Strident (RSA) : When Gods Walked the Earth

Power Metal / South-Africa
(2016 - Self-Released)
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Can you hear
The whisper on the wind?
A challenge to begin

He has walked this world,
A nomad
Forgotten prophet
Of the coming storm

He is lost, and yet he wanders
Treading secret paths
Bearer of a name forgotten
The relic of a broken past

He is still, yet he speaks thunder
In a tongue lost long ago
A man who stands both slave and master
To fortune’s call

He stands alone there
His eyes turned to the setting sun
As the stars guide him onward this night
His destiny enshrined as he rides

The rain has come
The storm clouds blacken out the sun
As his dreams grow dark and troubled
He feels his day is soon to come

The day when all will stand and die as one
When our song will drown the thunder

When we’ll stand together there
Our eyes turned to the rising sun
As the earth burns below us we’ll ride
Our destinies entwined as we...

Above the ashes
Through the wind and snow
Through the eyes of life itself
He’ll wander, a stranger lost in time

You will hear his song
When the stars resound with his name

Whispers in the dark that dance like shadows in the flame
Keep council in the dead of night, they beckon
A test to pass by daylight’s break, a gamble with his soul
To conquer or to be enslaved forever

Stares deep into the eye of the abyss
'Til cold morning’s light ends the demon’s test

Oh, when fate calls to us
It may be on trumpets high
Or as voices on the wind
It speaks in many tongues
Its wisdom cloaked in history
Wreathed in sacred flames it calls
And challenges the will
The resolve
To rise above the ashes
To rise and heed its call

Above the ashes
Through the wind and snow
Through the eyes of life itself
He’ll wander, a stranger lost in time


You stand at the crossroads
Where the future meets the past
Between the bridges burned behind you
And the fear that lies ahead

You see the flicker of ambition
It's like a beacon in the night
So the choice is yours
Will you live or just survive?

For a new day is dawning
There's a story to be told
Your legend's forged in the furnace
Of the fire in your soul

Raise your flag, stand tall
Though those around you crawl
You're the light in the darkness
For all the world to see

Raise your head, stand strong
With the will to carry on
You're the light in the darkness
For all the world to see

There are those who'd defy you
Their spirits broken and enslaved
Though their voices roar like thunder
Their hearts already know the grave

They fear the force of your ambition
They sense the fire in your hear
So set the world ablaze
Cast their ashes to the wind

For when they are forgotten
And their stories left untold
It's your legend that will live on
Through the fire in your soul

Raise your flag stand tall
Though those around you crawl
You're the light in the darkness
For all the world to see

Raise your head, stand strong
With the will to carry on
You're the light in the darkness
For all the world to see

When the battle is over
And the story has been told
You're the one who's left standing
With the fire in your soul

Raise your flag stand tall
Though those around you crawl
You're the light in the darkness
For all the world to see

Raise your head, stand strong
With the will to carry on
You're the light in the darkness
For all the world to see

Raise your flag stand tall
Though those around you crawl
You're the light in the darkness
For all the world to see

Raise your head, stand strong
For you have the strength to carry on
You're the light in the darkness
For all the world
For all the world to see


Take my hand, as we walk through the firestorm
In this maelstrom of death, a young soldier’s breath chokes away
Faithful, as he watches the towers fall
Dulce et decorum est, pro patria mori

Once men and kings fought and died side-by- side
Their destinies ruled by the swords in their hands

A king, a song, a fire long gone
Cowards take flight; watch as their kingdoms burn
Forsaking their oaths, taken by promises of power and gold
By a tyrant’s command, they march and they fall

Monuments burn down to ashes and rust
Dreams left in ruins, our hopes turn to dust

Dying men cry to heaven
Fire swallows the sun
Leave the dead as vultures circle
Soon the order will come, to

March! march! march!
Bow your head and...

March! march! march!
Leave the dead and...

March; the doomed have no choice
But to carry the burden of history
Lost; the dead have no voice
Only ruins left burning as the…

Night comes down
Heavy the hammer that shatters the crown

Dying men cry to heaven
Fire swallows the sun
Leave the dead as vultures circle
Soon the order will come

How can faith but falter
‘Neath machines in the sky?
Shadows of men, now wait in silence
For the order to die

Where angels fear to tread, we...

March! march! march!
Bow your head and...

March! march! march!
Leave the dead and...

