Tearstained : Final Thoughts

Тексты песен

1. Emotionally Massacred

I have been massacred
Used and thrown away
Woman of ice, cold hearted bitch
Emotionless sibyl destroyed me

A gaping hole in my chest
Internal torture and loss
Rejection kills me
Used and massacred emotions

Such a waste of emotion
I am cursed and afflicted
Never open the heart to Iesa
Woman of ice destroyed me

I welcomed her in
Like an infection she spread
Then laid waste to me
I have been massacred

Lies.... Lies.... All lies
A facade that melts away
My tears turn to blood
She enjoys my pain
Lies.... Lies.... All lies
She enjoys my pain

Despondent and unmotivated
Depressive aggression, retaliation
A fevered agony of pain
I have again been MASSACRED!!!!!!
I have been emotionally massacred!

2. Cold And Distant

Emotionless - total coldness
Solitary - heartless query
Lost and drifting - a winter soul
Unmotivated - no dreams or goals
Numb and painless - Passion aimless
Feeling faded - thoughts are jaded
Death enticing - romanticizing
Life is pain - exist in vain

Thoughtless - Emotionless
Cold and Distant
Reclusive - introverted
No care, no hope, no life left in me

Antisocial - isolated
Cold and Distant
Tormented - intoxicated
No care, no hope, no life left in me

Reactionless - bitter coldness
No reaction - death's attraction
No response - no needs or wants
Why live on when emotion's gone

Just existing.......
So fucking lonely.....

I couldn't take anymore
I couldn't take anymore living
In this world
Happy being so cold and distant

I just do not care anymore....

3. Trust No One

Life's glow has grown so pale
The air I breathe is old and stale
Humans are such lecherous waste
An uphill battle I have faced

Thieving scum and political facades
Special interests cater to their gods
We are a virus that continues to spread
Honor and dignity are so fucking dead

Lies are the way of man
Catch deception if you can
Protect yourself with a shield of hate
Search for a means to sedate
Escaping what in fact is real
Worn down I now no longer feel
When apathy is common place
I want to leave the human race

Life is torture with no reward
The ways of man (are) so abhorred
We do not deserve to exist
Suicide so hard to resist

It's so sad how degenerate we are
Barely civilized yet come so far
We waste and use and throw away
And it continues every day

Almighty dollar makes the world go round
Whether you scream or make no sound
We all are so insignificant
Why do I want to live in a world like this?

Trust No One!!!!!!!

Who wants to bring a child into a world like this?

4. Grim Bitterness

So beyond tears and sorrow
Cold and numb and filled with pain
Life is a dismal gray cloud
Dry eyes stare blank insane
Lost all touch with normalcy
A hatred swells aflame within
Pain is essential to this mindset
Rebel eternal never give in

Grim Bitterness - So far beyond depression
Grim Bitterness - Withdrawn and numbed

So far gone, unreachable
Do not cross my path
Dismal pessimist
Painblinded atheist
Life serves no purpose
Except to inflict pain
No sacredness in human life
Finished playing the game

Grim Bitterness - So far beyond depression
Grim Bitterness - emotional recession
Grim Bitterness - withdrawn and numb
Grim Bitterness - exquisite and alone

Grim Bitterness - I no longer care
Grim Bitterness - No love harbours here

5. Failed Suicide Attempt

The choice was made
Plans were laid
To exit life
To end this strife
Ingest the pills
Depression kills
You fade away
So still you lay

Fading into darkness
Into an endless sleep
But wake to find yourself alive
You have failed at suicide

If at first you don't succeed
Try, try again (try, try again)
Failed suicide attempt

Lying there
In a hospital bed
Wonder why
You're not dead
They ask questions
But you don't care
When next you dare....

...To fade into the darkness
Into an endless sleep
Do not want to be alive
You have failed at suicide

Failed Suicide Attempt

6. The Shallow Pool Of Life

The tears flow endless
The pain is relentless
It feels like an eternity
So distant from serenity
Such a bleak future
An eternal gray sky
Drowning in sorrow
Waving goodbye

My landscape flows with rivers of bitter melancholy

A destitute fury
My emotions I bury
A pale cold heartlessness
Drowning in emptiness

I see no future
A split open sky
Bitterness enables me
To no longer cry

I am drowning in the shallow pool of life

My landscape flows with rivers of bitter melancholy
I am drowning in the shallow pool of life

7. Hopeless Emptiness

Cold and desolate
I don't want to feel
I cannot cope with what is real
It's so below me

Cold and careless
I build my own wall
It's all around me

Fight to get in if you can
Find a door if you can....
Fight to get in if you can

Emotions are my curse
I want to be emotionless
Numb and sinking
No spiritual linking

There is something wrong with me
I close my eyes yet I still see
I create my own misery
And I wonder what can set me free

This cycle repeats itself
I must be masochist
Degenerating spirit
With each tempting kiss

It's a hopeless emptiness....

8. Final Thoughts

So sad and depressed and confused
So long so relentlessly abused
My heart is overflowing with pain
My eyes are shedding tears like rain

Empty and saddened by life
Heartbeat brings misery and strife
It seems like there is no point for me
To continue to exist in this reality

I cannot argue with destiny
When I too understand your misery
Unable to cope and unable to breathe
Falling apart and there is no reprieve

Release me or drug me
Because with time comes deterioration

Contemplating my last will and testament
For I feel my time is coming soon
When there will be no will to live on
Will I be remembered when I am gone?

Atop a building up high in the sky
Make like a bird and feel myself fly
The last thing I see is the sky falling away
These are my final thoughts

Death seduce me with your darkness embrace
The light fades away in my own dark abyss
The answers to questions, a feeling of peace
These are my final thoughts

In each of us resides thoughts of suicide
When life is just tired you can exit this life
Fear not death for it is a transition
The right to die by your own choice

Life is really not so significant

9. Raise The Dead (Bathory cover)

"Dust to dust"...
I gasp for air
I scream for sight
And fight against
Torment and dread
Calling the vengeance
I tear at the lid
And promise to raise
From the dead


Black witch of beauty
All hell's necromancers
Give me the powers of hell
Mistress of curse
Reapers and vultures
Demons stand up
And chime the bell


Suddenly powers comes
From within
Muscles and mind are
Filled with wrath
I burst out in frenzy
Powers of hell
And break up the
Tomb and the dark


10. Black Masses (Mercyful Fate cover)

Come and join
My black masses
Bring along
Your iron axes
Now draw a circle
Right here in the light
I'll tell you
Just what to write

Elohim... Adonai... Tetragrammaton

Slaughtering babies
In ceremonial ways
If we're lucky
We can see them for days
'cause baby blood
Is full of strength
But I tell you
Oh how it stinks

Give me some baby blood

Elohim... Adonai... Tetragrammaton

Black masses... black masses... black masses...
Runnin' wild

Spittin' blood
In my lady's face
I show her my pets
A few rotten heads
And about my lady
If she can't take it
She's got to face it
I'll slaughter her too

Come and join
My black masses
Bring along
Your iron axes
Now draw a circle
Right here in the light
I'll tell you
Just what to write

Elohim... Adonai... Tetragrammaton

Black masses... black masses... black masses...
Killin' babies... black masses.

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