Snogard : Beastlore

Atmospheric Black / USA
(2021 - Self-Released)
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Froglin and Gorf drakolisk
Part man and part amphibian
Drinkers of mead long legs need no steed
Wielding short blades of obsidian
Travel the land from deep forests to the valleys of sand
Basilisk eyes and scales, armor clad with chainmail
Earn an honored spot by the fire
Gorf drakolisk and froglin
Stories of ogres and goblins
Tell tales through the night
Flames flicker swords fight
Frog faced minstrel of bards
The misadventures of froglin and gorf drakolisk
A duo traveling troubadour keeping stories alive providing entertainment
For the lords and ladies of the court
Sometimes musical, other times poetic and perhaps even philosophic
Cultured and knowledgeable about the lore and history of many different regions of eastern Europe
Trade a swig of ale for a fantastical tale
Open your mind, let your thoughts sail
They'll always have an honorable seat open beside the fire


Magic fading from the land
Logic and science embraced by man
Gathering of wizards, propose a plan
Last magic realm hidden from the rest
Ommadon resolves instead to infect mankind
Let them destroy themselves
Flight of dragons the end is nigh
A hero from a different time
Man and dragon merged into one
Heroic quest, steal the crown from Ommadon
Survive sand marks
Continue on, joined by wolf and archer
Captured by an ogre, dragon battle, death of Smrgol
Nearing closer to the red wizards realm
Overcome by a hopeless spell
Deflected by a magic shield
I am invincible, I am the world and the world is Ommadon
No magic stronger
Not magic mathematics!
Deny me and you deny all magic
I deny all magic!
7 heads and each one a simpleton, any school
Boy knows that light travels at 186300 miles per second
A body in motion tends to stay in motion
All light is bent or refracted as it goes from one medium
To another in a direction perpendicular to the interface of the medium
Devils witches demons ogres trolls harpies ghouls sorcerers
Algebra anatomy astronomy biology chemistry geology geometry


The snow creature
Wild man of the snow
Glacier being footprints of biped
Elusive to all man
A dark spirit
God of the hunt
Worshipped by Himalayan people
Unquestionable outline
Figure of human
Dark against the snow of Mt Everest
Is there any merit to the stories told?
Stories of mythical creatures
Over centuries unfold
Founded on grains of truth
Man cannot deduce
Oh glacial being are you friend or foe?
An ancient mystery disappear into snow
The lore of yeti elusive and cold
Cryptid biped, lineage is unknown
Oh glacial being are you friend or foe?


Second of twelve, of Hercules labor
A nine headed hydra from the swamps of Lerna
8 heads ephemeral the ninth was immortal
A menacing beast, a challenge for sure
But this tale is about a more sinister foe
Man vs monster
Lopped of heads just grow back
Seized by the leg, hydra coils attack
Now was the moment
God Hera's distraction
Scuttling into action
Karkinos emerges from the depths of the marsh
to aid in the skirmish
With serrated crab pincers
He gnawed at flesh of the pinned down hero
Giant arthropod of death
But the crabs endeavors are very short lived
Hercules turns around to deliver a swift kick
Karkinos goes airborne and soars through the sky
Breaks through atmosphere
Final resting place nigh
Crustacean enters deep space
Lands among stars
Cancer constellation
Cosmic caviar


The end of days
Torture the sins of humankind
Who do no bear a seal on their forehead
Angel of death, authorized by god
Manifest being and bottomless pit
Abbadon gathers souls and delivers them to their place of final judgement
As the fifth trumpet blares
A star falls from heaven and the key is give. to the angel of destruction
The earth opens up, locusts rise from smoke
A bottomless pit, an unholy furnace
Commanded to torture but not to kill
Harm not the grass, earth or trees
Sinners of humanity are at their will
Demonic locust swarm, insect deform
Face of man, shape of warhorse and crowns of gold
Hair of a woman, teeth that of lion, breast plates of iron
Plague those who do not bear the seal
Minion of Satan authorized by god
Angel of the holy army, underling of Lucifer
Sinner punishment

lyrics added by Antonin_Martin - Modify this lyrics