Tash : Gateway to Hell

Death Black / USA
(2014 - Self-Released)
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On the howling wind, you can hear it
In the silence of the long winter night
Bone chilling cold, the life sucking grave
The freezing mistress of the end awaits

And I have seen her, heard her whisper
Begging me to come home
And I long for her, the darkest cold embrace
She will come to take me home

Children see her, in the night
They see things that most cannot
She’s what waits beyond the shadows
She is what fear is made of

And I have seen her, heard her whisper
Begging me to come home
And I long for her, the darkest cold embrace
She will come to take me home


Against the cold wind
In the winter’s night
Our fate from comfort to terror
Driven out by fever’s rage
I cannot see through the blizzard
And yet I carry on
I must find some help for you
There must be a way

A final act of desperation
If I do not you shall not live
Treading on through the darkness
My heart is pounding, please don’t die
Your head is burning, my limbs are freezing
Yet I push on into the night
I cannot let up, I will push forward
Gods help me, please don’t die

But like a bear trap
The reaper came for you
Your final breath went unheard
Your life stolen,
Swallowed whole
The pain rips me apart

The grief is agony be description
Now I have nothing left at all
The woods can take me, I will not stop them
I have no strength left to fight
The Gods betrayed me
And so my life will end
My wretched screams against the wind
Why have you forsaken me over and over
I lost my wife, I lost my life

I’d never see her again
Separated forever
And then the reaper’s hand upon my shoulder
I knew it was time to go
The final breath had frozen into frost
The journey begins so far
And in the clearing, I lost everything that night
Underneath the mourning star


Opened an ancient gateway
And your soul has failed the test
You have not begun to suffer
We have eternity to know your flesh

You are ours to forever torture
But you will never truly die
Agonized to death over and over
Blades slice and rip you apart

I was created to need your pain
My whole purpose is to cause you anguish
You can never escape my grasp
Even angels do not dare near here
The lake of fire is only the beginning
So many ways to bring you pain
The seconds tick by like eternities
Your torment is exquisite

Opened an ancient gateway
And your soul has failed the test
You have not begun to suffer
We have eternity to know your flesh

You cannot run out of blood
Your bones can break again and again
Your voice can scream forever
Your eyes will never see light again

Most come here once they’re dead
You had to rush the process
But now I’ve got my hooks in you
And you must be punished
Oh sweet suffering, the howls of pain
They make such sweet music
I was created to never grow weary
And for eternity the agony will not cease


They bring their hordes
To the sword of inflicted death
Of plague and pestilence
The Lord of the Seven Gods
The wounded scream aloud
But not for long
Their lives end in horror
Off to the land of no return

Reap the child and mother
The plagues infest them all
The warriors die in anguish
And before the demons, fall
The armies of Erra and Kutha
Bring forth new waves of the dead
An endless abomination
Bringing forth nothing but death

Three thousand years have passed
Since the gates at Babylon
Up from the underworld
They come to ride again
Flesh failed before him
And shall fail again
The Seven Gods up from the Earth
Their leader with eyes of fire

Reap the child and mother
The plagues infest them all
The warriors die in anguish
And before the demons, fall
The armies of Erra and Kutha
Bring forth new waves of the dead
An endless abomination
Praising the God of Disorder


Night falls, and under the cloak of darkness
Twisted desires burn again
The slope of her neck so enticing
The soft curves of flesh

Quickly taking action, feeding the seed of lust
And her responding in kind, with approving reaction
In heat of moment I try to subdue the ancient hunger awakens
I cannot just fuck, I must possess to feed the king of the nine hells
I will satisfy my unquenchable need for you
To your moans and screams
I will kill anyone who would try to seduce you
Your body is mine forever
You resent me with your mind, but need me with your flesh
Vile intertwining of desire
I know you so well, and again and again
Welcome to my hell

Your skin is red from punishment, your hips are sore and weak
The perspiration on your skin, your breaths are slow and deep
And forever you will try to hate me, and never will I mind
Because it just adds some flavor the next time I take you
Bent over from behind


Why would an omni-loving God create a place
Of eternal torture for those he loved
An ultimate guarantee of mass submission
Eternal damnation for those who disobey

