Teksuo : Endless

Metalcore / Spain
(2020 - Self-Released)



Look at the mirror again. Face up, the lies you told to yourself, you made your best, you played it well.
But in the end you crave always for more, thinking it over from the inside out.

Should we remain so anxious? Somehow we still remain. We fall apart, we roam until we come into our own.

Sun is glaring wiping out all that remorse. Shines brightly all that longing in your soul. Burn up!

Should we remain so anxious? Somehow we still remain. We fall apart, we roam until we come into our own.

I must say beyond those eyes you are endless, I can't say I sing these words alone.


You're a big part of this black heart, but on your side there's always colours of perfect love that you gave to me.
Before I could understand my feet were tied to the ground. Before I could understand how life turns around.

Deep down. I know that all these years I've failed to overcome what I've been hiding. Deep down. I know you taught me how to swim when no one else was even drowning. My life was colourless. I will remember forever no matter what you were there for me. So many times we walked side by side through thick and thin. I try, I lose, I fail.
But you don't let me hit the bottom. We fought, we cried, we loved. We try, we learn, we grow.

From the mistakes we deserve to make. Now we both understand we can't let life pass us by.
I wish you could even realize. I wish someday you can see how it feels like.

Deep down. I know that all these years I've failed to overcome what I've been hiding. Deep down. I know you taught me how to swim when no one else was even drowning. My life was colourless. I will remember forever no matter what you were there for me. So many times we walked side by side through thick and thin. I try, I lose, I fail.
But you don't let me hit the bottom. We fought, we cried, we loved. We try, we learn, we grow.


Memories not regrets. Nothing left to hold on to. Endless forever. Now everything has turned to dust.
There's only dust. All we had or all we were, it's crawling back into me.
Memories or regrets. Don't know who I am or who I was. Is this repentance or just a ghost?

Wake me up again and tell me everything will be okay. Carry me on my way, I cannot believe the words they say.

Forever endless you and I. Forever endless, we used to claim was all we had.Forever endless, in my mind.

Wake me up again and tell me everything will be okay. Carry me on my way, I cannot believe the words they say.
But it was worth. Believe it was worth.

All I had or all I was, has become my burden. All we had or all we were, it's crawling back into me.

Forever endless you and I.


Lost on my own, I don't wanna and ain't gonna go cause this lifeless bond is wasting me away.
And after all this time, I'm trying hard but it's taking time to get back to that point in life where there was truth.

Have I been waiting? I am still facing my demons. Now I see clearly, it couldn´t be more relieving. Finally free.
Finding hope inside a hole, fighting back to settle down. You're your own savior. Save yourself.

And after all this time, maybe I can say I'm back and I know where the compass points after all this time.

Have I been waiting? I am still facing my demons. Now I see clearly, it couldn´t be more relieving. Finally free.

Find yourself and throw the stones away before you're too far gone.
Past. Why are you coming back? Just go away, cause my life is back. At least my life is mine.

Find yourself and throw the stones away before you're too far gone.

Finding hope inside a hole, fighting back to settle down. You're your own savior. Save yourself.


Look straight into my eyes. Can you tell me what's inside? Is something wrong? Cause I can't tell.
I think there's nothing left to hide. I feel my heart was painted black. It's heavy now, so heavy now.

If you can't tell I'm scared as hell, It takes the life out of my flesh. The sun don't shine and that's ok.
Will I ever break this cage? Out of this cage, can you tell? I am a mess, can you tell?

I'm a ghost, only flesh, ain't it funny how it ends? I´ve fooled myself once or twice on the outside I look just fine.

I saw you staring through the cracks, you couldn't tell in a thousand lives. Just give me one more reason.

If you can't tell I'm scared as hell, It takes the life out of my flesh. The sun don't shine and that's ok.
Will I ever break this cage? Out of this cage, can you tell? I am a mess, can you tell?

I feel like these words are just insane, but I can't keep wondering why I am this way.
I feel like I'm maybe losing sight, but I can't keep waiting one more single day.
Just give me one more reason. Another fucking reason.


Face the truth, cause you've been carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders and no one can
see your legs giving up. Many years I did believe that the cross was only yours to bear, I was so wrong.

Maybe someday we will recover. Maybe someday we'll find each other on the other side wasting our time.
Am I lost in my hidden world. Will I ever have a chance to become a better man? Now I feel these roots are
holding me, from the bottom of my heart I think they'll never understand.

I was in a hole but got out alive. I climbed the rope but these scars won't be forgotten.

Face the truth, cause you've been carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.

Maybe someday we will recover from our mistakes. Maybe someday we'll find each other on the other side.
Healing this love. Am I lost in my hidden world. Will I ever have a chance to become a better man.
Now I feel these roots are holding me, from the bottom of my heart I think they'll never understand.

Am I lost, in my hidden world. I climbed the rope but these scars won´t be forgotten. Pull me out! Pull me out!


Weird times to trust this life is real. No time for us living these lies. Take a look now I have never felt this pain,
deep as a trench. Take a deep breath then count to ten closed eyes, awakening. Surrounded by my phantoms.

Save your breath, such a waste for the time we have left.

If we bend the time to a different world, will you sing with me, stay with me? I'm not afraid to leave my life behind.
Can you pretend that I'm the chaos? Where will you stab me now? Unguided life.

