Sturmkaiser : Veni Vidi Vici

Brutal Black / Italy
(2008 - War Arts Productions / Frenteuropa)
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Once again, war is ragin' in my eyes,
Fields in flames and many vain deaths exalt my rage for blood, exstinguing the race for glory,
An imperial call resounds in my head, and my mission will be accomplished.
Veni (a new land to conquer), Vidi (weak defenders without honor), Vici, crushing the few weak resistance, now this is all mine.
Childrens are crying for their dead parents, but we know that they enemies will be,
Allign their weak shapes in front of me, by my fire with their families they'll be.
This is the first of a biggest conquest, unholy banner wherever will be,
They could be considered lucky because their life was exstinguished by a divine power.
Once upon a time Caesar the conqueror crossed the Rubicon as a sign of supremacy,
He imposed his will over the traitors of the Empire, leaving behind him rivers of blood…
Now his imperial blood flows in our veins,
We do sacrifices to Mars mighty god of war, to march enlighted by victory and crush the rest of the world…
Kneel in front of us, sons of eternal empire !


Here it comes, from the horizon,
Enveloped in black clouds of war, growing from many corpses in flames…
A triumphant figure of magnificent form, materializing, it's a sign of war.
A black wing, the face of death, composed by decomposition.
Here it comes the the Warangel, growing from the death, conquers the earth and goes with many deaths…
Here it comes the the Warangel, coming for us, embracing men with war, taking him from where it comes !
Where is shadow triumphs, earth is squashed by atomic bombs,
It's a messenger of war, the bringer of true destiny of mankind !
Is screaming, singing the song of total death,
So it goes, the shape of bones is crowing the horizon,
All in flames of Hell, now it brings a crown of bullets.


La saggezza gran virtù a volte affonda
Ingombrante pel fisico e la mente
Che limitan nell'odio e nell'azione
Ed il sasso non parte dalla fionda
Ribelli impavidi sinceri combattenti
Mossi dall'odio, pugnal tra i denti
Vana speranza di vita ha il mio nemico
Per sempre il nostro credo sarà unito
Grande tributo richiede il conflitto
Annichilisce carne immonda
Rinvigorisce per noi tenacia pronta
In guerra, cosa mistica e profonda
Rispondere al richiamo del fuoro primordiale
S'accende il furore dell'antica rabbia
Di quando la battaglia infuocava anche le acque
Et le parole non facevano paura

Bagna col tuo sangue la terrà che ti generò
Paga il tuo tributo a chi per te lottò
Fiamme di vendetta, s'accendon nella notte
Dai nostri fucili si scatenano saette
Trionfo di vittoria, noi si ammazzerà
Accolti dalla gloria, chi non si prostrerà
Ah, stolti, spettatori insulsi del tempo che non ritornerà
Voi, carogne
Dimentichi del dono che amorevolmente dato vi fu
Assopiti da una favola che nell'infanzia vi rapì
Alle armi !
Vincenti su un falso destino preparato per voi
Vivere ardento e non bruciarsi mai
Suis viibus pollens
Possente di sua propria forza
A chi la vittoria ?
A chi la gloria ?
A chi la fedeltà ?
A noi !
Segui il tuo credo
Segui il richiamo
Del tuo furore
Con l'arma in mano !
Senza indugiare
Avanzare !
Senza pensare
Pronti a morire


In ancient times, when the lord of thunder fell in love with a brave king's daughter of untold beauty and splendour…
With the force of a white beast thy lord imposed supremacy takin with force and might the price of honour and victory.
Her shining big eyes have seen the roots of our people's pride and gave the name to our glorious pagan land !
She was the spark of war, and so many fallen heroes blood made the rivers of Ancient Europe.
They died for her beauty, they died for honour, they died for Europe, forefathers we call them
From the ancient Mediterranean sea
To the northern coasts of Teutonic fields
From the Celtiberian lands
To the transilvanian mountains, an unique call is heard, Europe ! Our mother !
Through the darkest forests, to the mighty peaks, hear the coldest winds singin' pagan calls…
From the roman ruins, to the viking ships, ancestors, mighty warriors, enlighted by sunwheel !
Ride with Odin, to Valhall
Mighty Perun, thunder roars
Svyatogor, ruler of mountains
Hades, enslave the christian souls
Gods of thunder, gods of war
Many names but same force
Goddesses of nature, of beauty and wild
The mirror of our splendid women


Target in sight forced to die in shame
Bloodshed for all that will stare at me, loosers
Automatic weapons vomiting my evil hate for life
Carbonization and smell of burning death
Trained to spit to morality
Our life is full of insensibility
Even a pet will be my target now, die !
Total warfare no pity for all !
That's my devotion to war you know
Shit on your enemy, piss on his corpse
Fuck his wife and rape his child
Desecrate the houses of his gods
Neither a genetic kill nor an atom bomb attack
Satisfies my brutal thirst for anti-human sterminations
Meat blood bones skin flesh and gore
Your desperate cries are an orgasm for me, wow !
I collect the better parts of my enemy to erge a monument of gore to the war, a composition to worship total death

