Skogfodt : A Dead Reckoning

Pagan Folk / USA
(2011 - Self-Released)
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My brothers, the time has come
The soldiers of the cross approach
We must decimate them, leave them undone
Ensure a victory we will later toast
We know the woods, the home of the gods
Use them to our advantage divine
And remember…if we cannot beat their odds
(It’s) better to die free than live as their swine!

Swords held high, quick swig of mead
We will not beg, we will not plea
They shall see us in full view
As our blades cut right through
Draw first blood! Strike them down!
Make them fall to our holy ground
The Aesir smile as their foreign faith
Is forced to an early end of days

Onward to battle

My brothers, a call to arms
Valhalla demands their very souls
Let them know our anger and hate
As their precious church bell tolls
By the Valkyr and heathen might
The forests shall drink their deaths
And as their hordes appear in our sight
Until they are slain, we will not rest!

Swords held high, quick swig of mead
We will not beg, we will not plea
They shall see us in full view
As our blades cut right through
Draw first blood! Strike them down!
Make them fall to our holy ground
The Aesir smile as their foreign faith
Is forced to an early end of days

The spark of war…has been ignited
The burst of blood…leaves us excited
On and on…killing them all
As the fires rage…they will fall

Screams of fury…echoing forth
You cannot tame…the mighty North(lands)
Sacred Mjolner…give us strength
To win this fight…at any length

Swords held high, quick swig of mead
We will not beg, we will not plea
They shall see us in full view
As our blades cut right through
Draw first blood! Strike them down!
Make them fall to our holy ground
The Aesir smile as their foreign faith
Is forced to an early end of days

The battle is won


All across the icy seas
Sails a ship of ghostly form
Born of hatred and desperate pleas
Its crew undead, and in rags adorned
I am its captain, Hell incarnate
Thirsting for blood and hungry for gold
Onward we sail to our deathless fate
All will be plundered, both cowards and bold

Our of the shadows, on through the mist
Commands uttered forth with a spectral fist:
“Kill every one of them, take what ya find
This ocean is ours, leave nothing behind"

Cannons blaze with the clashing of swords
A simple choice…surrender or fall
Chart the course and head towards
Their treasure hold, we must have it all!
To us, your lives cannot compare
All ye wretches will soon end up dead
Speak not curses, spit no prayers
Lest this saber claims your head!

In the depths of the coldest night
Borne is the barge of limitless fright
Underneath the fullest moon
That is where true terror looms

None survive to tell the tale
Of they whom roam in wicked gales
Ghosts? Monsters? We, demonized
Will see all of your throats cut wide!

What we do on the ocean wide
Strikes a mortal chord of dread
With these crossbones hanging high
Running through water bloodied red
But if you cross this great battleship
Prepare to be six feet ‘neath the land
For it is said upon stammering lips
“Fear this crew of the damned…”




The fire is lit, and so are we
Adorned in pelts, we dance with glee
A sacred rite ‘neath a Beltane moon
Though some pass out way too soon

Drink under the trees, revel in debauchery
Sing aloud our forest’s praise, all within this drunken haze
Dosedo ‘round and ‘round, not noise but a wondrous sound
Celebrate pagan glory! Raise the horns for all to see!

We fuel this craze with grog and mead
In the name of heathenry
Blades aglow and kilts kicked high
We won’t stop ‘til the booze runs dry

Drink under the trees, revel in debauchery
Sing aloud our forest’s praise, all within this drunken haze
Dosedo ‘round and ‘round, not noise but a wondrous sound
Celebrate pagan glory! Raise the horns for all to see!

We sense the tempo change
And genre known as “folk”
And still, we celebrate
Freedom from oppressive yokes
Hail to our Norse forefathers
Those to whom our goblets raise
So before madness overtakes
Join this dance ‘til the end of days!

Drink under the trees, revel in debauchery
Sing aloud our forest’s praise, all within this drunken haze
Dosedo ‘round and ‘round, not noise but a wondrous sound
Celebrate pagan glory! Raise the horns for all to see!


His skull graced with a permanent grin
Crossed bones beneath spark the fear within
Adorned on a canvas black as sin
The symbol of oceanic wrath
Flying high from its crow’s nest peak
Its promise of death too wicked to speak (of)
As the saber’s tip pointed at the weak
Drives through in a murderous path

Let the cannons roar!
Take their ship by force!
Let none escape
Our epic thieving fate!
Let loose their blood!
Dark and thick as mud!
Sing high in this attack
Our ode to Calico Jack!

