The Exit Wound : A Pure Heart

Melodic Death / Hungary
(2017 - Abran Records)
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My heart is a dirty sheet
Write your words on it
Make it clean, make it alive
Make it beat again

Baptize me in fire
Baptize me in the spirit
Cleanse my heart
Cleanse my soul

Make me a new being
A new creation
Give me your bread to eat
Give me your new wine to drink

Make me a new being
A new creation
Let the old go, let the new come
Let me come to life

Lay your hand upon me
Breathe your spirit in me
Put a new song in my mouth
Lift me out of the mud and mire

Make me a new being
A new creation
Give me your bread to eat
Your new wine to drink

Make me a new being
A new creation
Let the old go, let the new come
Let me come to life

Baptize me in fire
Baptize me in the spirit
Cleanse my heart
Cleanse my soul


Have mercy on me, o God
According to your unfailing love
And your great compassion
Blot out my transgressions

Wash away my iniquity
And cleanse me from my sin
For I know my transgressions
My sin is before me

Against you, you only
Have I sinned

Create in me a pure heart, o God
Renew a steadfast spirit within me
Do not cast me from your presence
Or take your Holy Spirit from me

I have done what is evil
In your sight
You are proved right when you speak
Justified when you judge

Surely I was sinful at birth
Since my mother conceived me
You desire truth in the inner parts
You teach me wisdom

In the inmost place

Create in me a pure heart, o God
Renew a steadfast spirit within me
Do not cast me from your presence
Or take your Holy Spirit from me

Restore the joy
Of your salvation
And grant me a willing spirit
To sustain me

Save me from bloodguilt, o God
The God who saves me
O Lord, open my lips and my mouth
Will declare your praise

You don’t delight in sacrifice
Or I would bring it
You don’t take pleasure in burnt

My sacrifice, o God
Is a broken spirit
A broken and contrite heart
You will not despise

Create in me a pure heart, o God
Renew a steadfast spirit within me
Do not cast me from your presence
Or take your Holy Spirit from me


Shelter me
Cover me
Hide me in the shadow
Of your wings

Shelter me
Cover me
From the threats
Of the Liar

Shelter me
Cover me
Draw me close
To you

When the storm
Is coming
You are my refuge
A firm
To build upon

You are
My anchor
On troubled seas

When the tide
Is rising
I hold on to you

When the storm
Is coming
You are my refuge
A firm
To build upon

When the flood
Is coming
You are my rock
A firm
To build upon


Two are better than one
If one falls down
The other can
Lift him up

Enter in
My heart
I hear you knocking
At my door

I hear you calling me, come inside and stay
The door is open for you Jesus
Enter in my life, take control
Thy kingdom come

In my darkest hour you heard my cry for help
Reached out your hand to lift me up
You have never left my side, never let me down
Carried me when I was too weak to walk

Spent too much time
Wandering alone
Chasing the wind
Out in the cold

Enter in
My life
I hear you calling
My name

I hear you calling me, come inside and stay
The door is open for you Jesus
Enter in my life, take control
Thy will be done

In my darkest hour you heard my cry for help
Reached out your hand to lift me up
You have never left my side, never left me alone
Carried me on eagles’ wings


Do not anyone
Lead you astray
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness

Everything exposed
By the light
Becomes visible

Wake up o sleeper
Rise from the dead

The world doesn’t know us
Because it didn’t know him
Purify yourself as he is pure

It is light that makes
Everything visible
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness

Wake up o sleeper!
Rise from the dead!

Be very careful
How you live
Not as unwise
But as wise

The days are evil
Do not be foolish
Be filled with the spirit
Be strong in the Lord

Our struggle is not
Against flesh and blood
But against the powers
Of this dark world

Against the rulers
Against the authorities
Against the spiritual
Forces of evil

Put on the full armour
Stand your ground
When the day of evil comes

Stand firm, be alert
Put off your old self
Be made new in the attitude of your mind

Wake up o sleeper!
Rise from the dead!


There is no faithfulness, there is no love
No acknowledgement of God in the land
There is only cursing, lying and murder
Stealing and adultery, they break all bounds

And bloodshed
Follows bloodshed
Because of this
The land mourns

Men who suppress the truth by their wickedness
Men are without excuse
Their thinking has become futile
Their foolish hearts have become darkened

Although they claimed to be wise
They have become fools

There is no faithfulness, there is no love
No acknowledgement of God in the land
There is only cursing, lying and murder
Stealing and adultery, they break all bounds

I will destroy
The wisdom of the wise
The intelligence
Of the intelligent I will frustrate

Men who suppress the truth by their wickedness
Men are without excuse
Their thinking has become futile
Their foolish hearts have become darkened

Although they claimed to be wise
They have become fools

Where is the wise man?
Where is the scholar?
Where is the wise man?
Where is the scholar?

Brood of vipers
The axe is at the root of
Trees bearing no fruit
To be thrown into the fire

Whitewashed tombs
Looking beautiful
On the outside
But inside full of death

Blind guides
Always learning
But never able
To acknowledge the truth

False witnesses
With deceitful tongues
The spirit
Oppressors of the poor
Showing contempt for their Maker
Their sacrifice
Is detested

Men of depraved minds
Offering strange fire

Humble yourselves before the Lord
And he will lift you up
Come near to God and he will come near to you
Submit yourselves to Him

Wash your hands, you sinners
And purify your hearts
Grieve, mourn and wail, you double-minded
Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom

Be patient and stand firm
Until the Lord’s coming
His coming is near
The Judge is standing at the door



lyrics added by Coleiosis - Modify this lyrics