The Old Ones : Spirits!

Heavy Metal / Czechia
(2006 - 9 Productions)
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1. Spirits

( Music: Black Pharaoh / Lyrics: George G. Byron )

A star is seen at the darker end of the gallery: it is
stationary; and a voice is heard singing.


Mortal! to thy bidding bow'd,
From my mansion in the cloud,
Which the breath of twilight builds,
And the summer's sunset gilds
With the azure and vermilion
Which is mix'd for my pavilion;
Though thy quest may be forbidden,
On a star-beam I have ridden,

Voice of the SECOND SPIRIT.

In the blue depth of the waters,
Where the wave hath no strife,
Where the wind is a stranger
And the sea-snake hath life,
Where the Mermaid is decking
Her green hair with shells;
Like the storm on the surface
Came the sound of thy spells;


Earth, ocean, air, night, mountains, winds, thy star,
Are at thy beck and bidding, Child of Clay!
Before thee at thy quest their spirits are -
What wouldst thou with us, son of mortals - say?

MANFRED. Forgetfulness -

FIRST SPIRIT. Of what - of whom - and why?

MANFRED. Of that which is within me; read it there -
Ye know it, and I cannot utter it.

MANFRED. Forgetfulness -

FIRST SPIRIT. Of what - of whom - and why?

MANFRED. Of that which is within me; read it there -
Ye know it, and I cannot utter it.


Earth, ocean, air, night, mountains, winds, thy star,
Are at thy beck and bidding, Child of Clay!
Before thee at thy quest their spirits are -
What wouldst thou with us, son of mortals - say?

MANFRED. Forgetfulness -

FIRST SPIRIT. Of what - of whom - and why?

MANFRED. Of that which is within me; read it there -
Ye know it, and I cannot utter it.

MANFRED. Forgetfulness -

FIRST SPIRIT. Of what - of whom - and why?

MANFRED. Of that which is within me; read it there -
Ye know it, and I cannot utter it.

SECOND SPIRIT. It is not in our essence, in our skill;
But - thou mayst die.

A voice is heard in the Incantation which follows.

And a magic voice and verse
Hath baptized thee with a curse;
And a spirit of the air
Hath begirt thee with a snare;
In the wind there is a voice
Shall forbid thee to rejoice;
And to thee shall Night deny
All the quiet of her sky;


Though thy slumber may be deep,
Yet thy spirit shall not sleep;
There are shades which will not vanish,
There are thoughts thou canst not banish;
By a power to thee unknown,
Thou canst never be alone;
Thou art wrapt as with a shroud,
Thou art gather'd in a cloud;
And forever shalt thou dwell
In the spirit of this spell.

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