Just exhale, such a waste for the time we have left.

If we bend the time to a different world, will you sing with me, stay with me?
I´m not afraid to leave my life behind. Stay with me until I am erased.

Can you pretend that I'm the chaos? Will you stab me in the back?
Can you pretend that I'm the chaos? Will you stab me in my fucking heart?


Long ago, you once said, I'll live and die by my own rules. And you took it to the grave along with
the demons that hammered the last nail. This son you left, broken and even more lost hidden by
the darkest wall. This song I left, for everyone that understands how I feel, a desperate cry.

I can't see the lights and still pretend that all is just fine.
I can't see through the clouds, so let it rain and tear apart this wall that I cannot climb.

I've been fooling myself, maybe you were just a loner. But I've learned this from you,
life is meant to be lived and not survived. This son you left, broken and even more lost hidden
by the darkest wall. This song I left, for everyone that understands how I feel, a desperate cry.

And brick by brick, we are gonna take it down, with the ones I call my own. Help me, this is a desperate cry.

I can't see the lights, and still pretend that all is just fine.
I can't see through the clouds, so let it rain and tear apart this wall That I cannot climb.


How can't you see the lights will always call our name? You know this is the only thing that makes me feel.
We are not prepared to bite the hand that fucking feeds the insecurities within.
We follow the signs of what we should become next. Live by the standards or be aside from the herd.

This is all that we live for. We fell in love with the art and its demons. This is all that we stand for. The purest love that you'll ever know. I don't understand, how can't you see this is my everything. Defines who I am and all I've wanted to be.

I'll rather die than tie my soul to a fucking desk. The lights will always call my name. What should I do to finally prove myself to you? This is the only thing. That makes me feel. Hear us screaming loud. Hear us screaming our hearts out

This is all that we live for. We fell in love with the art and its demons. This is all that we stand for. The purest love that you'll ever know. I don't understand, how can't you see this is my everything. Defines who I am and all I've wanted to be. We don't understand, how can't you see that we're free. Defines who we are, this is what makes us believe.

We're free. How can't you see the lights will always call our name? How can't you see this is all what we live for?


Tell me how it makes you feel pushing someone else to the edge. Maybe it's your deepest secret,
an escape from your insecurities. You want nothing but attention, too cold and numb to see the pain inflicted.
Our brains are filled with a never ending speech of hate. Are we becoming dead on the inside?
No tongue nor heart spitting blood behind a screen. Running out of time and we don't care.

No it won't get to us even if they still try to cut open these scars.
There is no time to waste don't let this wear you down every step makes you who you are.

I'd like to see you walk in my shoes. Let me watch you eat your goddamn words.
Let me watch you on the other side. Tell me how it makes you feel, when I'm pushing you close to the edge.

No it won't get to us even if they still try to cut open these scars.
There is no time to waste don't let this wear you down every step makes you who you are.

We need to see through hell so the flames froze in our eyes. We came to realize that together we stand tall. We need to see through hell. We need the flames to freeze in our eyes. Let the fire be your gasoline. Tell me how it makes you feel, when I'm pushing you close to the edge.


We have been running away, but time never ceases to fade. Our fight. Life still goes by as you force
yourself to stay on the right pathway. Time still goes by trying to pretend that you are not on the edge of a knife.

Silence, regret, It's worth to push our backs against the wall. Suffering and pain don't
want to push our backs against the wall. You have been running away, but time never
ceases to fade. It's like we just can't forget the times when we felt awake.

Have you just thought what's going on? I have been running away, but time never ceases to fade.
It's like I just can't forget the times when I felt awake. We have been running away, but time never ceases to fade.


I couldn't see the forest for the trees while there was light.
Couldn't even understand, how it all began. I was so blind.

I knew from my heart, it would fall apart, collapse and break down.
So don't forget everything wrong we have done for so long. Did we care?
So wait till dawn I've been on my knees and lost for so long. Are you pleased?

Would I ever forget? How could you turn off the fucking lights?
And now I'm lost in the dark, I cannot find the right path.
Today I see how things should have been. Are you still blind? I lied, I saw the forest
from the trees. It's easier not to face reality. I made amends with myself and no one else.

I knew from my heart, it would fall apart, collapse and break down.
So don't forget everything wrong we have done for so long. Did we care?
So wait till dawn I've been on my knees and lost for so long. Are you pleased?
I knew from my heart, it would fall apart, collapse and break down. I was so blind.


Searching not finding, there's nothing left. Just stop the talking, please go away. While I'm thinking out loud.
Maybe it's too little too late. I'll let you go cause I've been feeling broken. This is not your fault,
you don't have to suffer. I'm still on my own triying to forget the things I've done so wrong.

Maybe it's too little too late to live again. You know, it is. Maybe it's too little too late breathe again.

Maybe it's too little too late. Maybe I can't cope with regret. Hold me close cause I feel I'm falling in a bigger hole
I've dug realizing that I'm on my own learning from the things I've done so wrong.

Maybe it's too little too late to live again. You know, it is. Maybe it's too little too late breathe again.

Maybe it's too little too late. Maybe I can't cope with regret. Maybe there is no way out.

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