Space In Your Face : The True Essence of Life

Post Hardcore / France
(2001 - Ugly Records)
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1. MLK



As a sniper, pull the trigger
My heart is like a consuming fire
My music rings like a blasting shotgun
My love, a loaded gun
Time to pull the trigger

Are you for freestyle, for good vibes, no pride
No place for the rotten guys
This is a come back, the space tribe's back
This is the end of the triple 6, the crushing of the beast
Hardcore way of living, radical for the king
Join us and step to the groove, stand up,
Run straight to the goal

Let the show begin
Come on guys get ready
We're gonna party
United as one
Let the show begin

My heart keeps on burning
My music is echoing the blast
My love is about to overflow
Time to pull the trigger

Today is the day
Brothers and sisters arise
Sons of mercy, so many by my side
My family is constantly growing
No way, you can't stop it now
Hey today is the day, I want to sing with you
Forever together, united as one
I run straight to the goal, run straight to the goal

And now I feel, here is the time... here is the place
To pull the trigger

A burning mic in my hand

I sing against injustice, and I sing against conformity
I sing against racism, and I sing against mediocrity
My music : a loaded gun
My dream : a loaded gun
My fate : a loaded gun
My rage : a loaded gun
And now I feel, here is the time... here is the place


Born into that angry world
Where blinds lead the blind
Only selfish motives before my eyes
I've seen all the wicked ways of men
I've seen them all

Temptation surround me
I cannot breath the open air
This world tries to drag me down
The charmer plays his sweet melody
He tries to hypnotize me...but I'm no so naive

My soul mourns in this wasteland
Show me the narrow path to follow
I will never fit the world system
I want to find a better place for me somewhere
I wanna live that something true, I wanna live that something real

Material reality
Is not enough to fill my dream
But I know there is something more
I know there is something true
I know there is something real
And I wanna live that something more
I wanna live that something true
I wanna live that something real
And I wanna live that something
'Cause all I want is to breathe


Let me come to you
Let me bring vision to you
Whithout fear, whithout frustration
Created by a living loving god
Whith or whithout him, this is your choice
Eternal life is a gift, must go for it

Like you I used to hear voices, they speak to my mind
They want to control you, « make your own way »
« listen to your heart, that's all you have to do »
« The truth does not exist, make your own »
Others say « there appears to be a supreme being,
We may have lost the keys of his kingdom »
You can't find that at the store,
Gotta go to the other shore
Information, education, communication

I do confess the truth and not my truth
'Cause my truth has set me free
A witness that's all I am
A witness that's all I want to be
Witness of god, I'm so proud of
Walking and living his will

We don't want to appears as, religious, superstitious guys
I'm not trying to judge you,
Only god does yes, man only god does
Follow the one, follow the truth
Follow the one who love us all
He's the prince of peace I want you to know
A new dimension in your everyday life
A new hope in your everyday walk
Listen, we proclaim the name of Jesus
The truth to witness is what I'm here for
We've heard saying « your way's wrong way,
I'd rather be left behind »
Wrong ?
Try it, you lazy one ,put him to the test

My friend they lie to you, everybody lie to you
Religion, Halloween party
Unhealthy, porky-graphy
That's what we're fed, what we learn today
It become our lives

Jesus is my force, Jesus is my life, Jesus is alive !
Make the good choice, fight the good fight




Modern civilization, built on lives
So-called civilization, so full of pride
Wrapped in indifference, blinded by selfishness
No one seems to see the needs no one seems to care.

I know grace is free
Jesus is so good to me

No more time to grow inside
No more time to listen to our heart
Be a consumer, be a number,, be a slave
I don't want it, I refuse and resist it

Feeling like an alien, tired of such a mess

But I know
I know the grace of my savior is free
But I know, ask and receive

Almighty dollar
I've lost so many friends on your altar
Deaf, walking marionette
Manipulated by the market

Stress, a sickness
Emptiness as a consequence
Pollution in the air
The creation is dying everywhere

Plus besoin de se justifier, nous sommes des guerriers
Revêtus par Christ nous avançons par la foi
Nous sommes affranchis de l'esclavage, de la servitude
Des envies de ce monde nefaste
L'esprit conduit ma vie, ma vieille nature reste en arrière
Acharné, passionné a souhait, toujours aux aguets
Mon désir demeure ferme, Jah m'a gracié
Toujours mon king, sur le ring avec nous au combat
Y'a pas d'tracats, on lâchera pas, on est là pour Jah

