Soturnus : Poems of Love...Poems of Pain...

Gothic Death / Brazil
(2001 - Self-Released)
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Kiss my wounded lips
And wash my face with blood
Fill my eyes with solitude
Touch softly my hands...

Look at my heart
With your arcane eyes
That seeks in the horizon the flame of dawn
Among the fog of a dark night...

Show me the way
That guides to the god of eternal sleep.

Make me feel
The moonspell in my soul...

I feel the fascination of the impure mouth
When touch my face
With all your maliciousness...

A scream in the night
Awaken my numbed demons
Elevating me to a mixture of ecstasy and fear...

I feel the touch of your eyes...
My wounded lips call you
My heart screams
A profusion of feelings and longings...

The meaning is inside me
And the answers were forgotten...

I fight against the sense
My sword is the tears
That I shed in a struggle of dreams,
Fears and desires...

Kiss me with your impure eyes
Silence what I can’t hear no more
Let me fight against what I can’t see.

Kill my eyes
Burn my words
And profane my heart...

Touch my eyes of angel
And feel my soul of demon...


The moon touch my face
I pronounce insane verses
The cries out in the vastness of my feelings

The universe is inside of me
The night belongs me

And I feel the flames crackles
For the fire of my soul

Your kisses fill my eyes with softness
Your voice fills my heart

With the madness of the immortals
That learned how to love

The mournful yearning sword
Undoes itself with the shining of your smile

Fatal dreams dissipates
With the light of your sight

I fall asleep in the shadows arms
That vanishes at each touch of mine

I destroyed the loneliness and expelled the fear
They transformed themselves in mere reveries
Of the mortals hearts

The soul cries out what feeds an immortal heart
The love…

The lips whispers
And my eyes do neither hide nor never denies.


I don’t want to cry no more
The tears consume me
And the pain fills my empty soul

In my oceanic eyes
There are just lonely shipwrecked
Searching for a heart

In my bitter mouth
Stayed the poison’s taste
My hands possessed by hate
Seek the bastards for love’s blood

I don’t want to cry no more
I want to refuse myself
In my sweet solitude
In my world of illusions
In my vile dream

I don’t want to feel
I want to see the word in black and white
With my pure child soul

My apathetic eyes
Want to see the sea
My melancholic face
Yearns for the twilight’s breeze

I want to see the sky
My partner of so many dreams
I want to see the moon
My friend of all illusions

I want to close my eyes
And never dream again.


Who do you want to visit you tonight?
Your most secret desires will come true
While you take a cup of coffee,
And you won´t even know what happened...

Who do you want to hold your hand?
If you want I´ll give you the world...
What do you wish for your enemies?

The body and the blood are yours, child.
Burn the body and drink the blood.
Feel strong...

I would can kiss you the face
If you want...
Who do you want to visit you tonight?

...the world could be yours
The blood could be yours
The soul could be yous
If you want...

I want to sit beside you
And tell you the history of the world.
I want to give you the power,
I want to teach you how to win...

Who do you want to kiss your lips?
Who do you want to touch your face?

The body and the blood are yours, child.
Burn the body and drink the blood.
Feel strong...

Who do you want to visit you tonight?
I´ll give you the world
While the rain enters through your window
And you won´t even who I am...

From who do you want to steal the blood?
Burn the body, drink the blood
And take the world with your hands,
If you want...

Cry out loud everything that hurts you
Or whisper in my ear
Your most secret desires.

The body and the blood are yours, child,
If you want...

Be the drop pf sweat in the sinner´s face.
Be the blood in the looser´s body.
Be all you want to be...

Desire all that enchants you
I will put the whole world at your feet...
The body and the blood are yours, child,
If you want...

lyrics added by Chrisalice - Modify this lyrics