The Dreamside : Apaika

Indus Gothic / Netherlands
(1996 - Nuclear Blast)
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The goddess is my music
The music is my gift
You try to kill this

Amazing descendant of hostility
It’s best you’re leaving
Please take along your misery

Amazing descendant of hostility
I know it’s just fear
But it takes you over

In the light of my defeat
Is that the only way
You can be somewhat happy
To make me so much smaller than me
To make you so much taller,
Yes you are pretending
How about some equality


You may find me under the willow tree
I might be dead or just thinking
Like always…

You may find me under the willow tree
I might be dead or just thinking
Like always, I always do in this place
Yes I suffocate just as you do
Maybe I pretend to know where I stand
But I make mistakes just as you do
I feel like Siddhartha on a search through this life

I am searching
I never said I knew, I never said this
I am searching
I never said I knew, I never said so….
I’m just searching
This quest
I never said I knew it all…

And I do see under this wild sad tree
I try to grab life that surrounds me
The taste of earth, the swirl I’m in
Dirt upon my scarred skin
To taste life around me this ain’t no sin

Sometimes I stray of in wonder
So I wander round planet earth
You may help me, so walk beside me now
Don’t judge me so we can feel strong
yes I might pretend to know where I stand
But I make mistakes just as you do
I feel some like Siddhartha on a quest through this life

Maybe one day I will end up
Nice and quiet next to the riverside
Next to the river….
But until then I have a need to….

I see myself as I look in the beggars eye
I see myself as I look up to God
I see myself pass as this millionaire
And the mirror moves, says I’m this all


Paika Apaika Apaika Apaika


Qu’est ce que tu cherche
dans le bois
avec le feu
dans tes yeux
mon Paika

Paika Apaika Apaika Apaika

Si envie de vie

Quelques choses entre nous
Des choses de valeur
La force toujours invisible
La joie de vivre ni peur

Quelle leçon tu me donne
Mon Paika


You come alive, find your trust broken
smashed and torn on the floor
your mind is a mess, your body wrecked
you know that you can’t be

In this place in which we wander, the future that we have build
I’m growing old in silence, life slips like time through my hands
And my love I cannot follow your dead end streets, I drown
This swirl of wild emotions, what we once had may never be found…

Where are the days when we were stronger?
And the nights never seemed this long
I wouldn’t stare in puzzled wonder
Why it all went gone…




Wahrheit ist Feuer, Wahrheit reden heisst brennen, heisst leuchten

She lights the truth in days so dark
Though she must burn her light will spark
Her body glows, burnt from inside
The truth is cold and cuts as ice

Nuda Veritas

I stop and kneel
Where others turn
Their heads away
Full of envy, full of hate
Twist and turn their evil schemes
They’ll burn

Nuda---- Veritas


When every word is mistaken
And all emotions shaken
Craving for the touch
Accumulate desire it’s all too much

It’s all too much

Just look at my hands shake
Look at my body ache
Look at my hands shake
I see no way to do what my heart tells me

Another place, another time
The fantasy within my mind

With every touch, confused within
In every inch of naked skin
I drown myself again
Lust, it is always the same
It is always the same
It drives me insane

Another place, another time
The fantasy within my mind


Communication beyond words through sex, mystical and Primitive
Nothing without paradox
Pure oh so pure

We fucked till dawn, I’m broken and blue, turned inside out
My God I feel alive, you made me shout
Pain came my way and I feared it was here to stay
But luckily your helping hand, you turned me round

So we can cry, cry and crush now
So we can break our crystallized ice

Got to get loose from the heritage of censorship
Trying to disown sexuality
Pain came my way and I feared it was here to stay
But luckily your healing love,-Godsent- turned me round
Going dizzy spellbound

Pure oh so pure
I love you my blood brother in lust

So I can give you all my primal lust
‘cause you comprehend instinctively
‘cause you can take on me, I love you
‘cause you can take on me, you love me


Ta voix me cherche dans l’hombre
Le lit est dans la chamber, dans la nuit
O-? Ecoute le craquement des bambous
La neige tombe sur les branches, dans la nuit
Demain la terre sera blanche et froide

Mais notre amour toujours…. Pourquoi
Ce frisson, cette main lasse, ce sein roide
Le bonheur qui nous fuit?

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