Skewered : Homegrown Brutality

Brutal Death / Ireland
(2007 - Self-Produced)
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When God closes a door
He bolts the windows shut
Gases the room
You gasp for air
Beg to our father
Who doesnt care
Sadist bastard, forever watching
Always there never stopping

Air grows tighter and
Your breaths are getting deeper
You fall to your knees
Praying to him, begging him
Not knowing hes your tormenter
He plays your life before your eyes
A sick montage for his own pleasure

He is your Lord
Your alleged protector
This is just an instant
A moment in time
Imagine an eternity by his side
An endless lifetime of pain
Accompanied by torment

On your knees you crawl
Coughing up blood
As your lungs cave in
You look to the skies
For answers to your prayers
Noones there, nobody cares

Dont spend eternity by his side
End your life commit the sin
Repent against Him now
for your chance to be free
'You'll never trap me now
Oh heavenly Father.'

He is your Lord
Your alleged protector
This is just an instant
A moment in time
Imagine an eternity by his side
An endless lifetime of pain
Accompanied by torment


She lay sprawled on the floor
Lasarations to the throat
split sliced and damaged beyond repair
oesophogus gargling cut
Just another oraphus for me to fuck

purging violently all over me
delving deeper in her throat
couldnt breathe only choke
as she was dominated without mercy

painful suffering silently
noone hears her raped violently
multiple stab wounds lace her back
throw her down and hear her face smash

sodomy was the end for her
her body ceased to try pull way
the last thing of which she felt
was the ejaculate excreted
deep inside her

months go by her body putrifys
still she is used as a sex toy
stiff dead and slumped against a rock
cold naked violated
here she'll stay in her shallow grave.


In times of hate
We must unite
Against a common enemy
No father of mine
Torments my dreams
Time to kill
Onwards to battle
Kingdom to burn
Let them burn
Leave them to die
Your kingdom of heaven
Our final crusade
Under the ruins
Royalty dies
Leader of christians
Orphan of god
Returned to the soil
Dead beneath my feet

Wasteland of demise
Not able to see the lie
Told of this holy place
Terrified of whats outside
Only to find
Sometimes whates out there
Leans to get inside
Against your will
You learn your faith
Your lord couldnt save you
Or himself
Under the ruins
Royalty died
Grandiose dillusions
Ordered to death
Down off my throne

I want to kill your lord
I want to slay your god


Cannibalistic Horror
Eat them piece by piece
The only way for you to survive
is to eat this fucking feast
Strip the bones
Eat the flesh
Feast until theres nothing left
The alternative is to starve
A cruel and trying death
The others watch impatiently
awaiting for you to pass
Your faith just like the rest

Be a man take the bite
Use this corpse to save your life
Eat him now while hes ripe
When you're done devour the wife
Let her watch her husband die
Eat her to death as she cries
Now you've had a taste
The cravings always there
Rough them up
Cut them up
Eat without a care

Cannibalistic Horror
The dead have gone to waste
The only way for you to feed
Is to give the dead a chase
Chase them
Beat them
Savage them to death
Inevitably you die
diseases in the air
Noone will come to save you
Feast without a care


Its a two front war
She cant take anymore
Her head crashes down
Off the floor
Forces from both sides
Tearing at her insides

Battered and bruised
She looks confused
What has she done
To deserve to be abused
Internally dead
and bleeding from the head
My God she wishes she was dead

Pushing Thrusting Tearing Lusting
As you wait to die
Smashing Ripping Breaking Bleeding
Feel me cum inside
Tired Broken Battered and Choking
Feel your tears run down my thighs

Pushing Thrusting Tearing Lusting
As you wait to die
Smashing Ripping Breaking Bleeding
Feel me cum inside
Raped Strangled and left to die
"Single tear in my eye"

She was fucked and left barren
No fruits to produce
She had done nothing to deserve
this abuse
They raped her hard and
Destroyed her womb
Took her pride and showed her doom
Slit her throat and left her for dead
She couldnt even catch her last breath

lyrics added by JangoFett - Modify this lyrics