The Storyteller : Crossroad

Power Metal / Sweden
(2002 - No Fashion Records)
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Well, once again you have decided to visit me in my tower.
You are most welcome.
I take it that you have come to hear
The rest of the story about the book of mystery?
Hmm, let's see where we ended
The last time you were here...
Oh, yes now I remember.

When we ended your last visit we left
Our travelers in the camp of thieves.
And the magic book?
No one knew where it was.
Perhaps it is just lying somewhere, waiting to be found
That is if we're lucky.

Well, are you ready to go into
The time of the stories once again?
Then close your eyes and come with me.


While they were sitting by the fire with the thieves,
Siam started to drift away in his thoughts.
He was thinking of all the dangers
That they'd met during the journey.
And the worst of all was that things
Were only going to get worse.
To be honest, he was afraid that he was not
Strong enough to fulfill his quest,
But suddenly he remembered what the gods had
Told him that night when he had his vision.

Long ago in a land that's unknown,
In an age of darkness and cold
You were raised with steel in your hands,
The only way to survive
But one night you saw a sign
Leave your life behind
Go and seek your destiny, travel far away
Let no one stand in your way

Ride through the storms, through forests and thorns
Don't ever look back just ride on
Adventures ahead, you know you are prepared
To travel through the unknown
Where the legends takes its forms

You travel through forests and paths that's unknown,
Beware cause you are alone
The powers of evil is all around,
Beware or you will be found
But you're not afraid to die
Your gods are at your side
So ride on to your destiny, travel far away
Let no one stand in your way

Ride through the storms...

Follow your vision, it shows you things
That you have never seen
It shows you magic, and takes you places you have never been

A land that's so far away, beyond reality
A land that's so far away, beyond reality

Ride through the storms...


Although our travelers had seen a lot of horrible things
During their journey, nothing would prepare them
For what they were about to see
When they entered the village...
Women and children were slaughtered like cattle.
On giant poles, warriors and old men were impaled,
And all around the village there was
A very thick and dark fog.
Never before had they seen such cruelty,
And no one, not even the brave dwarf
Could keep the tears from falling.
There was no doubt that
The army of darkness had paid a visit to this village.
And by the damage made to the village they were quite sure
That the dark side had found the book of mystery.
That was the only thing capable of doing this kind of damage

Suddenly! Someone cried out in agony!
The travelers froze for a few seconds...
Were the dark army still around the area?
The air was quiet... but there!
Behind that old ruin!
Someone was moving.
They all ran towards the ruin,
And what they saw came as a shock to them.

There was a survivor.
A woman, bruised and beaten, but still alive.
As they began to speak to her it turned out
That she was one of a warrior clan
With a mission of guarding the book of mystery.
Obviously they had failed.
Someone inside the clan had betrayed them,
And sold the information to the evil one,
And therefore the book of mystery was
Now in the hands of the dark side.

She had sworn an oath to guard the book,
And to the gods she now swore to bring
It back to the sorcerers of light, no matter what.
So when they left the village
They had one more traveler by their side,
And her name was Kira the Guardian.

Soldiers were coming far from the hills
To seek the magic we concealed
My people were slaughtered, taken as slaves
To work until their dying days

But I know that one day
I will see victory
That's why I'll follow you
That's why I won't give in
Yes I know that one day
I will see victory
That's why I'll follow you
That's why I won't give in

So now that it's taken, it won't be long
Before their powers will be strong
Using the magic that's in the book
Their reign shall grow, the dark will rise

But I know that one day
I will see victory...

And as we leave the place that was my home
That now is laid in ruins
I swore an oath to restore the book of light again
And take it were it is safe
From all greed, from the dark, and misery

So follow my footsteps, and have no fear
I'll be your guide through the shadows
Always be ready, always be sharp
If we shall survive in the dark

But I know that one day
I will see victory...


Suddenly they awoke.
The wind was getting stronger,
And snow was beginning to fall.
"Looks like there's a storm coming" someone said.
Oh, how right they were.
In a matter of minutes the sky was covered with dark clouds,
Thunder and lightning ripped the sky
And the wind had now fully grown into a storm.

Just as they were planning on seeking shelter
Among the trees they were suddenly attacked from the sky.
Someone was aiming the lightning
At them in attempt to stop our brave
Travelers once and for all.
There was no time to waste.
They had to find shelter,
Or they would be caught in the eye of the storm.
So run, run as fast as you can
As the dark comes for your soul.

Snow, is falling so white and cold
The wind is growing in strength and in rage
The sky that once was so clear
Is now toning over our heads
The sense of magic is in the air

Can it be the work of the magic book?
Or just by the powers of nature
All that we know is that we just can't stay
Or we'll be caught in the eye of the storm

So run, run away
As fast as you can
To escape from the shadows
We need to find shelter
A place we can hide
From the eye of the storm

So run, run away...

There, far away in the mountain hall
Maybe there's somewhere we can hide
With thunder and lighting above us
We're running as hard as we can
Hunted by the magic of the damned

Can it be the work of the magic book?
Or just by the powers of nature
All that we know is that we just can't stay
Or we'll be caught in the eye of the storm

So run, run away...