Do you know what I know, wanna know what I know
Gotta throw yourself aside, let me show you how to hide
No more pain, shame, strain, no need for fame
Come and hide, they all lied, don't you backslide
Ask, Receive
I know the grace of my savior is free


Hey the claim that they'll make it by themselves
They're gonna bring peace and justice to the world
Humanism's creeping into our brains
Can't you see the breast is rising
Man has become is own God
Chains of pride are snaring his mind

Oh please forgive them father
Brainwashed, and still they say you're just a fraud

Mass culture teaches you its new values
Man,what do you thing about the biggest lie
All religion leads to the same destination
Krishna or Jesus is it so important ?
It's in the air, it's everywhere

Oh please forgive them father
Brainwashed, and still they say you're just a fraud
And still they say there is no god

They lie right to my face, They poison my eyes
Their wisdom, a venom, they lie right to my face
And I can't see the face of God


Chacun cherche en lui même
Les moyens d'exprimer ce qu'il ressent
J'ai pas envie de monter sur scène, faire mon show 
Ca y est j'redescent
La zic de space, ne se résume pas qu'à ça
Y'a quelque chose en plus qui voudrait venir jusqu'à toi
Alors aujourd'hui, fais l'effort de faire le vide en toi
Cherche dans ton cœur, reconsidère ton état
N'as-tu jamais pensé aux questions fondamentales
Pourquoi la vie, pourquoi suis-je ici ?
Mais dis-moi dans quel but précis
Certains te diront, pas besoin de réfléchir
Il faut prendre la vie comme elle vient,
Et comme ça jusqu'à la fin
D'autant plus qur de plus en plus les gens sont déçus
La peur rode, les gns stressent la vie ne sourit plus
L'immoralité cherche à gagner le fond de nos pensées
Les instabilités des uns rendent les autres embrouillés
C'est comme ça, petit à petit, que dans la fosse on plonge
On eut rendre cool et juste tant de mensonges

La pression devient forte
Bien plus qu'un être charnel
Le souffle divin coule dans tes veines
Te laisse pas aller frère
La pression devient forte

Les temps sont durs, alors place à l'éveil
Combattant de l'espoir, c'est çà mon attitude,
Mon état d'esprit
Celui qui croit au fils, a la vie éternelle
Les temps sont durs, alors place à l'éveil
Le malin crache sur toi son mal, prends garde à ton âme
Un seul pas vers Zion, et ne plus être le même

Adepte de Krishna ou du passif Da Lai Lama
Recherchant la paix suprême dans une religion vaine
Sais-tu que pour Jah, quand devant lui tu paraîtras
Tu sera le même gars que celui qui aura pêché 100 fois
Nul ne vient au Père que par celui en qui j'ai foi
Ma science le Christ Jésus, fils de Dieu,
Personne de confiance
C'est en lui qu'il faut croire,
Chaque jour il battit l'espoir
Dans l'être humble et juste qui un jour a baissé les armes
J'entends le rire des moqueurs, le souffle des hyènes
Rien est parfais ici bas et tout s'accomplit
Ils appellent le mal, le bien et vice versa c'est le constat
Ca y est j'entends partout parler de dégats
L'immoralité cherche à gagner le fond de nos pensées
Les instabilités des uns rendent les autres embrouillés
C'est comme ça, petit à petit, que dans la fosse on plonge
On eut rendre cool et juste tant de mensonges

Le monde est un défi, qu'il faut relever
La société veut des gens digne
De l'image qu'elle veut donner
Les lois d'ici sont sales, j'ai toujours soif de justice,
De changement radical
Et je veux rester là, remplit de ça paix
C'est ça mon attitude, mon état d'esprit

Lève-toi, ne combat pas la vie
Lève-toi, car Jésus est la vie
Lève-toi, ne fait pas le sourd
Lève-toi, ne te détourne pas de la main tendue vers toi
Non, peut-être la dernière fois
Non, saisis ta chance frère au vol
Car les fauves cherchent des proies à dévorer.


