Stone : Emotional Playground

Thrash Speed / Finland
(1991 - Megamania)
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A boy fourteen, he loves to fight, feels the jungle beat
Friday night, out on the street, wants to use his knife
Unfortuned man with a bottle
Gets cold blade through the heart
A little expensive price for a half bottle of flat beer


True stories from our everyday life
Could you waste your brother, your sister or wife
Small tales from the neighbourhood
And everyone of them is true
You too know few who know story or two

Twenty-year old lovebirds trying to be a family
Living on a welfare, two kids both taken away
Man gets jealous, he has to show her
The real and true love
Just laughing while stabbing her
Hundred and thirteen times


Three old men having a ball, drinks won't fall short
Happy guys are enjoying the night by bashing the kind host
Playing the noble dart game, using the man as a board
And finally setting him on fire, "I think he's dead now"



An old forgotten railroad
In which time has left its marks
Never imagined I'd use these tracks again
They took me here
Back to the place they call my home
But this is just another stop like the ones before

Home is love, home is peace, I can't get the feeling here
Home is light, home is warmth, it doesn't feel the same anymore

Here it's cold, faceless love, comforting my aching heart
Strange home, odd view, will I find what I'm looking for

Nothing keeps me here, prisoner by own will
Everything I have but no home
Where is the place where I could see
Hope in the horizon, better and brighter times to come

Grief is the word to express my feelings right now
I can't connect this place with memories
So much has happened
Though so little has changed
Is this the road to Heaven
Or is this the road to Hell

I'm still seeking for my home


Who's that man on a hill
Giving people a serious speech
Looks like he would have something for us to teach
Join the crowd, the saint club
Together we shall be one
He gathers his disciples cos it's begun

We don't have to walk on water, we don't need a car or train
We'll take a trip with his private plane
He's the newborn Jesus Christ, wishes everyone on board welcome
We're on a way to his kingdom come

Jesus Christ - Take his hand - Otherwise it's too late
Do it right - Your last chance, come and change your fate

If you feel like giving up cos you can't see no hope
Diseased but they can't find a cure
Believe and you're saved or get your money back
Only non-smoking seats on this tour

Jesus Christ - Catch his look
You'll be hypnotized
Do it right - Your last chance with
Jesus Christ


Lying on a bed, boards crunching
I'm making love - to a pillow
But you're the one I'm really thinking of
And how I found you all around the railroad
Few big pieces in a strange position
Smile on your face, no worries 'bout tomorrow

I know you're not gone
Still can smell you with me between the sheets
Look around, you're everywhere
I have all of you in this room

Watch through a mirror as I screw, I'm pushing hard
Yeah I'm coming!
I'm so lonely, I'm so blue, if you truly wanna
I'll come to you

Behind a thin line
Above the grey sky

A blunt kitchen knife, feeling dizzy, reaching out for you
Will you make me happy again?
Please make me happy again!
Take me home

Watch through a mirror as I bleed, I'm trying so hard
Not to laugh
Distant voice is calling me, take me inside
Where we can be free

Behind a thin line
Above the grey sky


Let's talk about you now, darling
Look at yourself, peep inside
Tell me what do you see
Don't be afraid, go on and try
Let me help you now, tell me 'bout your past
Tell me what you recall
I can tell many dark things you wouldn't like me to see

I'll make you remember all the bad memories you try to hide
Scared to open the gates to yesterday, the truth can petrify
Be honest with me now, I know if you lie
Touch my hand and I'll know all
About you but you have to trust me, I hand over the key

Screaming voices
Paralyzing your mind
Inner compulsion
Forcing you to turn off the line

Face the past
The Mad Hatter's Den
Touch my hand
Let the past


Life should be played safe, secure the happy future
No extra choices to be made, center all on one goal
Leave school with best marks, university calls
Raise a huge loan, marry the brightest girl in the class

Twenty years of masterplan
The way it was meant to be

Young lovers take up another loan and buy an own house
The first hangover strikes the morning after graduating
Make two fat children, take over a huge firm
Start to repay the bank for the next century

Forty years of masterplan
The way it was meant to be

What if your company wasn't financially sound
And you didn't have the magic wand
What if you studied the wrong profession
That doesn't even interest you anymore

Would you go back to start
If you got another chance
Could it be something else
If you just let it go

What if your wife left you and took the kids as well
Divorce sucked all that's left of you
The house of course was sold but nothing got into your hands
The bank took its own and you were alone
Would you still believe

