Symphony Of Heaven : Body of Christ

Unblack / USA
(2019 - Self-Released)
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We try to push this mountain into the sea
We try to fly high in the sky, without wings

Our hexes bring us no closure
The lines just tell us to divide

Needlessly sputtering inward
The mind thinks only of itself

Built for so much more than just the one we see inside
Collecting the workmanship of the true One outside

Inspecting our brothers who have so little to hide
Connected by the crimson Blood of the Holy God

Can you see the greatness
Can you feel it’s pulse

Have you realized it’s purpose
What do you know about true service

Let not the mourning haze choke your light from you
But, be lifted by your earthly brothers in Christ

I am not alone
I am not just this deep cut

Waves washing over bring us together
Waters diving into each other pulling for every endeavor

Every endeavor (x4)

This is no illusion of the desperate heart of man
Churning to empty aether and desperation at the empty hand

Any wound that’s fresh
Let your brothers care for you

Caustic world that meets your breath
Let your brothers lift you in love too

Don’t let this tunnel vision obscure your light
Don’t let the your shallowness bury your might

I am the eternal
You are the supernatural
We complete this circle

Know you are, you are
Part of something much greater than just yourself

We are the brotherhood


Strive for oneness sisters
In the binding power of mercy, peace and love
Eager to live in harmony

A single tree cannot thrive in a forest alone
Therefore how can we bear worries and strife on our own? (x2)

Unite, dear sisters, in resilience and courage
The Lord is our foundation
The Earth beneath our feet
Let our roots grow deep
Let prayer and praise
Bloom with beauty throughout our lives

Render humility
Guide with gentleness
Demonstrate patience
Radiate love
Emerge as stunning foliation
Standing firm in an unrivaled Creator

Building one another up in (x4)

Stand strong and full of grace
Enriching our lives with His Word
Grow our branches from the vine

Let the Son’s light reign down
Peace and comfort in our lives
Let His light grow us together
May our branches intertwine
With each other, through Him



Oh brother listen well
Take head of my words
And hearken this warning
Before dark and dim mourning

If you bite and devour one another
Watch out so your not consumed by your lust
Detaching head from body
Staggering in dust

This hatred, murderous self-infliction
Villainous, assassins of our nation
Limb ripped from limb, disrelation
I pray for death of denomination

Separate from strife
Let the bond bind us together
Like a solid wall of faith
The mud upon our eyes, be washed away by grace

This hatred, murderous self-infliction
Villainous, assassins of our nation
Limb ripped from limb, disrelation
I pray for death of denomination

Have we forgotten our master?
Who bought us with blood
And put to death our dissidence
And birthed us from this mud

Death, death, death to denomination (x2)

Or in terror, face the judge

This hatred, murderous self-infliction
Villainous, assassins of our nation
Limb ripped from limb, disrelation
I pray for death of denomination


Beheaded, stripped and abandoned
Hung from the gallows above
Impaled and set to the flame
These souls on procession

Die with me, and let us die together

Exiled in an ocean prison
Drowned in a watery grave
In this destruction lies our glory
The end of our flesh

With our brothers slain
beneath the altar we wait

For Glory (x4)

With our brothers slain!

With terrible awe, our souls rejoice
Salvation awaits
Faithful of God lift up your heads
Salvation draws nigh
Lift up your heads to Heaven
See our salvation comes
The Rider on the white horse has ransomed us

For Glory (x4)



My cry, my plea
My dying breath, take me
Alone and forgotten
The mistake begotten
I saw the King with the outstretched arm
Rescue me
Soaking wet and cold
Kept alive by one so bold
Isolation, redemption
Pain, forgiven
I lived among you
And you didn't believe
Who would die for me
Who would cry for me
The wreckage and ruin
Departed sentiment
Speech impediment
No one, no one but
Christ risen


What, then, shall we say in response to these things
If God is for us, who can be against us
He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all
How will He not also
Along with Him
Graciously give us all things
Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen
It is God who justifies
Who then is the one who condemns
No one
Christ Jesus who died
More than that
Who was raised to life
Is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ
Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword
As it is written
For Your sake we face death all day long
We are considered as sheep to be slaughtered
We are brought down
Clinging to the ground
Save us
For Your love never fails



Stand strong my brothers
Stand strong my sisters
All in the mighty fortress
The Lord is our refuge and strength
His mighty hand binds us together
Put on the armor of God
Might soldiers stand your ground
Make the enemy tremble with your battle cry
Hear our prayers oh Lord
Lead us from darkness
Our hearts are set ablaze with Your love
Your peace reigns to all nations
When one weeps
We comfort
When one hurts
We love
When one falls
We offer our hand
Raised up in oneness
We are the same
We are the Body of Christ
Body of Christ
Like the water in the seas
We are united
Let us purify one another
Be not ashamed
Walk in the light
Cling to the Lord
Join with the Father
Unite with heavenly hosts
We are baptized into Your flesh
And resurrection in Your death
We stand as Christ's cornerstones
We are the adopted
We are the redeemed
We are the adopted
We are the redeemed
We are the body of Christ

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