Can it be the work of the magic book?
Or just by the powers of nature
All that we know is that we just can't stay
Or we'll be caught in the eye of the storm

So run, run away...


As they reached the mountain hall
There was a great gate blocking their way to shelter.
Damn! All is lost.
So this would be the end of their journey?
They had failed in their quest, and
Kail would be lost forevermore.

No, wait! Someone was opening the gate,
And was letting them in.
"Quick!!! Get inside.
Here you will be safe from all evil."
Outside the gate demonic voices screamed
In rage knowing that their prey just had fooled them.

But where were they?
The old man in front of them looked silently
At them for a while, and then he said:
"You have entered the home of the Muhrml people,
And you are most welcome.
My name is Darog.
We know all about your quest,
And if there's anything we can do to help,
Then please let me know."

"If it is in your powers,
Maybe you could help us find a path that
Would lead us through
This mountain and to the dark land,
Without being discovered by the dark army?"

"Of course!" Darog said,
"I'll give you our best tracker to show you the way.
He is by far the best man
We've got so you don't have to worry."

With torches in hand they followed Darog
Down to the secret passage that would lead
Them to the dark side.
But he reminded them not to be off guard.
There were all sorts of dangers waiting
In the dark and one mistake could have devastating results.

Deep in the mountain in darkness and stones
Their kingdom lies there unknown
Where it's been safe from the dangers and wars
No evil can come through their doors

Oh, they promised to help us all
They would guide our way
To the end of our goal

So into the dark, on paths no one knows
He guides our way through the dangers
Beware of your steps, one fault can bring death
And all your work in vain
So follow his steps because he knows the way
That leads us safe through the shadows
So don't hesitate, just do as he says
And we all will be safe in the end

Many hours has gone since we left
In darkness, it feels like a year
But he gives us courage and strength to move on
Don't worry, well make it you'll see

Oh, this road just seems so long
But we all came this far, and we will not stop now

So into the dark...

So into the dark...


At dawn they awakened by a strange sound.
Something that sounded like heavy steps,
Really heavy steps.
Something was slowly bringing itself closer
And closer towards them.
What could it be?
The fear slowly began to take hold of our travelers
As they all grabbed their weapons and formed a circle.
That way everyone had their back covered.

"Over there behind those trees!"
A troll suddenly appeared...
With a huge battleaxe in hand he just
Stood there waiting, but waiting for what?
"Look! There's trolls over there too!
And there, and there.
May the gods have mercy on our souls,
We are surrounded by battle trolls!"
But why were they just standing there,
Why weren't they attacking?
They would soon know why.

Suddenly all the trolls started to pound
Their weapon against their shields,
Making an almost hypnotic rhythm.
And suddenly, from the bushes came something so huge,
So hideous and so evil that any
Man unfortunate enough to meet
It would be lucky if he died of fear.
It was a gobelin.
By it's side stood the man that betrayed Kira
And her clan, and sold the book of mystery to the dark side.
"Spare the woman, I want her alive" he said.
"The rest is all yours.

There came the word they were waiting for
Their warlord was screaming attack!
Hungry for battle and enemy blood
They would never stop

So fire your bows while you still got the time
Kill as many as you can
Reduce the number of enemy troops
As they run towards you

You know this time you have to stand
There is no turning back
So gather the strength you received from the powers above

Now Kira is attacked by the enemy lord
Deadly combat with sword
And the power of the dwarf's double axe
It spreads fear among the trolls
The sorcerer is casting a ghastly
Spell aiming towards the goblin
And Siam strikes a deadly blow tearing the head of a troll

The battle rages furiously
And neither side will give in
So the chosen one gives a silent prayer to the gods

Give me the strength to be victorious
Give me the strength I need to live through this day
Give me the strength to be victorious
Give me the strength to fight for me and my friends

In the dark the screams of wounded soldiers fills the forest
And the smell of death spreads the air
Is it over, did they win, no one knows the answer
They have to wait until the sunrise

Hours of fear!

Give me the strength...


After a long and fearsome night the sun
Finally rose again to start another day.
Did they all make it? Was anyone hurt?
Siam started searching the area in hope
To find all of his friends,
And after a while all of them were found
Except his old friend Darek.

Getting more and more frustrated,
Siam and his friends searched the area again
And again hoping to find Darek,
And when they finally found him it seemed like
All faith of the travelers were gone.
Darek had been struck by a battleaxe
Which ended his life in a very cruel way.
When the warlord came for Kira,
Darek came for her rescue and together
They killed the warlord
Unfortunately a troll was waiting behind a tree
And before Kira could do anything
The troll had put his axe in Darek.
With the last of his strength he turned around
And pushed his sword into the skull of the troll,
And then fell to the ground never to get up again.

So now it was time to say farewell.
Together they lighted the fire
That would take Darek to the other side,
To the land of the warriors.
And then Siam said a few words to honour his friend.

