Starbynary : Divina Commedia - Paradiso

Progressive Power / Italy
(2020 - Art Gates Records)
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In Paradiso - In Paradiso

meseemed as if a cloud were covering us,
As luminous and dense,
As hard and polished
Like a diamond really sheer
Smitten by the sun

Eternal pearl inwardly received us
As the crystallin pure water
Welcomes all the rays of light
Unbroken remaining

Vision appeared
In front of us
So attractive
That erased my mind

In paradiso
The blessed ethereal appearing
Revealing us, their degree of beatitude

Tormenting doubts crept into my mind
So violent that i don't have the right words
And i could not speak and i felt
The need to keep quiet

But sweet lady
Deeply knows my mind
Because she saw everything in god's law
She doesn't need words to understand me
Her words are my words
Plato's theory disproving….
"Io Veggio Ben Come Ti Tira Uno E Altro Disio ….."

Al the blessed dwell in
The Empyrean heaven
show themselves in their own degree:
it's a symbolic meaning
the writing of God
fits to human understanding:
the church so symbolizes the angels
like they were human……

"Beatrice mi guardò….."


Ascending to the second realm
Fast as an arrow hits the mark
Full of joy (joyful) i see my lady
Like the light of heaven where we are

Io vedo bene come tu ti nascondi nella tua stessa luce,
E che essa nasce dal tuo guardo, 'ché diventa più
Intensa quando tu sorridi; ma non so chi sei,
Né perché occupi, anima degna,
Il grado del cielo che è velato agli uomini
Dai raggi del sole

Eagle was
In my hand
Where costantino (il grande)
From rome to byzantium
Move the town

Original sin has condemned
Under this weight all the human kind
'Til divine words as "the son"
Came down on earth to be the only one

In her shining face i see well
The divine path to the clear truth
And her happiness increased
So much that the planet shone
Her appareance soon has changed
I had no more words


"Solea creder lo mondo in suo periclo
Che la bella ciprigna il folle amore raggiasse
Volta nel terzo epiciclo "

Venus the goddess
Cupid and dione
Holy sacrifices
And vision divine
Yes, the religion's fault!

One spirit so close
Regret for his life
It was too much short:
We were friends but he's dead
Wanted show love for me

"look here this vast lands
I would have been king
If i had still been alive to govern
And there was no war
But i'm dead

In the heavens, pull the creatures
Towards the right goal

"taci e lascia muover li anni"
Then the spirit ruled
I can't say
If he will punish

He told the deceptions
That his seed must have
To endure
And sad i heard him

Evil creatures and tricked souls
Leading heart and mind to vain things
Moving away from supreme good
That is not the right way!
Sinless hearts of human beings
Full of hope for the future
Towards god and his virtues
That's the way forevermore!

Like elegant ruby
Enlightened by sun
A great joyful spirit
Showed himself to me
Love lived in his youth

From the town
Born by lucifer's seed
It has spread
Fast and everywhere
"cursèd flower", bloody coin
That turned shepherds into wolves

Venus, celestial body
She (who) spreads on the earth
The physical love
Venus, celestial body
Love to all men of the earth
Is her message here for us


Souls wrapped in intense light,

Crown of shining souls all around
Like three sinuous dancing circles
Singing sweetly

"this is the sun"

Two were the guides
To bring church to the right:
Mendicant orders founders

One full of ardor
Like Seraphins and the other
Man of great wisdom he was


Always judge must have
Great caution with
Something he can't understand to
Make no mistakes
Fool it's who without
To think this through
With convinction he show to all
His certainties

Infested is
Great order of the church
Few remained faithful to rules

E questo ti sia sempre piombo a’ piedi,
Per farti mover lento com’uom lasso
E al sì e al no che tu non vedi:

E la povertà
Come due amanti
Amore, dolce sguardo,
Furono grande cagion
Di pensieri santi


"Quindi ripreser li occhi miei virtute
A rilevarsi; e vidimi translato
Sol con mia donna in più alta salute.

