The Exit Wound : Slippery Slope

Melodic Death / Hungary
(2019 - Abran Records)
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We did not see it coming
All of a sudden, we found ourselves
In the middle of this
Virtual civil war

The powers that be
Have managed to blind
The masses hungry
For entertainment and lies

Viewing the world
Through a distorted mirror

That was made to mislead
Those too lazy
To bother

Forging fake news
To push their propaganda
Not caring about
The consequences

Viewing the world
Through a distorted mirror

That was made to mislead
Those too lazy
To bother

Open your eyes
Refuse the garbage
They try to feed you

Stand up for yourself
Deny the lies
And make a difference

Let’s end the madness
And listen to the wise
Let the light into our hearts


Your moral compass
Is clearly broken
Or worse, you have
Lost it entirely

You have been acting
Like some weather vane
Changing direction with the
Wind of money and fame

Choosing the path
Of least resistance
Even though you should know
It’s a slippery slope

It is not too difficult
To see where it will end
Unless you decide to put
Blindfold on your eyes

How could
You end up like this
I pray it is not yet
Indeed the end of you

From the outside looking in, it’s easy to see
What’s wrong with this picture of you
But nothing will improve until you see it for yourself
And decide to turn it all around

I’m on the verge of giving up on you
But hope against hope, I still long to see you change
For the better, turning your steps
Back to the narrow path that you’ve sadly left


Wake up! You are still
Dwelling on the past
Or rather, a version of the past
You prefer to remember

Wake up! You’re daydreaming
Having come to believe
The story you invented
Is true

You’ve surrounded yourself
With men of weak will
Who will agree with anything
You happen to say

They assure you that
This make-believe world
You’ve pretended living in
Is real

Applying double standards
You’re ready to condemn others

You have hardened your heart
It is now like stone
Where is your forgiveness
For your supposed enemies?

You are still carrying
This heavy burden
Of hurt feelings
A damaged ego

Applying double standards
You’re eager to condemn others
Refusing to forgive them the sin
You too committed against them


You replaced the sacred with the earthly
The profound got replaced with the profane
You exchanged heavenly insight
With the wisdom of this world

God is no longer in the center
Man has been exalted on the throne
The Spirit is now grieving
He’s still calling you, you just have to listen

The matters of the Spirit
Have lost their significance for you
Carnal motivations have taken their place
In your internal kingdom now the flesh reigns

You have not realized
How you have fallen down
From the hilltop on high
Where you once stood

You’re feeling high while just crawling on the ground
Vanity has blinded your eyes, you cannot see this basic truth
Heaven’s door is open still, it is waiting for you
Bow down before the throne, let go of the old you


Under the limelight
Elevated from the ground
Lifted high above
Your audience

Staring at you
With bright faces
Thousands of skulls
Sporting empty eyes
They are ready to accept
Whatever comes from you
Just to fill the void

Your voice is soaring high
Above the heads
Your message is getting out

Their minds are void
Of clear, conscious thoughts
What you do seems
To be working on them
You’re so full of yourself
But what you fail to realize
Is that God is not fooled
And he will not be mocked

lyrics added by Coleiosis - Modify this lyrics