Slaughter The Prophets : Indiscriminate Desecration

Death Metal / USA
(2015 - Self-Released)
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"Arise! The day of judgment draws near"
"Repent! Our merciful god requires you repent"
How many times have I told you?
Your apocalyptic claims are just fearful rhetoric
How many times must I beat you?
Until I no longer have to listen to your fucking shit?
You are as a beggar in the desert
Searching for contentment but only finding dust
You are as a peasant amongst nobles
Your fairy tales amuse but now it’s time to fall in line

Billions of men live in servitude to Christ
All for fear of dogma, rescinded paradise
You live for a day that will never come
Judgement of the sins of his devotees
Allow me to end your suspense now
Slaughter the false prophets

Tear the throats of papists...crucify
Martyrs will be forgotten once their converts meet their demise
Treat their words as weapons against mankind’s progression
Faith and logic can’t coexist so let's expedite their ascension

In 70 CE you awaited your messiah
Louis of Alcazar made excuses for the liar
In 1844 William Miller was a fraud
Still instead of seeing truth yet another church was born
Chuck Smith said 81, Edgar Whisenant, 89
Mr Lindsey's tribulation came and went in 95
The toxicity of faith, disappointment in progression
Selfish nihilism, their god's only testament
Keep looking to the sky!

Oh what a way to waste your own life
Living in fear of rapture
How ironic, you’ve created and suffered your own form of
Hell, You've wasted your life
And there is no great reward
Basing your existence on a lie was your undoing
I will always live for myself
This shall be my heaven on Earth
Your warnings fall on deaf ears
Never will your trappings console me
Stringent indoctrination is essential to your savior
I will always live for myself
This shall be my heaven on Earth
Your warnings fall on deaf ears
Never will your trappings console me
Stringent indoctrination is all you know...


Again, as we converse inevitably
I begin to drift off into my own thoughts of homicide
You claim to see what isn't there
But can't see what's before your eyes
At first I try to reason, after all, I'm not such a deplorable person
As dismissive as the platitudes presented warrant, without logic
(But I digress)
Suddenly my vision blurs, blood boils and my hands are wrapped around the throat
Predictably this conversation always ends the same with an abrupt cessation

Severed hands they lay upon the cutting board, still folded in penance
As if begging for forgiveness mocking, the gurgled pleading, screaming
Lord where art thou ? All alone !
Your god has mercy, but my wrath is unquenchable

Dismembered, gutted, mangled by your god abandoned
Eli, lama sabachthani ?
As dust thou art !
Dismembered, gutted, mangled by your god abandoned
Eli, lama sabachthani ?
To dust returnest !

There shall be....
No remission
Apathetic to
Your attrition

Eli, lama sabachthani ?


Our truth shatters your dreams
Your rule shall end
We shall rise, warriors full of hate
For your God, years of rule have sealed your fate
On your knees
Reason strikes against your years of falsity
Mankind lame, crippled by your holy dreams
Strike thee down

You Preach forgiveness, everlasting life and a love for all
Dogmatic preachings laughable
Contemptible examined by free-thinking humans
All of your good deeds, feigned for your salvation
Your life was a fucking lie
You will die alone and find
There shall be no recompense

One can only rule unquestioned for so long
The time has come to end your reign
Of ignorance your weapon we are free
Cornerstone of god shattered by our will
Years of sedition against the natural order of all beings
Hindrance to man, we crucify your children for their sins
Just as our ancestors suffered at the hands of your god
So shall ye too subject yourself to our blackened court

Your Text shall be Raped apart!
Bible ripped in two
As your ignominious 'virgin' cunt we'll tear your child from you
We'll bring him our truth, then ignorance is clear
Collection plates are empty and masses disappear

In order for mankind to progress we must exterminate
Hunt down and slaughter every living thing that 'god creates'
Wiped from our cities like a plague upon the depths of time
It only takes a few to topple overbearing minds
Your Hierarchy complacent upon its throne of painted skulls
Behold, we birth the power of individuals

Nail them to a cross, no forgiveness
Nail them to a cross, no redemption
Words cannot be spoken once tongue's severed from the skull
So let's send them to their savior, watch the gates of heaven overflow
Nail them to a cross, their cries for mercy shall not deter us
Nail them to a cross and purge the earth of 'god's divinity'
Words cannot be spoken once tongue's severed from the skull
So let's send them to their savior, watch the gates of heaven overflow


"Won't you come into our fold?"
"Just keep your head down lest it be filled with man's blasphemies"
"Walk with us, do what your told"
"What good is logic when you're cast down into flame?"
Humanism overwhelmed by my hatred
Attempting to convert me with your nescient discourse

Knowing good and evil are man-made entirely
Your savior and your demons are now disproved easily
Forced enslavement
Your mind is taken, I'll set you free
Feel deaths embrace, your new reality
Free from anguish
I from yours, take it to the grave
Forced enslavement
Your mind is taken, I'll set you free
Feel deaths embrace
Your new reality

Humanism overwhelmed by my hatred
When I hear you spew your nescient purification
Bow before my power
Your faith
Your creed
Your hope
Your life