Now you're alone with your plan
Alone with your shattered future
Everything didn't go as planned
Where'd you make a mistake
Had a clear picture
Every move well thought out
Bitter tears dripping
Blaming the rotten society

Eighty years of masterplan
The way it was meant to be




A lot of bad water is running down
Our frightened river
The reason why the big fishes seethe
They all should move away
That's what I'm trying to do
I'm close to the surface, not close enough to breathe

I'm struggling through the dirt, trying to reach the air
But I can't get to the waterfront
Already crowded and no space to share


This is my home - Where I must be
This is the only place where I'm me
This is my Haven - Where I belong
This is the place where I'm strong

Woke up this morning and my fish was dead
Saw the panic on the surface, now I don't wanna leave
My wealth is here

Shore glitters gold, promising better, richer days
It's all twisted by the waves
There's nowhere they can go
Just another polluted zone
This place I call my own
I'll stay here with my own


The past years
I see them unreal
I think back
Don't know what to feel

Everytime I turn around
I find the past thrown in my face
Living in dreadful memories
That's all I have left
Waiting for the sun to rise
Does it rise to anyone

Picture this world in your hand
Name all the living things on this land
Shape the world like it's today
Results of "The American Way"

Watching the similar seasons change
The new morning will never come
Hoping for the sun to rise
Would it rise for anyone

Remember the last sunset, a lifetime ago
Ever since it's been like today
The silence is pain, takes a tight grip
Darkness is the one I must obey

Looking at the sad view outside
Grey snow falling on the ground
Covering all the signs of death


Raining as always, the city is in pain, almost dead
Artificial lighting trying to revive the dreary scene
The land is cold, sun is behind a toxic veil
A raped city gives no shelter for the weak

Machines' low hum is constant, echoing in the streets
Air's been still for ages 'cos the wind is dead

My mother gave birth to me from a microwave womb
But I wasn't synchronized with abstract times

Grew up with the rain, never saw the sun
Neurotic climate really got to me
Tasted the cruel world with innocent eyes
The sucked all it's additive to my synthetic brain

Chemical showers keep me nervous and the skin is burning
Remote control changing the channels in my head
Won't close my eyes, programmed myself to maximize
The anxiety, still I know I don't belong here

Take my oxygen mask, I wanna go our for a ride
I know it's after curfew but I have to change the scene
Glide through the bleak landscape with no destination
Just trying to keep myself together, I'm about to erupt

Got a skin made of concrete, a plastic heart inside
The only problem is I don't fit in

Switch myself invisible, use the radar look
Observing the view from the outside
Inhumanity is all I find much too fierce to me
It's late and I'm tired
On my way home I'll see
No friend


Won the first prize in lottery, born in a farewell state
Have everything I need, I thank my fate
Thinking 'bout developing countries, the famine an need
Apartheid is wrong as well, I think, as long as I succeed


Do you think I'm someone, someone you could know
Do you think I'm God's son, I'm the one you bow
I will get the work done, all I want is more
Do you think I'm someone, someone rotten to the core

Made a song about this horrid thing
My royalties go to charity
Manager's rubbing hands together
Counting the rest of money
Song hits the magic top ten, stays there for months
It's a great, serious song, they say, very easy to dance


Must make a use of this, release a long play
Straight to number one it goes, won't see a poor day
Don't know 'bout charity money, wonder where did it go
I'm a missionary of charity, I'm the one they bow

Time for a festival with all the big boys
Whose latest albums haven't got them a new Rolls Royce
Gig's profit goes to charity or some fund
Stars are hugging each other
Guessing whose album goes to number one

Won the first prize, I was born in a farewell state
Winning much more by singing help's not too late
Preaching 'bout developing countries a matter so sore
I'm a missionary of charity I'm rotten to the core



Lighting a fire in the middle of darkness
Sparks disappearing in the sky
Can't stop staring at the curling fire
Mesmeric magic in the flames

Here I am exploring different stages in Emotional Playground
I need to see what's behind this all
Exploring different stages in Emotional Playground
I have a vision, I have a dream

A peaceful walk through a naked city
Sun is waking up, melting the air
Looks like I'm alone here, and it feels kinda weird
There seems to be no course of time

Here I am exploring different stages in Emotional Playground
I need to see what's behind this all
Exploring different stages in Emotional Playground
I have a vision, I have a dream

My mind's flying with the sparks far out in the sky
I wish you could share this all with me

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