What do you think ? Don't you know ?
The war is beginning now, think for a moment you weak scum
While you listen the sound of violence !
This is the sound of your brother's pain… we ejaculate !
Thinking on their violent cruel-fueled ridiculous pathetic death !!!
On your knees stupid sucker if you want to live as a mutilated freak pathetic form of vegetal life,
Death is too much for you !
You'll be my personal slave and you will be feed with my putrid shit
Because you dared to touch my land and piss on it with arrogance !
I desire that your whole fuckin' family watches at you crying
While you serves me like a pathetic nothingness crying for spare your "life".
Sissify yourself with female -rainbow coloured- clothes
Lick your vomit if you want to drink, no problems for you if you want to pray
Look your wife is raped by your pest-infected similars !
Her vagina is infected by pus probuterances I enjoy to explode with rusty nails !
If you want to talk to her when the comic show ends
Then cut your dick and make a present package for it I'll send to mum
The smell of shit you produce is very embrassing !
You make me laugh because you are a poor cru-ying clown, a fuckin' looser !
You are lucky because you are a living proof of my divine art of Vendetta
I imagine you in the night having nightmares crying in fear.
I've mutated your life in pain and you miss your funny coloured past
I drink the blood of your litthe sons castrated and sliced slowly dying.
I destroyed your life because you've offended me,
Your race must be erased from this sacred splendid land.
Dogs must be trained to shit in the rightful places, like your territory
Fuck yourself with my gun so I can laugh to your sodomistic inferiority !
You are annoying me, the medical solutions to keep you alive are failing because of your very critical wounds…
Your neural terminations that transmit pain, are weak now
And maybe you begin to appreciate the splendid pain I inflict to you with devotion !
But the sufference of spirit never ends, I sacrifice your soul to the darkness and hate eternal, to the darkness beings !
The icons of your god are burning and everything you've experienced until now will be sweet…
"Your sufference will be legendary, even in hell !"
Sadness rules my world evil forces reigns in these secret chambers of torture
Crisping corpses open wounds rotten flesh bloody gore
That's a beast cruel creativity
Drawing on my trophees with blades the unholy mark of Dehumanizer
Rejecting mercy vomiting on peace I draw the sign of total death !
The mark of eternal war !




I ravaged the land, built a kingdom over my enemies corpses, echoes of hate…
And I revealed in the glories of war !
I've sold my soul, my body and my mind, to worship total death… sturmkaiser !
Reborn as a demon of war, flying with walkiries, sending death fro mabove, on the fields I kill…
In the silence of light, sturmkaiser !!!
An immense war machine, annihilates… and the storms announce the arrival of the end
The fate send us to celebrate the fall of all of you.
The fist of thunder god crushes upon churches
The deepest flames of true hell consumes all false idols
Watch the imperial eagle drawed with toxic smokes
The sound of crushed crying souls resounds in this skull-desert !

Unser glaube ist der sieg sturmkaiser
Der die welt ueberwunden hat sturmkaiser
Unser glaube ist der krieg sturmkaiser
Der die ueberwunden hat sturmkaiser
Eia alalà sturmkaiser…


We are storm and legion of beasts,
The symphony of a modern death, the cruelty of immortal hate, victory of inhuman being
Watching the life far away is futile to pray the war has to come,
Alone in the shadows visions of red blood fulfill our sight !
A desert of death… the sand made of pulverized bones of every man that walks the planet, total annihilation.
We are the apocalypse knights : War, Death, Famine, Plague…
Riding the land, a desert of skulls, our power is marching over the relicts of men !
We are storm and legion of beasts
We held the power of our black hearts
We trust in hate, in arrogance and war
We take what we want don't give what we get
Proud to be heirs of sons of war we raise the banner of honour and victory
To honorate the past and draw the future in golden glory.
The right way to impose the own rule in history
Collect the power of blackest allies rule under the black flag of hate
Rise triumphant over the ruins of the old order, Black Metal war must rise again
The storm casts legions, they come within the four winds.


WAR explodes everywhere !
WAR will rage till the end of time !
WAR purges the world with blood !
WAR sends all weaks go fuck in hell !
Win and rule !
It permits a rightful selection of the elite that will be in right to live…
She's a blind bitch that will fuck only with the ones who dare to kiss her lips !
Win and rule !
Honour and blood I taste in war
Winning for spreading my egemony
Livin' to rule by captivity
Death till the stars, the eternal miracle of war !
Total nuclear war !
Wind and rule !

Lyrics geaddet von Apophis2036 - Bearbeite die Lyrics