I'm listening to J. Hendrix on a bloody microphone at six
Standin'in standin'out with any protest
Waiting for anything
Suddenly a warning pushes me by, tells me I'm going too far
Sipping in, sipping out until there's no rest
Waiting for anything

My name ? The lazy-sucker-superman
My job ? The best do-nothing-of a year
My aim ? Become an « all wrong »

Hey you man, who are you praying to ?
Asking this , asking that , better get money
Waiting for anything
Now come with me, get out of your home
Don't check it in, check it out, now it's ok
Waiting for anything

My name ? The lazy-sucker-superman
My job ? The best do-nothing-of a year
My aim ? Become an « all wrong »

The warning is warning twice
The warning is coming fast
The warning is on my back
The warning is Jesus Christ

He says : Don't you have no fear, no sympathy
Don't be my enemy, that's all you gotta be
You life on earth is quite short
But your destiny will be long with me
Eternity with me
My name ? Is so meaningful
My job ? Make god's law rule
My aim ? To higher my soul

10. IT

It seduces you, it seduces me
It make us blind, it leads us to the wrong way
It delights, poisons us
It slips into our heart and mind
Thoughtlessly like a profiteer

I refuse to give myself away
Help me god
I refuse to give myself away
Wash my sins away

It anesthetizes you, it anesthetizes me
It makes us sick, it brings frustration and addiction
It whistles, whispers in my ear, in your ear how to fall
You know, it knows a thing or two

I wanna wake up from this bewitchment
Help me god
I wanna wake up from this bewitchment
Can you rid me from this silent enemy
Help me god, wash my sins away

Don't deny it, don't deny it
Can you feel it, it's so real
Don't forget, don't forget
The one who digs a pit will fall into it




Hooked by desire, trapped in a dark cell
Henry's a puppet in the hands of his master,
Quest for ecstasy
When he started, it seemed so fun,
There's no smile on his face anymore
See that powder, see that powder that's draggin' im down

It's not only physical now
Beasts in his mind, beasts in his soul
It's not only physical now
They're here to stay, they're here to stay

He paid the price for your freedom

It wasn't perfect then but Henry's life was alright
He had friens, had a family, had a girl named Betty
Now they're gone, search for money,
Fight to survive one more day
Take a gun, load gun, the countdown has begun

It's not only physical now
Beasts in his mind, beasts in his soul
It's not only physical now
They're here to stay, they're here to stay

He paid the price for your freedom

What's the matter, how could we come to this ?
All we wanna do is to warm this cold whithin'
Some try drugs , try other things
Differant ways, but just one cause
And the cold still remains
My friend, don't you realize ?
You're spiritually dead, soon you'll be really dead
But Jesus raised from the dead and he still raises the dead
If you only bow to him and pray,
If you accept the gift of life
He will restore, he will redress,
He will forgive he will set you free


Vois-tu ce sol dur sur lequel tous nous marchons ?
Vois cette terre dure où jour après jour nous peinons
Tout ici bas est informe et vide,
Vide de sens, vide de sève, mortelle absence
Mon âme sans cesse toujours ce goût amère
Je soupire à ton éclat, mon espoir est toi !
Viens régner dans ce chaos

Come and feed our souls my friend
Come and feed us all, my friend
Come and make us see, my see my friend

Tu le sais bien rien ici ne laisse à espérer
Difficile de faire face avec ce cœur de glace
Trop de haine, trop de pression
Trop de peurs compressées,
Tassées dans nos cerveaux fatigués
Je n'ai pas pu y échapper, je n'ai pas été épargné
Mon espoir est en toi ,come on, viens pour libérer
Viens régner dans ce chaos

Come and feed our souls my friend
Come and feed us all, my friend
Come and make us see, my see my friend

Esprit créateur, tell me is it our fate ?
Esprit créateur, arise and dominate !

Ecoute, sois sensible à l'esprit qui m'anime
Laisse ton âme se consumer par la flamme
Car le prix d'être libre a été payé
Il ne tient qu'à toi de l'accepter
Pourquoi te cacher, pourquoi fuir vers le pire ?
Le grand esprit est là qui cherche à guérir
L'esprit d'en haut, comblera ton cœur en détresse
Il soufflera en toi un vent de sagesse
Et chacun verra dans tes yeux la flamme
D'une vie remplie d'amour insondable

Come and feed our souls, it's time for you now

Coma and feed me



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