Terror Tactics : Thermonuclear Deathrash Attack

Thrash Metal / Poland
(2011 - Self-Released)
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Morbid waves of toxic death irradiating air and soil
We’re afraid of radio-phobia witch attacks un-periled nations
Melting eyes and sterilize things that they expect
Thousand of miles away yet still they won't believe

Tragic death by heart attack, body count extends
Ironic shit less have died, by radiation than by seizure
Chernobyl disaster wont put us down, cos you’ll
See that after all we shall wear thermonuclear crown

Radio-phobic incantation, paranormal devastation
Ignorance, infestation, all in-safe nation

No nuclear fire or atom can change
The Course of mankind’s history and technology
We don't want to live forever and hide ourselves
Stand proud might and technology hand in hand
I won't be taken hostage by my fuckin' fears
Never live like a serf, live and die like a king
Radio-phobic society can't understand our legacy
The legacy of atom kings and nuclear gods

Media hysteria victims, no cure for this kind
Of technological dementia
Being safe is waste of time, support our cause
Or try your luck
Prometheus rises, will you oppose
For your comfort and nostalgia?
Ask yourself just one more time
Do I want to live forever?

Take your time and realize
Without atom we'll be fucked
Nuclear fire is our trail
We'll tame it or we'll fall
Radio-phobia byproduct
Of ecology and human greed
It's either we or them
I don't wanna die for some plants

Let's build ourselves atomic cult
Baptize our children in reactors
Drink holy coolant fluids and eat
The tabernaculum's fuselage
Every Sunday atomic mass
Every December radio X-Mas
Disturbing? yes it is
Progress always disturbs status-quo

We shall destroy the old world and start a new
Under the greenish gloom of radiation marks
Radiation sickness shall be radiation wickedness
Evolution by mutation evolution by disease

And so it end by your hands and it begins by ours
Radio-phobia your only chance to keep the power
Leprosy and scorbutics and loss of blood evolution is painful
Ever changing in sicker form a price of father's sins and conform


Tongues of flame brighten up the endless horizon
Ripping darkness of a night, we hear battle cry
Death is near, will put your soul to sleep
You can`t run or hide, the course of ruins

We are invaders, the death dealers
Technology has gave us birth to live for
Violence, metal and women in leather
North wind proclaims our arrival

With stench of death and pestilence we ride
The flag of hate, chains and evil er hold
Nuclear winter consume victims of our hatred
Bayonets so red of our enemies blood

We declare ourselves as the legion of doom
And as superiors of grater Poland westlands
Festung posen the place of our birth
Down there you`ll be welcomed by our enemies heads

We are carnivores, we swallow the dead bodies
With nails we rip open skulls and with chains we tie
The citadel always ready for new prisoners
St. Atalbert`s hill has become our stronghold

We live in the ancient government vaults
We live in the ancient ruins that become tombs
With anomalies that infest streets of Poznań
There is no place for the weak

Evolution altered by radiation is hostile
But mankind shall exist forever more
Wipe the dust from your face and arise
Follow us or just fucking die!


Atomic suns have passed away
Descends the curtain of death
Nuclear winter came to take it's toll

Amongst the moonless nights
Gleaming Spirits from the past
Howl above the nameless vaults

Upon the ancient bombs we bow
We summon thee, mighty radiation
Release us from these rotting flesh

Destroy our verminous forms
Cast our spirits into cosmic spheres
Reconcile our path with chaos

Black perpetual cosmic sea
I hear thy calling
Azathoth's whine of accursed flutes
From unlighted chambers beyond time and space

Atomic storms have them awaken
Horrible animate survivors of distant eons
The great old ones, ancient cult

Cosmic horror I see in my dreams
And I don't want to witness
Their ominous return

Crawling chaos roams the earth
Pharaoh of the apocalypse and plague
The soul of the outer gods

Mighty yog-sothoth I summon thee!
Pass me through your sinister gateways
Let me experience outside of inhabited space

Vain is the demise of earth and its rats
In the eyes of universe immense!
Elder entities had been there before
And they shall descend once more!

Ancient horror, fall from grace
Black secrets of nightmarish past
Lonesome shapes, morbid chaos
Dreams older than time itself!

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