The old typhonic beast
Seth Io!
To thee we are sworn...

By our brotherhood with Seth sacred to us
is thy glorious strife !
Patron of rebellion!
The great Horus Eye - it is ours...
By our brotherhood !


A gold-horned moon hung high - Its heart began to beat
With the fire of its eye no ember could compete
Wolf-fiend, Mannwolf, Loup Garoux
Olden Legend born anew ?
Human nature - wolven heart
Who seized that fire ? By what black art ?
Its sinews twisted fury, desire's its portray
And the senses readily receive the scent of prey
The shepherds fear its madness and their lambs do flee
For they know a secret : She is the wolf - The wolf is she !

Roaming the night
In splendour profound
Revel in delight
By darkness abound

Graceful thy cruelty
Ruthless the claw
Crowned with a beauty
That none can withdraw

A gold-horned moon hung high - her blood began to flow
Ordained to be a mortal sin - phenomenon from head to toe
Jewel-crowned huntress - mother of all
What secret spell did her enthral ?
Human nature - wolf at heart
Who seized that fire ? Whose work of art ?

Roaming the night
In splendour profound
Revel in delight
By darkness abound

Graceful thy cruelty
Ruthless the claw
Crowned with a beauty
That none can withdraw

A gold-horned moon hung high - her heart began to beat
with the fire of her eyes no ember could compete
Her sinews twisted fury - desire's her portray
and her senses readily receive the scent of prey
She is the wolf - the wolf is she !


The priest goes into a detailed description of the unholy rite
That did cast the evil spell onto our main character.

A moonless sky, midnight was nigh
No sound did break the still
A strange mystique
Was fellt in all
A spirit that seemed
Wrong and ill

Suddenly the cold winds blew
And coyotes howled afar
A mighty thunder shattered the earth
The growl of grand GNAA

Whisp'ring voices could be heard
Utt'ring a foul spell
Man circled 'round a secret stone
And summoned greatest hell

Cold blades did light in darkness
And the high priestess
Started the unholy rite...

Ia ! Ia ! Ktulu Fthaghn !
Ia ! R'lyeh ! Ktulu Fthagn !

Blood was shed unto the stone
That raised into the air
And from the ground crept
What seemed snakes,
But God know what was there !

Cold blades did light in darkness
And all the desert
Seemed to join the blasphemy

Ia ! Ia ! Ktulu Fthaghn !
Ia ! R'lyeh ! Ktulu Fthagn !


When night has fallen dark and cold,
And mists rise up from ground of old.
When fullmoon lights the earth in fright,
The lone grim rider chills the night...

Here come's the lone night rider,
This is his melody...
His victims might not know it yet,
Their head is what he's out to get !

Here come's the lone night rider,
This is his melody...
He takes away your pleasure,
This is your vision bleak !

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