What makes a sinner a being to despise? All the rules have been set by a fool
Simple, poor, primitive, insignificant
Fall before me
A heritage of weakness, hypocrisy, bondage passed down from the feeble and dull
All of them worthless, archaic just as the lineage they left behind
Dozens of creeds all claiming divine yet none of them close to the truth
Blind fighting blind over baseless fiction
Your god is a lie, in the end you will die despite your belief in a soul
Continue your crusade, a victimless crime I truly support your cause

My will: Indiscriminate desecration of all superstition
Temples built from bone, curdled blood as mortar blot out the radiant stars
Empty minds devote themselves to the superstitious trappings of papists
As fire raining from the sky I seek the purging of your mind
Free from binding ideals we cull the congregations
Free from binding faith we cull the congregations

As wishing upon stars
Holding on to antiquated ignorance
Embrace the progress made
Accomplished on your behalf
Stand before us
Free your will
End this brainwashing nonsense
Or we shall be forced into
Removing you from this world
All you hold blessed
Needs to be purged, purified
Expunged from this world
Fuck your sacred doctrine
Irrelevant as your hopes, dreams and desires
All of this shall be expunged
All expunged




Your kind comes to my home, begging for my ear in vain
Apply Occam's razor and dismiss you as dumb or insane
Still you stand there smiling
How could I not see before?
Critical thought and logic have exiled me from my savior
Rescind your scripture, fuck your god
Only weak pathetic papists seek salvation from above
Still your false ideals continue to enslave you
So I'll purge your ignorance with flame and watch your savior save you
Now I've come to your home, infiltrate with ease
Bind your sacred preachers hands, put the swine down on their knees
They shall burn to ash with their insolent house of lies
The will of god shall not deter my final conquest of divine

Burned at the stake
Seek solace in delusion
Burned at the stake
No one to hear your screams
Burned at the stake
Prayer fuels my enmity
You shall be burned at the stake
Piss on your ashen body, your life's work charred around me
The word of god won't mean shit once I've slaughtered every prophet
Remove the head of Ophidian
No utterance, no venom

This for conscripted youth you've chained
We take your life, eviscerate
Once you have been burned at the stake we can begin anew
No more will your lies be held high
As King Bladud from the sky
Your life will end by the will of man
Mankind's doubt is your death
Please god bring me to you
Wake up no one hears you

Tear and rend their pristine flesh
Soft from years of affluence
Now it shall feed those who support its gleam
Children passed down your lies and faith
Provide your god with wealth and hate
No more, no more
This is the call for war
No longer shall your ideals bind us
Bring forth your leaders for our sacrificial slaughter
Doff ye from existence and your preachings from mine ear
Tear and rend their pristine flesh
Soft from years of affluence
Now it shall feed those who support its gleam
Children passed down your lies and faith
Provide your god with wealth and hate
No more, no more


Faith is the denial of our observation for the preservation of absurdity
Humanism fades, corrode restraint, incite extermination

As invalids, retarded by sickness and disease
We strive for progression, advancement, evolution
The worshiper has proven at best to be a hindrance to our cause
Coexistence, circumspectly considered far too long
I concede to follow in your fathers footsteps
Humanistic ideal gives way to my faith
I believe ridding the world of your conviction
Shall leave our world a better place

History repeats itself
The tables have been turned
Not a crusade or jihad shall compare to this massacre
Your children shall be deprogrammed
Your wealth shall be dispensed
Your name wiped from our history
The ancients recompensed

Once science is allowed to progress unabated
Our lives shall move closer to Eden
Spirituality, theism illogic eradicated
Irrational conflict can end
Once we wipe the slate
Wipe the slate of indolence and forge a new society
Impudence purged from this world
Castigation for incomprehension their pronounced sentence
Purify the congregation
Kill everyone, start over
End them all and try again


As a blackened wolf disguised as sheep I walk amongst mankind
Shepard's fleece your wives, children cold against the bitter wind

I seek the shadow of your fort, you lay calm, false sense of security
Prey upon the weak and feeble
Atrophied, lives half lived, worthless entity
Bound and broken you lay helpless, all your dreams have come to naught
Only that which falls from my plate shall bring your kind fruitful existence
That which you find most exquisite shall be proven fleeting
Yet as sheep so many are content within their constraints
Rise, never resist your nature as a monarch on high
Vengeance lives and dies upon the edge of Angels' fleeting wings

Taken For a fool, behold as I desecrate
Mankind to its knees, slaughter all for mine own glory
What is a lord?
What gives him power?
Unquestioned reign
Release me from thine grasp
I crush your pawns
I slay your false gods
Thine crown removed
Thine strength apocryphal

I seek the shadow of your fort, faith in nothing comforts thee
Prey upon the helpless peasants
Evoke his name no one can hear your gurgled pleading
Bound and broken you lay helpless, all your dreams have come to naught
Only that which falls from mine plate shall bring your kind fruitful existence
That which you find most exquisite shall be proven fleeting
Yet as slaves the many are content within their enclave
Rise, never resist your nature as a monarch on high
Vengeance lives and dies upon the edge of Angels' fleeting wings

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