When I started on this quest I had you by my side
And when you traveled by my side I had no fear at all
But now when you have left this world
I feel I'm out of strength
I feel that something's missing me,
I've lost my dearest friend

But hear my words I promise thee,
As you walk to the other side
Your bravery has not been in vain,
I promise you my friend

So hear these words I say to thee
I know the story ends for you and me
But though I know we'll meet again someday
You know I understand, but I can't stand the pain

So hear these words I say to thee
I know the story ends for you and me
But though I know we'll meet again someday
You know I understand, but I can't stand the pain

So make this journey without me,
Take your place among the gods
I try to stay strong and believe in the words, of eternity

I hope the fire treats you good,
And the smoke will show you home.
I try not to cry, I try in your honor,
I'll be strong for thee

But hear my words I promise thee
As you walk to the other side
Your bravery has not been in vain,
I promise you my friend


When it was time to move on to the castle of evil
There was a lot of doubt among the travelers.
They were not sure that they wanted to continue this quest,
And why should they?
If they turned back now
Maybe they would survive instead
Of meeting the same fate as Darek.
And riding towards the castle would only bring one thing:
It was in that moment of doubt that Siam began to speak.

As I started to make this journey I traveled alone
Not knowing what waited for me on the other side
But I always knew that this was destined just for me
Chosen by fate to battle the evil one

And no, no I can not change this prophecy
No, it's already written in my fate

And now that I've come this far into the unknown
This quest feels so hard to bear on my shoulders
And I cannot ask of you to join me to the end
But if I face this alone then I will die

Bu no, no I will not change my destiny
No, I shall follow the sign because

I, I know it's my destiny
And there is nothing here for me
So now, you got to choose you see
Stay here where you'll be safe and warm
Or to carry on
And if you stay then I go alone
Into the land of the dark

Together we're strong enough
There's no way we will lose
Together we'll carry on
United as one we will give them a fight
To battle were riding on
With steel in our hands
In glory we're riding on
Try to fulfill our quest

And no, no we shall not change our destiny
No, we shall follow the sign because

I, I know it's my destiny...


Finally they reached the castle.
When they watched it from the forest they quickly realized
That they would never make it on their own.
The castle was heavily guarded by soldiers
That would easily kill our travelers
Before they even would come close to the gate.

So they decided that one of them
Would travel back to the land of Kail
To seek help from the guardians and if he could,
He would also convince the sorcerers
Of light to help them in their quest.
The one that was chosen to do this was the dwarf.
When he was packing his things Kira walked towards him
And asked if he was afraid.
He smiled at her, and said...

Many years I've sailed on the seas
And never once I've felt any fear
When I go into battle I fight to the death
For what I've done I have no regrets
And if I should be defeated and die
I hope I have proved my courage and might
And that I'll be welcomed to the kingdom above
Were the rainbow meets the sky

Because I know the story will go on
In our world and in the unknown
And I know the story that I've told
Will be here after I'm gone

The rules of my gods, I've always kept strong
The honour of battle, the power of steel
To fight without doubts, and never give in
Then my soul will always win
That's why I don't fear my end
Because if I die then my journey begins
To the place were the mightiest warriors shall gather
And answer to all the gods

Because I know...

Oh, just let it be true,
let me come to you
Show me that the legend is true,
and I'll surrender my steel to you

Because I know...


After weeks of waiting the dwarf finally returned
And with him were the guardians of
Kail and the sorcerers of light.
He had successfully convinced them
To join them in their final battle.
So now it was time, there was no turning back,
It was finally time to fight for the freedom of Kail.
Because it's better to die in battle and to be free,
Instead of living as slaves.
The air was so quiet.
Everyone was waiting for the horns of war to sound.

The sound of the horns gives shivers in me
Cause now it is time to die or be free
So run to the walls and enter the gate
That keeps you from entering the castle
The arrows are flying, bring death to our warriors
How are we gonna get in?

The sorcerer casts a mighty spell that bashes down the gate
Everyone get in and fight, fight for the kingdom of Kail

For the freedom of Kail we shall bleed
As we fight for victory
We can't stop, we can never give in
Or the world will be lost for our souls

As we run to the courtyard,
The soldiers of darkness is blocking our path
They try to stop us from finding the way
To their lord and the magic book
But they can't stop us from getting through,
One by one they are falling by our swords
I pity those who are in our way, their lives will end today.

There is a gate that leads to the dungeons
A path to the heart of the dark
Try to stay calm, 'cause they can sense your fear
One mistake and you die

Why are all these voices calling me?
They want to take my soul, just keep away.

"Welcome my friend to my domains, welcome to your purgatory"
You are the one I have seen in my dream,
You are the one I shall fight
"You will never defeat me my friend,
You will die and your soul will be mine"
I shall never surrender to you, I shall rather die

The Sorcerer's spell is protecting us all
And with his help, then we'll never fall
I feel the powers, the gods are at our side
I draw my blade and burst into the fight

For the freedom of Kail...

And so the legends ends !


(No lyrics available)

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