Steel Prophet : Omniscient

Heavy Metal / USA
(2014 - Pure Steel Records)
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Once we could see it was all certain
They came to us by night
Somehow disease has spread the scroll
Why do we believe prophecy?
The humans became the pests
The scourge that threatened all life
The earth in her ways devised trickery
Interprets what must be a sign

Leave and you'll save us
Whom lives on will thank us
The prophecy needs us to fade

When germs are the species endangered
And insects hold keys to our fate
Plant's lives we've yet to see
The crowds have become as a cancer
The city has paved over life
The glow of technology blinds us
We're pestilence to air, land and sea

Leave and you'll save us
Whom lives on will thank us
The prophecy needs us to fade

I see twilight ahead
A fog rises up from the sea
A balance is held in a hand
A veil through which no man may see

Why should I go?
Who tells me so?
What will I see?
Is it just one of her tricks?
Why am I born?
Who gives a care?
Why must I die?
Tell me it's not all in vain?


Is the world so flawed
You and me too?
What can I do?
What will I do
'til the end?
Bitter end?
Don't accept something
That should be better
Although the say
You're playing god
Or the devil
If right and wrong
Are too clear
Where's the grey?

I could change it
Or remake it
This one or another one
They say everyone has a dream
Why not make it
An 'impossible' one?
May I point out
A key flaw an
Omniscient, wise, caring god?
Made a world
Where the crowning glory
Is things that prey
On each other

In the name of infinity
A small humble man
Would make
All creatures as planets
Or plants
Able tu sustain
And create sustenance from
The great solar engine
With no need to think
But still know of oneself
And outside
The problems may vanish
As ghosts
In the night

I could change it
Or remake it
This one or another one
They say everyone has a dream
Why not make it
An 'impossible' one?
May I point out
A key flaw an
Omniscient, wise, caring god?
Made a world
Where the crowning glory
Is things that prey
On each other

The ill will to devour
The humble
In the back stab
Power grab
Made some doubt
The holy father's
Caring for us

I could change it
Or remake it
This one or another one
They say everyone has a dream
Why not make it
An 'impossible' one?

But fallibility, possibility
Failed this world
They preyed he learned
From his mistakes
And created better worlds
We've never seen
But he has
And I hope to travel there
In dreams or death
Ha ha ha

3. 911

A circle of tyrants devised a scheme
Lofty plans of conquest
Building the Empire of Dreams
Generals gather like witches
Plotting in secrecy
Diabolical plans in their project
for the new American century
Create a crisis
Cause upheaval in the world
The blame the Muslims
A self-inflicted wound
To serve as pretext for war
Perpetual conflict
Theatre wars without end
For Oil, Opium, and the dying dollar

The ultimate of false flags
Mother of conspiracy
Monumental is this lie
Imploding all our liberties
Compliant is the media
Perpetuating fear and lies
Osama Bin Laden, Al-Qaida network
Wants Americans to die!
Catalyzing like a new Pearl Harbor
How the Neocons rejoiced
A chance to capture the Caspian Sea
Leaving many dead in their wake
Shock and awe, dropping bombs
Delivering democracy
9/11 on that fateful day forever in infamy

Blood Sacrifice, En Masse
Unto the all seeing eye
Their great work is almost done
Three thousand lost for this lie
On that day the world had changed
The gates of hell were opened wide

Opportunity to seize the day
Consolidate he world into one
Oppress with tyranny
AmeriKKKa invokes the law
Microchip humanity, tagging cattle
Herding sheep
Unfolding is prophecy
The world marvels at the beast

Compliant is the media
Perpetuating fear and lies
Osama Bin Laden, Al-Qaida network
Wants Americans to die!


Appearing in the skies above
So frequent like never before
Light ship crafts abound en masse
Will disclosure see the light of day?
Ancient astronaut theories make light
And understanding of where we are right now
Our modern world of mediocrity
In the religion of technology
Struggle for dominance and power supreme
Engulf the planet in war and pain

Are they our saviors?
Or Ancient Gods of our past?
Have they come to invade?
Or are they here hiding behind a mask?
So many answers that those
In power must know
Hoarding this knowledge from us
To remain in control

Inner ascendance awaking
To higher consciousness
Imminent shift is upon us all
Aware or unaware
Battle for Earth unseen forces abound
Armageddon is so very near
Who will fight to save us from ourselves?
Before we destroy the earth

Are they our saviors?
Or Ancient Gods of our past?
Have they come to invade?
Or are they here hiding behind a mask?
So many answers that those
In power must know
Hoarding this knowledge from us
To remain in control

Eyes now open from our sleep
True lies false truths be revealed
The hidden now seen are exposed
Before the dawn three days of night


If I were not of the tree of knowledge
But if the tree of life
I imagine
I would be in the moment

Disappear mind is
When knowledge is
The soul unchained
Mind rearranged
When eaten from
The tree of life

As animals are
And only have instincts
Small communications that might
Be the best thing with no history
To build on
There would be no insidious weapons
Or perversions
Built on past
Remembered lunacies

Disappear mind is
When knowledge is
The soul unchained
Mind rearranged
When eaten from
The tree of life

But being of the knowledge tree
I must push my species forward
And become
The being that uses
Intellect and imagination
To improve my species
As a whole
Take away want and need
And make love and kinship
Universal and real not just ideal


My whammy bar broke
Last night
I put in the springs
Too tight
I didn't know how to sing
Actual music tones
But I growled my way
To metalness

It's my thing
My double bass pedal
Snapped so I got
No swing
My wristband
My denim vest in threadbare
My broken pinky means
My metal horns
Look like I just don't care

