Staya : Not My War

Industrial Metal / Belarus
(2012 - Self-Released)
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War! Have you heard ‘bout war,
Never ending war
Raging next to you?

War for drugs and promised lands,
For oil, power, brands,
For our voting hands

Tell me it’s just a dream,
Things are not as they seem!

War! Stop it, bloody bastards!
War! Leave us all here alone,
War! Stop it, bloody bastards!
War! Just stop it before we are all gone…

You've got it!

War! It’s taking everyday
Hundreds lives away -
A bloody price you pay

War! It’s knocking at your door
It won’t be ignored
‘Cos now it is your war!

Tell me it’s just a dream,
Things are not as they seem!

War! Stop it, bloody bastards!
War! Leave us all here alone,
War! Stop it, bloody bastards!
War! Just stop it before we are all gone…

Day by day you tried to pretend
It was not your fight, not your war.
Day by day you washed your hands
Stained with tears and blood of the innocent!

It’s not my war!

lyrics added by VampiricGoth - Modify this lyrics