The Lust : My Dear Emptiness

Тексты песен




Come closer, speak quiet.
Be tender, let's get tired.
What's your secret?
We can use it (right now).
As we're using one of mine.

Once you'll cut the elusive line, so much the better.
It's out-of-date desire
Or easly break my inviolable rule
I assure I'll revenge you.
With obsolete and frightening fire.

My passion is managed and real.
If it's not your case, -
It's not a big deal.
My condition, – your decision to kill.
But your words won't explain
Desperation I feel.


Whatever happens, whatever someone says
I've dreamed about you day after day
And world was all about.
Whatever I had told, whatever I had done and thought -
I knew – the truth was on my side
And light was all around.

Lets rain remains you who was your friend
Who was as it can ever be so close to you.
I'm thousand abysses from it
No longer making scares
Right on the opened soul
You meant it well, I never knew.

Whatever happens, whatever someone says -
My fault that you belongs to other universe
And gloom is all around.
I've dreamed about it, those dreams are already gone.
Another man perceived my lie.


Those days: red, blue and white...
There're gone, there're almost out of sight
And echos of beautiful verses
Remembers noone in the night
Simulations with reality,
Manipulations of misery,
Incompatible blood's transfusion...
Whim of days in black...

Memories are strange and pale
Like being contrary with written fairytale.
Again, this well-known state of loosing myself.
This is the way I go, long long way to go.

My honey, he loves me no more
His heart is cold, his voice is rough.
Hope and darkness are wrestling inside.
Please don't make me fight.
You're wrong, my dear, my love is for real
But I feel that I'm loosing my ancient skill.
A strange lack is touching my heart, -
The lack of days in black!!!


The next edition my life across
Tears out all disillusions.
From my flesh and blood.
Disconnection in the core
Lamentation more and more and more...

My dear emptiness
We were so thoughtless
Now I'm your frequent guest
My dear emptiness...

What kind of pleasure
Do you prefer?
Which one of them
Do you ignore?
Low resolution in one's head
Marry is mad.

My dear emptiness
Enjoy your powerlessness
Now I'm her frequent guest
My dear emptiness.

Self-destruction has no excuse
Souls corruption brings the noose.
Truth is what destroys your core.
You need love and even more and more and more...


So sad your last good-bye was said
Some days before the spring has began.
This world was full of frustration, it's too much
To loose to find another one.

Hate these revelations
My mind is gonna spread
A heart is yearning, time won't turn
The endless night is whispering...

Half-forgotten in many ways
There's nothing ever I could case
With might and main I've tried to throw my love away

Half-remembered I am
You don't mean, I don't give a damn
I have to cut out this space
From my being sincerely yours...

I can't erase you from my life
I can't delete the vision of you.
Whatever will happen to us, – it's silly
To deify it and ruin something new

This world belongs to nothing
We 're going separate lanes
But heart 's still yearning, the body keeps your warm
And someone 's whispering...


Of course I'd like to be the centre of your universe.
And be the only sun while happy day is come in force.
No need of worry if this smallest dream is out of reality.
I know that I will be Your cup, check up my sexuality!

Don't you wanna save this tiny sprout of love,
I'm so happy of.
Let it be a trifling set I'm easily engaged.
Please save this tiny sprout of love,
I'm so proud of.
It's like the freshest nothern wind in my musty cage.

As far as I know me I'll get you sooner or later.
All your previous girls will be forgotten as a dream.
My lust will catch you and infect our bodies like a long desease.
You'll be the victim of my love and my strange individuality!

They say that I'm sick, but they don't understand, how good is it.
A dual world of hunt and sex, I live in and adore.
No need of worry if You're still afraid of my perverted song.
You will like my fantasies, this hyper-sensuality


Give Him my regards and tell
I'd like to stay here for a while
Have to taste all greatest feelings round here
Have to see how long He will be near..

This is the story so far
One meeting that meens sometimes
Much more than houndreds stupid games
Throughout in this groovy life
I drag my body
And proove that I have the name.

This world will never set me free.
The price I pay for every day of life increases.
Love keeps us fighting 'till the end of nowadays
Presents us meaning of what we take in our funeral case.


For Goddness sake I have no idea
Where essence is to find
I'm good for nothing so to speak
If you could read my mind.
In heaven's name where is my path
Why am I afraid to know
The whole revelation
About feelings I don't wanna show.

Neither prison, nor seduction – power we don't have
Mourning, gambling and despair are whirling in the air.
Everyday though shame and pain I wear somebody's trip
This whole revelation about feelings I don't wanna keep.



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