Ben m’accors’io ch’io era più levato,
Per l’affocato riso de la stella,
Che mi parea più roggio che l’usato"

In front of us, now, silent souls
Before they sang forming a cross
So i can pray
Charity moves them, but now suddenly
I'm confused

How can they be deaf to the right
Prayers, in silence just for mine?
Eternal pain
For those renounce to God and love
Material goods

At first your rough words will be bad
But when them will be understood
Will give absolute vitality, "holy mental food"
This your loud cry will be
Like fast wind hits much more
Highest peaks, glory to you!

O sanguis meus, o superinfusa
Gratia Dei, sicut tibi cui
Bis unquam caeli ianua reclusa

Magnum opus: what's the reason for ?
With the journey through the reigns
Holy consciousness and "freedom" for all
Magnum opus, why it has been done?
Heavy burden crushes me
The exile that devastated my life

"....and you'll have to abandon your town
Like Hippolytos, who had to leave Athens
Beacause of his stepmother,
You'll be exiled"

Still many doubts
Now they filled my mind

Pull out your thought
Make clear what you think
Need your simple words
To enter your mind
But you must have
Express your desires so you
You can hope that they will come true
"oh dear, my lady, you rise like light
You can see how, mind of God
All the things, much before they happened"

Tanto poss’io di quel punto ridire,
Che, rimirando lei, lo mio affetto
Libero fu da ogne altro disire,

Fin che ‘l piacere etterno, che diretto
Raggiava in Beatrice, dal bel viso
Mi contentava col secondo aspetto


Diligite iustitiam qui iudicatis terram

From here, influence of justice
From here, jupiter's the law
Oh god, please watch over our land
Punish all men who blurs light (of justice)

...and he greedy for his earthly richness
As Pope he forgot the deeds
Of them dead for the "ECCLESIA"
Now he it's the ruin of Church
It's evil !

"but why valorous man
That without fault he did not know
Gospel and the God's words
He is condemned forever by the eternal divine?"
This doubt has always been within me
In this heaven now waiting for answer
The eagle will talk

The mind of man
Heavenly ray
Understands a part
But can't reaches god
Like the clear look
Goes into sea
Can't see the seabed
Away from shore

Here now, one of the eagles' souls - the great emperor
Justice, its reason for life- Trajan emperor
He did justice to a widow - plundered of his son
So he understood the prize - for not to follow Christ


Within crystal of saturn round the Land
Golden ladder i saw
Ascending so high up, much sparkling
That my eye pursued it not

In front of me, among the many souls
One stops and I spoke to him
"the gentle symphony of Paradise
Why here i cannot hear? "

Here's golden ladder enlightened by the sun
Binds the celestial and earthly, the two worlds

If thou, as I do,
Couldst behold the love
Which burns among us here,
Thy thoughts would be expressed;
But lest, by waiting, thou delay

Ora i pastori moderni vogliono servi che li sorreggano
Da ambo i lati e che li trasportino, tanto sono pesanti,
E che li alzino da dietro.

Down steps
Blazing lights here
Like vortex
Beautiful now
They stop
Screaming loudly
No ear
Can hear the sound

Oppresso di stupore, a la mia guida
Mi volsi, come parvol che ricorre
Sempre colà dove più si confida;

E quella, come madre che soccorre
Sùbito al figlio palido e anelo
Con la sua voce, che ‘l suol ben disporre,

Mi disse:

Do you know you are in heaven? And know that all
Is holy here? And of good zeal cometh all done here ?


Cloud of spirits gathered in a vortex
With great speed ascended like a whirl:
Never on earth it's possible
Such a rapid form of life !

She pushed me down the stairs
His virtue won my mortal nature

The sign of gemini saw me born, oh glorious stars,
And from you i have received my genius

"last salvation" is so close
That your eyes must be so clear
Before entering, look down
And now open your heart
And then fill it with great joy
Hand it to the host of souls
Who are glad in this pure sky

Now here are the blessed
Triumph of christ
In this ever brighter sky
In this heaven of fixed stars
We look for the light of the sun

Don't look at the light
This is too much for you
Remember well
You're just a man

If now a thousand voices
All togheter spoke for me
I could not describe her holy smile,
Her amazing shine beauty

And the light of her face
It makes me crazy fall in love
That i can't turn my gaze to the garden
Of the blessed

My beatrice….