666 not 665 or 667
Is everywhere in my metal
Ballad blues

Ma says
My long hair uniform
Is a cartoon caricature
Like Uncle Dan's boots
And hat
Makes that
Country dude tat
Baggy pants and backward cap
Make a man a legend of rap

My phrygian miner progression
Slayered me
With white powdery anthrax
And the ballad of lieutenant
Marshall stack
Keeled over
In the garage

666 not 665 or 667
Is everywhere in my metal
Ballad blues

My phrygian miner progression
Slayered me
With white powdery anthrax
And the ballad of lieutenant
Marshall stack
Keeled over
In the garage

Apparently by the smoke
Of the2 joint
The drum solo
Or the 2 joints
After the drum solo
Or the 2 joints before
The two-hand-tap solo
Erupting from my speakers
As I bang my head
Standing in my leather
Studded sneakers


Let's take in meander in the oleander
Let's take in meander oleander vous


I thought I saw a UFO one night
But I may have been mistaken
Conspiracy is hard to prove
Even when it's everywhere
And you're the forsaken

Where is that spaceship
That picks up Nixon
And takes him to Watergate
To relive his folly
And change history?

I'd like to watch
Richard sweat
But not believing he was wrong
Makes me see
A bit of myself
And compassion
Or is it hate
Of that part of myself?

But I can't remember
If the UFO was real
Or what my dream
Sought to reveal
In 1974, with aliens
And Richard M. Nixon
When the Milhouse
Burnt down that day
Some crop circle theorist suspected
The aliens
I never did see
But the UFO
I did see that night
May have been that ship
Carrying Richard M. Nixon
They laughed at me that day
But I think I saw Nixon holed up
In the alien cargo bay
In '74, lying on the floor
Putting pieces
In my puzzle
Of Richard M. Nixon


Sitting here in fear
That can't show
With you all watching
Little beads of sweat
Popping on
My face
7 million miles in space

And I see the stars
Like no one ever saw
The stars
When will it be over
And return
I'll be oh so good
If I can just return
To you

With only my thoughts
That always seem to turn
Back to the fear
And claustrophobia
That linger like boogeymen
Under my bed

Soaring thru
Wading through space
I don't want to
Run this race
Where does it
All lead
From this craft
It takes a lot of trust
To be trapped
In a single room
For 3 months
Or a year
Time to face
My fear
But hiding from it
Is another way to play it
And keep you near
In my thoughts
Are a puzzle
With a piece
I can't seem to find
Hope or faith
I've left behind
In shadows that eclipse
the bright thoughts
Of you
And your smile
We trust
The smile
Even the ones forced from fear
That always returns when
You're a man
In a space craft
And in the closet
I can't dare to look in
Sea diver try to escape
This iron cage


Shame and secrecy
Have come to die
Along with art
That passes
The emperor has no clothes
And we masses
Have been taken again
For asses

In an effort
To connect
To something outside of ourself
We seek meaning
In things
That often have none
Except what we ourselves imbue

Blind spots dictate
I think not me
You think not you
But it must be true

Shame and secrecy
Have come to die
Along with art
That passes
The emperor has no clothes
And we masses
Have been taken again
For asses

7/11 time
And gregarious grunts
Pentamic meter
And current shunts
Truss rods of crooked necks
Clever inventions
Or flyshit specks
Where there's nothing of the sort
Redundant formulas
A void to report

I'll retire from believing
I just don't get it
Pirata's de underground
Please just forget it
Friends that really aren't
Art devoid of emotions
Our own emotions
Bottled and sold back to us
In watered down libations of our sights
Sounds, feeling and thoughts
We are unable to convert
To art ourselves
Wise man bestowed proverbs
With sage season
Seemingly, when tried for treason
Of art with no reason




There once was a man
Who lived in light
His mind was frozen
But it's all right
It's hard to explain
This mystery in rhyme
One dat he was as
All of us are
But slowly and sure
Ghosts fled from his mind
The light was his food
And water his blood

Light is my way

Once it began
It couldn't slow down
Skin was as bark
Muscle atrophy
Roots they became
Leaves were as hair
Movement no more
Joyous and free had finally arrived

Light is my way


Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide,
No escape from reality.

Open your eyes,
Look up to the skies and see,
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy,
Because I'm easy come, easy go,
Little high, little low,
Anyway the wind blows doesn't really matter to me, to me.

Mama, just killed a man,
Put a gun against his head,
Pulled my trigger, now he's dead.
Mama, life had just begun,
But now I've gone and thrown it all away.

Mama, ooh,
Didn't mean to make you cry,
If I'm not back again this time tomorrow,
Carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters.

Too late, my time has come,
Sent shivers down my spine,
Body's aching all the time.
Goodbye, everybody, I've got to go,
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth.

Mama, ooh (anyway the wind blows),
I don't wanna die,
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all.

I see a little silhouetto of a man,
Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango?
Thunderbolt and lightning,
Very, very frightening me.
(Galileo) Galileo.
(Galileo) Galileo,
Galileo Figaro

I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me.
He's just a poor boy from a poor family,
Spare him his life from this monstrosity.

Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?
Bismillah! No, we will not let you go. (Let him go!)
Bismillah! We will not let you go. (Let him go!)
Bismillah! We will not let you go. (Let me go!)
Will not let you go. (Let me go!)
Never, never let you go
Never let me go, oh.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Oh, mama mia, mama mia (Mama mia, let me go.)
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me.

So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye?
So you think you can love me and leave me to die?
Oh, baby, can't do this to me, baby,
Just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta here.

(Oh, yeah, oh yeah)

Nothing really matters,
Anyone can see,
Nothing really matters,
Nothing really matters to me.

Anyway the wind blows.



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