They need a way to control you
They need you to fear the fire
They need you to fear Satan
They need you to fear the lie

And through the centuries we’ve believed it’s a place
For the worst of our kind for torture disgrace
And if you ever found a gateway to open up a door
Then everything you loved would be torn away
As they dragged you down in horror

They need a way to control you
They need you to fear the fire
They need you to fear Satan
They need you to fear the lie


Older than even the oldest star
Born before the dawn of time
Never sleeping, always moving
Their name defies language
Physical rules have never applied
The origins too ancient
Malevolence seen, never forgotten
Cruelty and malice born of pure darkness

The living, watching shadow
Their touch is made of fear
They don’t even need to attack
The light eventually goes out

There is no way to fight it
The dark mother brings her own
The flickering light of a candle
Only temporary
So for all your valiant conquest
And things you think you gain
The coming night awaits you
After the final cry of pain

One of many, and all are one
Come from a place so alien
With the memories of trillions of lifetimes
They continue to watch and take
A hidden army, vast beyond numbers
That does not need to invade
Because they’ve always been here, beyond the light
Walking the void forever

The cold beneath the freezing
The absence of light which lives
The essence of nightmares
The reaping force of the other side

There is no way to fight it
The dark mother brings her own
The flickering light of a candle
Only temporary
So for all your valiant conquest
And things you think you gain
The coming night awaits you
After the final cry of pain


Patiently waiting in the mountains of Bakhu
And again below the horizon, just before dawn
Chaos bringer, head of black stone
To do battle with the sun God
Known as the World Encircler
His roar causes the underworld to rumble

Eater of Souls
Locked in eternal conflict
To devour the sun God
Always aware of the all-seeing eye
Scourge of the Nile
Serpentine nemesis of Set
He cannot die
He will rise the following night

The dead in their tombs need protection
He feasts upon their souls in the night
Priests try to defy him with the left foot
To burn with fire, or pierce with spear
But all their magics and efforts in vain
He will return the following night
His wrath vicious and strength renewed
And he will remember names

Eater of Souls
Locked in eternal conflict
To devour the sun God
Always aware of the all-seeing eye
Scourge of the Nile
Serpentine nemesis of Set
He cannot die
He will rise the following night


Initiation into faith, you must say it
And grant yourself eternal life
No solid doctrine for you to follow
But you must do exactly as you’re told
Spare yourself the flame, prove yourself to Jesus
The God who’s never proven himself
And you realize there is no heaven
Then there’s definitely no fucking hell

Prostrate yourself before the throne of God
Kiss the pious priests upon their feet
Never question your fictitious salvation
Their stranglehold on millions is so complete
Offer up your children to the sun God
Make that their behavior stays correct
For if from the righteous path they stray
Then your precious young ones, the father will slaughter

Invitation to the flock, come and feel accepted
So then you can be analyzed and we can pass judgment
You’re not your own person anymore, you belong to God
So listen to us from now on, you don’t have a mind
There is no white throne judgment, there is no end of days
When humanity destroys itself, it won’t be by God’s blade
I don’t believe in fairy tales, I don’t believe in sin
I don’t believe in your Gods, I don’t even pretend

Prostrate yourself before the throne of God
Kiss the pious priests upon their feet
Never question your fictitious salvation
Their stranglehold on millions is so complete
Offer up your children to the sun God
Make that their behavior stays correct
For if from the righteous path they stray
Then your precious young ones, the father will slaughter


The long awaited final conflict to end the world
The armies of the sons of Judah against the armies of Belial
Come ye sons of darkness, rise up against the light
The arrogant prophecy of impending victory
Just another sign of Christian pride

The Sons of Light would unite
To destroy what they see as the nations of vanity
They come against Edom, Moab, and the sons of Ammon
So self-assured they are of their victory

A forty year war
Ancient hatred at last bears form
A world-wide conflict
This will end, once and for all

And so the armies of light seem to think
That their father in heaven will protect them
But as they learn, through years of combat
Their god remains silent, never stepping in
Their haughtiness will cost them the world

The Sons of Darkness have been waiting
To wage an open war against
The kingdoms of Sodom and Babylon cry out
The armies of light being forced into darkness

A forty year war
Ancient hatred at last bears form
A world-wide conflict
This will end, once and for all

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