Oh fellowship elected at banquet
(of) the blessed lamb who feeds you very well
Since by the grace of god, this man enjoys
A taste of what falls from your table

Now listen to his immense desire
And you drink from this clear source!
The mind of the holy divine
Inspires him

E come cerchi in tempra d’oriuoli
Si giran sì, che ‘l primo a chi pon mente
Quieto pare, e l’ultimo che voli;

Così quelle carole, differente-
Mente danzando, de la sua ricchezza
Mi facieno stimar, veloci e lente.

Don't be surprised if i change my color,
Because as soon as i'll begin talking
You will see that also the other spirits
They will change their color




E come vien la chiarissima ancella
Del sol più oltre, così ‘l ciel si chiude
Di vista in vista infino a la più bella.

Non altrimenti il triunfo che lude
Sempre dintorno al punto che mi vinse,
Parendo inchiuso da quel ch’elli ‘nchiude,

The beauty which i then beheld,
Transcends not us alone,
But truly i believe that
The lord only can enjoy
And now i have to give up
To her mystique charm:
As artist i've arrived at
My limit

A river of light
Glowed between two banks
Adorned with wondrous hues
Of early clear spring
And from this, living sparks like
Rubies set in gold
Among the flowers
They came out everywhere

Natural laws here have
No value, light of god
For all men who finds peace
In him divine
The angels and the blessed
Here in front of us
Appear like judgement day

From thrall to freedom you drived me
Your bounty now you keep for me :
So my spirit
With no sin
Can leaves my body in
State of grace

The old man
Now prays to me
To walk with
The look the garden of blessed
To make the view stronger to
Sustain the power of the
Vision of god then he tells
Me: the virgin
She will make
Us every grace


Da questa parte onde 'l fiore è maturo
Di tutte le sue foglie, sono assisi
Quei che credettero in Cristo venturo;

Da l'altra parte onde sono intercisi
Di vòti i semicirculi, si stanno
Quei ch'a Cristo venuto ebber li visi.

E come quinci il glorïoso scanno
De la donna del cielo e li altri scanni
Di sotto lui cotanta cerna fanno,

Così di contra quel del gran Giovanni,
Che sempre santo 'l diserto e 'l martiro
Sofferse, e poi l'inferno da due anni;

Sotto lui così cerner sortiro
Francesco, Benedetto e Augustino
E altri fin qua giù di giro in giro.

Or mira l’alto proveder divino:
Ché l’uno e l’altro aspetto de la fede
Igualmente empierà questo giardino.

Rachel, Eva
Close to Beatrice
You can see
Sarah and Rebecca
Judith and Ruth
At Maria's feet

Descending from the seventh row
Other Hebrew women follow
Dividing all the tresses of the Flower:
Petals of rose

And now behold the great God's foresight:
For each of these two aspects of the Faith
This Garden will fill to the same extent.
The order of the rose is established
Then the spirits of the children
Saved by: not by own hand,
But thanks to their parents

Ben ti puoi accorger per
Li volti e per
Le voci che
Se li guardi bene e se
Li ascolti tu
Or dubbi sili
Ma io scioglierò il legame
Ti stringon li
Pensier sottili
Dentro tal reame
Casual punto non
Aver sito può

Move your gaze and
Follow this view
This famous figures are here
Now it is time to prepare yourself
To the contemplation of HIM, the divine

I saw such gladness raining down on her,
Brought by those holy minds
Created such that they might fly
Across those altitudes, that whatsoever I had seen before
Ne’er held me with such admiration poised
Nor showed me so resemblance unto God.

Virgin Mother GRATIA PLENA
Pray for us
Daughter of thy Son, you divine
Pray for us

Qual è colui che sognando vede,
Che dopo ‘l sogno la passione impressa
Rimane, e l’altro a la mente non riede,

Cotal son io, ( ché) quasi tutta cessa
Mia visione, e ancor mi distilla
Nel core il dolce che nacque da essa.

E’ mi ricorda ch’io fui più ardito
(per) questo a sostener, tanto ch’i’ giunsi
L’aspetto mio col valore infinito.

A l’alta fantasia qui mancò possa;
Ma (già) volgeva il mio disio e ‘l velle,
L’amor che move il sole e l’altre stelle.

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