March! march! march!
Bow your head and...

March! march! march!
Leave the dead and...



Twilight falls; the people of the sun wait for the last light
To bleed into the earth
The setting sun; no longer beating down on those who cry for it
We bleed into the earth

Midnight brings the ending the cycle of the years until the
Flesh-hood that was borrowed must pay penance to gods
Douse, the fires; sink into the night
Pray, for dawn, to take us out of darkness into light

To - na-tiuh! (heart-soul)
Ma-ce- hualli! (humanity, the indebted)
Teo-mi- cqui! (the god-dead)
Nex-tla- hualli! (debt payment)

Clad in sacred skins; living faces of the gods
As the crowd kneels at their passing, over garlands in the dust
Bearers of our burdens to the realm that lies beyond
They ascend the smoking pyramid of he whose slaves we are

Blessed are the children, for their tears betoken rain
Led to immolation to give offerings of pain
Blessed are the god-dead who complete their sacred task
In our need and in our excess we must offer what we ask

Sworn to follow, the footsteps of the gods
To lie on the altar where the black blade waits for blood
To sacrifice their heart-souls to the sun
The sacred fire will carry us from darkness into light

To - na-tiuh! (heart-soul)
Ma-ce- hualli! (humanity, the indebted)
Teo-mi- cqui! (the god-dead)
Nex-tla- hualli! (debt payment)

All we are
Are fragments of the sun
Deserved and brought to life
Through sacred penance

Like heroes past
Sent to death to bleed for us
As chosen we must die
For the world to be reborn

Screaming as the blade cuts
Tearing; out their beating hearts

Hearts borne to the sun
Waiting for the gods to come
And take them home

To - na-tiuh! (heart-soul)
Ma-ce- hualli! (humanity, the indebted)
Teo-mi- cqui! (the god-dead)
Nex-tla- hualli! (debt payment)

All we are
Are fragments of the sun
Deserved and brought to life
Through sacred penance

Like heroes past
Sent to death to bleed for us
As chosen we must die
For the world to be reborn


Over mountains steep, under shadows deep
All that beckons is not what it seems
In the darkest night burns a faint distant light
When it shines, close your eyes, and dream
And dream…

When embers fade, and darkness falls
We fear the silence, more than the storm
The lives we lead are but a whisper on the wind
Like fleeting dreams, that fade away

As we walk (as we walk) through the shadows (the shadows) of our memories
As we’re drawing our lines in the sand

The lives we treasure, the things we’ve known
Will they be forgotten? will they die alone?
Our lives will pass, like embers on the wind
Our flames will burn, then fade away

As we walk (as we walk) through the shadows (the shadows) of a memory
Still we’re drawing our lines in the sand

Over mountains steep, under shadows deep
All that beckons is not what it seems
In the darkest night burns a faint distant light
When it shines, close your eyes, and dream

And dream…

Fly my friend, for a new day dawns
And the shadows hold no fear
There in the clearing we’ll meet again, some better day
And we’ll leave the dark behind

Deep within the dark lie the chains that bound your soul
Now you walk through the firestorm, and you blaze into the light
Deep within the river, lie the answers that you seek
To why we die, why all our paths must lead to night

Why we walk through the shadows of our memories
Why we draw our lines in the sand
For all those we have lost, but not forgotten
For the ones who will burn with the stars

Over mountains steep, under shadows deep
All that beckons is not what it seems
In the darkest nights burn the brightest distant lights
When they shine, close your eyes, and dream

Leave your fear behind, take your place in the light
Rest your head, close your eyes, and dream


All right, laddies
Let’s do this!

I once sailed with a buccaneer, who knew a preacher’s daughter
A master of the of the sorts of things, her father never taught her

One night when we pulled into port, I found her standing free
And asked would she be open, to spend the night with me
We drank, and we danced, until the cock sounded its call
Then she took me to her boudoir, and we danced a little more
She beggared me to stay behind, but oh, that could not be
A young lass may be pretty, but my mistress is the sea

Hi-dee- dee, and a fiddle-dee- di, sing and let the colors fly
Hi-dee- dee, and a fiddle-dee- dum, crack the case and pour the rum
Hi-dee- dee, and a fiddle-dee- do, the open sea is all I know
Hi-dee- dee, and a fiddle-dee- day…

A pirate’s life for me, hey!

