Svartahrid : Sadness and Wrath

Black Metal / Norway
(2007 - Soulseller Records)
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En evig søken etter fred i fordums tid
Atter igjen vil vi arve fortid i grim storgild strid

Ved sverd og skjold vi skal sverge og hedre
Vår forduns våpenbror
Vi lover å rumtu det sviket som ble gjort mot nord

Vi skal fordrive de som drev vårt folk ut av visjoner
Vi skal atter herkse over all verdens regioner

3. DOP

En pest som brer sine vinger
Lik suø som dekker alt som gror
Det liv som engang spiret
Fordufter uå som dugg for sol

Et lik som råtner, hun ler...
Makt oppnås
En mengde dør en nasjon går under
Et land som aldri blir som før


War is at hand. The storm
Gather the legions of wrath
The time has come
Awake or vanish!

The ice of might is cracking
Fjords reveal their solemn depths
And reflect glorious heights
Deep within he felt the fire
The omen, the revolting pain
His ancient source
Immortal soul
Raping his limbs
From his heart
The northern soul suffers
When it's not obeyed

His mind hesitates to follow
Godwolves have been tainting it
The eternal glow that never will give in

Wake up yer sons of the hammer!
Awake or vanish!

The wrath is glowing
Come on! Remain
Your time is coming
Release yer pain!

Cause yer the sons of the hammer


The sound of Odin's wisdom echoes through time
Guiding those who listen to the voice of the wind
With sadness and wrath he sees his word being tread on

His kingdom laid open for only a few
There was a time when his kingdom was held high
An army of Norsemen would die on his command

Now his beloved shores of Midgard
Is filled with weaklings and their white god of peace
Forgotten in his golden halls and philosophy of war
But he has his faith in those
Few men that still honours his name


In the night I have wandered
Upon the cross I've seen
I have seen the man there hanging
Hanging there for all my sins

Wish you could have been there with us
Seen what we all have seen
You would have taken that sculpture
Teared it limb from limb

I saw the man rise
We must bring him down
Into the night I will make you my own

With blood from crown of thorns
We gave up love for man
1000 souls of warriors he gathered
Ti win his final war!!!

Armageddon ‒ the final war
Armageddon ‒ god, meet the winter


Religioise faan en pest for Norge
Som en meninglos klump med fett
Som et meninglost vesen
Gitt inn til en sølepytt av tanker

Som standhaftig kriger
Gjennom å etter å har man et nav av reue tanker
Norge trenger krig
Krig mot religiose faan, vansett builken sølepytt

Tider er inner
Gjengjeldelse med sverd i hånd
Blod på tann, mann mot mann
Vi skal ta tilbake det som er vårt
Er land uten menneskebygde spir

Svi ned, rip open
La det bare komme
Faan ta religiose misfostersjeler
Som lus under mine såler
Som byll på dette land


Beyond the bridge, between thoughts and terror

Morbidness descend into the abyss
Blackened pride you into glory ride

I have released them. I am master
Clarity gained by the sacrifice of sanity

The soul so cold, the thoughts so clear
A time of despair and confusion is over
I have seen my mountain.
I have conquered.
I am king

I silently await the call for war

Iron minded
I have chosen the beauty of a blackened heart

Gathering shadows in the valley as the darkness rise

The sacrificial mountain of sanity


Lytt til skogens dystre sang
Om en for lengst glemt tid
Do dvergers hamrer klang i stål
Og dragers vrede ofte skvet

For en skjevne vi må lide
Og ei få do på vikingvis
Uten strid mitt ðîóêåó brenner
Var ei fodt for liv i fred

Så grip eders sverd hill!
Og saml eders hær ‒ stor!

Storm frem utern frykt
Vi er vernet i Odins favn

Odins oye ser mang en dåd
Hoyseter venter ved hans side


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