Slaughtbbath : Hail to Fire (Single)

Black Metal / Chile
(2012 - Proselytism Records)
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We make the signs
We speak the words
We turn the key
We summon thee

Listen to the tyrannic sound
Of the greatest of all furies
Listen to the roar of the seas
Of titanic waves spitting wrath
Lightning whiplashes of the skies
From the wounds of the storming clouds
The ancient mountains rumble as
The raging beasts awake to kill
They no longer lie asleep
All shall fear their cursed names
Descendants of the dark stars
Blaspheming against the gods of men
Anxious to destroy your race
And to wear your cut off face
Bloody butchers of the night
Ye shall delight to slay

Listen to the piercing hymns
Heralds of the war to come
Undead legions head towards
With sword at hand, maces and chains
Coming from the blackest pits
Rising from forgotten tombs
Hungry for the taste of death
The winds burst with their breath
Raise your weapons forged to slay
Infernal steel forged in hate
March together with the hounds of hell
Mighty brothers of the black flame
Obscure gods older than time
Lust for war and violence
As bloody butchers of the night
We shall delight to slay

To Slay

Open your eyes once again
From the ancient sleep you are unchained
Free to rule this land once more
Spare no life, kill them all

Behold the trembling men
Feel the lust to kill again
Listen to their horror screams
One by one they pay their sins
Hear the chants of genocide
While the legions cross the land
Awake they burn with hunger for
Blood, vengeance from beyond
A storm of evil will fall upon
The doomed heads of the flock
Triumph of darkness for evermore
Woe to ye, lambs of god
Your Salvation doesn’t exist
Serve in fear and die in pain
Bloody butchers of the night
Thou were awakened to slay


Prepare the Funeral Pyres
Gather the marked stones
Form a large orbit
To lit the sacred bonfire
Burn the fucking traitors

Nail them at the cross!
Can you hear the prayers?
When their bodies stop to breathe
The voracious flames of Lucifer
Will embrace those who swore in vain
As we utter the final imprecations upon their tormented spirits

When the dawn arrives
Deserters are nothing but ashes
And charred bones for the hunger of the vultures
You’re nothing but a black stain in my fingers
After I congregate your useless spoil

Worthless scum, boil in the Iron cauldron as the most miserable of all sustentations
You don’t deserve more retribution
Than to feed the insects without being buried


Vexilla regis prodeunt inferni
fulget crucis mysterium
quo corpus proditoris
crematum est patibulo.

Once you have sworn allegiance to our law
Thou shalt never break the holy oath
Your weakness warrants your punishment
Fall to the bottomless pit
Where the fangs of his 3 mouths shall forever crush your soul

Palabras añadidas por King_Sathanas - Modificar estas palabras