Once sailing on the north sea, we spied a lonesome galley
Begging to be plundered, with a cargo full of Spanish gold
Sailing swift we signalled them, “Surrender, or we board!”
They answered with a warning shot, like many fools before

We pulled up to their broadside, with blunderbuss and cannons roaring
Brief and bloody was the fight, but soon we had our spoils
We gathered the surviving fools, the blaggards begged for mercy
But Davy Jones’ locker was the last they’d ever see


Hi-dee- dee, and a fiddle-dee- di, sing and let the colors fly
Hi-dee- dee, and a fiddle-dee- dum, crack the case and pour the rum
Hi-dee- dee, and a fiddle-dee- do, the open sea is all I know
Hi-dee- dee, and a fiddle-dee- day…

A pirate’s life for me, hey!

Hoist up the skull and crossbones
Dominion we claim, from sea to shining sea
Pirates are we, the last of the free
So hoist up your flagons high!

Some fools worship gold, some fools hope for heaven
Some fools bargain deals with the devil
But pirates are free, we’re the dogs of the sea
We’re the masters of every horizon

So raise your sails high, ‘tween the sea and the sky
No one will tell us where to go
Our fortunes lie buried, so drink and be merry!
Who knows, what tomorrow may bring…

Hoist up the skull and crossbones
Dominion we claim, from sea to shining sea
Pirates are we, the last of the free
So hoist up your flagons high!

I’d rather sail with a ship of scoundrels
Than scupper my pride, and serve under a king
Pirates are we, the last of the free
So hoist up your flagons high!

Hi-dee- dee, and a fiddle-dee- di, sing and let the colors fly
Hi-dee- dee, and a fiddle-dee- dum, crack the case and pour the rum
Hi-dee- dee, and a fiddle-dee- do, the open sea is all I know
Hi-dee- dee, and a fiddle-dee- day, a pirate’s life for me, hey!


Every story begins
Every story must end
Every page we turn
Not knowing when
The gods
Will return to the realm of
Come to reclaim creation again

Here we stand
On the eve of oblivion
Blood-red horizons bode our
Ultimate fate

Undying gods awaken
From their uneasy sleep
They have returned
Come to retake

And to reforge

There are no heroes this day
There are no champions of myth come to save us

When the sky cracks open, and fire scorches the earth
When the fury of the gods descends from above
The prophesies of man, forgotten in the shadows
Of the final blinding light

"Save yourself!" cry the meek and the brave alike
All will abandon hope under blackening skies
Mountains quake, and decay into dust once more
Shrouding the sun, the moon and the stars
In eternal night

There is no calm in the eye of this storm
There are no prayers, no sins to atone
The end has begun

Until the seal is broken, and thunder shatters the earth
Until the stars are torn from heaven above
In this final hour nothing but ashes and dust remain
Of all that was and would be

Hear, as the voice of the gods
Finally speaks
Without love or mercy
Hear, as the voice of the gods
Casts us away
Into oblivion

Here we stand as one, born of the stars,
All that we are, all that we were
Unto the stars returned

When the sky cracks open, and fire scorches the earth
Until the gods themselves step down from above
The memory of man, just one more fleeting shadow
In the final blinding light

When the seal is broken, and thunder shatters the earth
Until the stars are torn from heaven above
In this final hour nothing but ashes and dust remain
Of all that was and would be


Deep inside the jungle, in the shadow of the war
There rises a sinister evil
The people live in fear, under a tyrant’s reign of terror
Who will save us now?

From out of the darkness and into the fight
Broforce is coming to set things to right

Kicking ass for justice and for liberty
For freedom and the flag
They’re the final stand
The last band of heroes
Who’ll fight terror with no remorse...

For Freedom!
For the flag!
For liberty and justice for all!

Satan’s forces are amassing
But they’ll never take our freedom!
We call on the defenders; on the red, white, blue avengers
To liberty or death!

On wings of iron eagles, broforce brings the rain
A whirlwind of blood, sweat, and bullets
Terrorists will pay for the blood they have shed
Cos Broforce is coming to fill them with lead

For Freedom!
For the flag!
For liberty and justice for all!

In the darkest hour
In the eye of the storm
We stand together
An unbreakable force of bros!

Kicking ass for justice and for liberty
For freedom and the flag
They’re the final stand
The last band of heroes
Who’ll fight terror with no remorse...

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