At a deathly speed, we sail into action
Fighting off curs and society’s factions
Only we can explain this fatal attraction
A wild, insatiable greed
Gold and silver, bronze and jewels
Each bit of treasure leaves us renewed
Our weapons sharp and mindset lewd
‘Tis a pirate’s life, indeed!

Let the cannons roar!
Take their ship by force!
Let none escape
Our epic thieving fate!
Let loose their blood!
Dark and thick as mud!
Sing high in this attack
Our ode to Calico Jack!

All across the seven seas, pillaging and stealing as we Please
This scourge in impure black…pure manners we truly lack
Jovial but tough as nails, our names are the cause of wails
Just try to accost us…and you’ll be rotting in the dust!

All maidens fair or crude, sober or impurely stewed
All are welcome aboard! All can join this horde!
Leave your cares on land; the sea’s at our command
Out here, the strong are free…and the scared would only Flee!

As quick as lightning we will strike
So choose your fate: swim our fight!
We storm in to take what we like
For this endless sea is ours
As cold and dark as the raven’s eye
Stand up now and prepare to die
For who are you to deny
This wild and infinite power?

Let the cannons roar!
Take their ship by force!
Let none escape
Our epic thieving fate!
Let loose their blood!
Dark and thick as mud!
Sing high in this attack
Our ode to Calico Jack!


Those horizons stretch as a beckoning smile
Shielding its dangers that span endless miles
Many a ship and crew went abroad
And to the briny deep, they gave their lot
Only those drunk off courage and rum
Would dare to claim this grave of the sun
But storms will hit, and men will drown
Down to the depths with nary a sound

Oh, but what lies beyond?
What wonders can be found?
And who would be the first
To the ends of the earth?

Give no mind to discontent
This ship thrives on merriment
Black of heart, but strong of soul
A wicked sneer with teeth of gold
Set sail now! Bring me the sunset!
We shall not be a crew that many would forget
Across the ocean wide, our destiny awaits
To make land fall in glory, or end up as sharkbait…

No such map charts out these shadowed seas
We’re going in there blind…GET UP OFF YOUR KNEES!
Now’s not the time to pray, to beg or mutiny
We must remain steadfast, fearless for all to see!
"The captain’s wise; we mustn’t question
He would flog all of us were we to mention
Our deepest fear, that we would never
Return from this quest, and be lost forever…"

Oh, but what lies beyond?
What wonders can be found?
And who would be the first
To the ends of the earth?

Give no mind to discontent
This ship thrives on merriment
Black of heart, but strong of soul
A wicked sneer with teeth of gold
Set sail now! Bring me the sunset!
We shall not be a crew that many would forget
Across the ocean wide, our destiny awaits
To make land fall in glory, or end up as sharkbait…

The sea is angry, friends…it shows us no remorse
No matter how dire it seems, we mustn’t loose our course
I can see it not; sweet riches shining bright
And it’s all ours, gents! It shall be worth this plight!
Ahead a squall line forms, with two more starboard bound
Great waves of furious rage now rise to crash and pound
Let not the storm devour you, for we must cleave a path
To ensure safe departure, we must fight through this wrath!

Hours on end now ensue…it seems they’ve lost all hope
Those weak-kneed feel this typhoon (is) much to fierce to Cope
But I am not so hasty; no retreat, says I!
Abandon ship? Ye cowards! Those truly brave would rather Die!
Several fools, finer men, and wretches off their rocker
End up as mere fish food for Davy Jones’ Locker
Grit your teeth! Lift the sail! Right through it we’ll trek!
I’d rather slit me own throat then have this voyage wrecked!

After what seemed like an eternity in Hell
The storm clouds break away…the sea no longer swells
A joyous song is heard, and drinks now overflow
But I cannot partake, for we have much more to go!
What lies beyond where the sky and ocean meet?
A land of mystery, savage yet discreet
But we have found our treasure, a fortune by the ton
So let our song be heard! Join in, everyone!

Oh, but what lies beyond?
What wonders can be found?
And who would be the first
To the ends of the earth?

Give no mind to discontent
This ship thrives on merriment
Black of heart, but strong of soul
A wicked sneer with teeth of gold
Set sail now! Bring me the sunset!
We shall not be a crew that many would forget
Across the ocean wide, our destiny awaits
To make land fall in glory, or end up as sharkbait…



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