Soulcide (BLR) : The Warshadows

Epic Black / Belarus
(2008 - Possession Productions)
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We are the soldiers of long-passed wars.
Shadows of violent battles.
Thousands of us were died sent by unseen hand.
In the name of illusory ideals.
We have walked forward without fear
Under different banners but to one goal
To live fast, to die young,
Laughing in the face of death.

Apocalypse the flaming storm.
Reality is broken on thousand pieces
It's hard to realize is it dream
Or bloody face of war.

We have walked without doubts
And now we are thousands of nameless graves.
By our blood the battlefields are mastered
By our bodies covered is the alien ground
Feast or death sacrifice ritual
Oh, war so terrible is your close.
And we do not exist;
We are the wraiths of evil fate
We are the silent warshadows.


The Gloomy Middle Age is
The time of great lie's birth.
Grey ghosts of coming enslavement
Sow seeds of falsehood.
Those, who bearing the light of saving
Promise an eternal life.
Reveling in blood
Hunters of souls rave.

Have killed their Lord
They sell forgiveness
Because of their own soul's death
Without hope for salvation
They sink into the grave pulling along
Blinded fools
The bodies of apostates
Were thrown on the altar of hypocrisy.
They are looking at a new master by bleeding eyes.

What's your name, lord ?
Jeshua Hanozri
The hebrew name of Hebrew's lord
I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
And you are for me worse then curs who gnawing bones.

But they don't hear because they're dear for so long
And they don't see because they're blind in their insane faith
They are among us but they are dead for so long.


We saw death,
We are annihilated everyday but still alive.
We were hated, we were killed
But we still here and you will die soon.

6 billions of victims of new order,
They was in fire but never died,
They do not exist but here amongst us.
Ghosts of genocide in the flesh.

Zyklon-B our pain and truth.
You must believe it,
Cause it's our will and so be it,
Cause on it we stand.

Arbeit maht frei.


I'm the crushing hammer,
I'm the punishing sword,
As a holy flame of purification by pain,
I sow death in the name of fire.

Oh ! How painful are
The embraces of the loving god
Oh ! How terrible is the fate
Of those who have denied thy kingdom

Into the fire, into the fire
Burn in hell. Forever.

The lost ones ! Come to me !
Into the temple of the soul beggars.
Rest in peace
Under father's all-seeing eye.

Serve me, obey.

Let the bonfires of wrath
for the others burns.
Let the blood-rivers flow
To sacrifice the kind god.

Death, death to them,
Damned and forgotten. Forever.

Sanguis hebet, frigentque
Effetae in corpore vires.


Beyond the ancient seas
At the throne of the Ruler of the world
I've tasted the essence of evil
In it's primordial form.

Dark side of the consciousness
Total misanthropy.

I was dissolved in the boundless universe
And in the Dark was born again.

Flaming heavens ? The ring of great chaos
The visions of inevitable
Dying in the ashes and oblivion,
Hoping for resurrection.
All of circles I have passed,
And I saw the ake of ice.
Master of the gloom is shedding hate,
Chains of fury decays.

Time of terror is coming.


In the white silence
A dream of the sacred forest
Not to be disturbed by thousand years
Frost-bound by the winter chain.

Ice throne of the master
Of those inclement lands
The angry snowstorm fanning by
The snow has been covered with long since

And the grey trees remember
The last battle of the Gods
And the ancient idols saw
The birth of the new world.

And on the decline of old times
A new tribe appeared
The white masters of the snowstorm
The snow giants of the forest.

Rough sons of the Winter country
In your name is the proud of the centuries
In your power is the ancestries vow
You are the keepers of Honour and Blood.


Being clutched in the garden as if he is a sinner
And sold out by one of his faithful dog
But what was he guilty in ?
Just because he named himself
The Son of God
And taught the way of life henceforth
Oh, malevolent fate what have you prepare for me ?
What cross will it have been endured for my belief
What way will it be passed ?

And so already they are leading away, but where and why ?
Darkness, pain and moaning from his mouth.
Thrashed, a crown of thorns Rex
Drops of blood the ground took up,
There's no more powers to carry up his cross
And how long ? Where should be answer looked for ?
The road to the mountain, higher and higher
And there's no further way,
And I see clearly it's already, it's soon !

What for did you come to this world ?
To save people from eternal tortures I was sent.
And whom did you save ? Or maybe you will ?
And what is your salvation in ? You brought only a schism and a lies !
Not peace but the sword I have brought, aren't they your words ?
Love and light I would have given to people !
Love ? Love to power that's they have inside
And your light will turn to unbearable sizzle of the fires.
And millions will be burnt there in thy glory !
Do you know consequences of your coming ?
Can you see the doings of your sheep ?
Death, lie, hypocrisy, violence
That you will reap the fruits of yours.
I believe that they can be saved.
No, they are hopeless. Soon, very soon they will kill you.
Then they will kill in your name,
And at last they will kill you inside themselves.
That'll be the end.

Was everything in vain ?
What for was born and in name of what this death is ?
Nothing can change
Everything was written
Was sent for death as a sacrificial lamb
And died without changing of this world.
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani ?
Look at this world for the last time and damn it forever !

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