Skeletal Remains : Beyond the Flesh

Death Metal / USA
(2012 - FDA Rekotz (FDA Records))
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Suffering from this wretched infection
Body defenselessly
A Disgusting human disease spreading
Rapidly inside of me

Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Pestilential Pandemic
An Uncontrollable Killing Spree

Abnormal Color Covering my Skin
Tumors Now Begin
Nights of Shuddering In Sweat
Obscuring disease
No Known Medical Treatment
My body Slowly Decaying
Illnesses I tried avoiding
started to extirpate my existence


An Isolated Victim
Suffering from this bacterial infectious disease
Reaching desperately for a cure
Yet no one's there to fulfill
Bodily diminished
Caused by Mycobacterium leprae
Only Death Will Ease Isolation
To Break This Deformating Curse

Inner Neurotic Compulsions
Invoking A Final Resort
Desiring A Remedy
For This Repulsive Adversity
Desiring A Remedy
For This Repulsive Adversity

An Inevitable Fate Awaits
Enduring This Trauma Alone
Roaming The Desolate Plains
His Body Mimics The Dead
Contorted, His Body Remains
Limbs Decay Appearance Obscured
Leaning Towards Self-Immolation
Death Is To Be His Only Cure

Inner Neurotic Compulsions
Invoking A Final Resort
Desiring A Remedy
For This Repulsive Adversity
Desiring A Remedy
For This Repulsive Adversity
Rotted Beyond Recognition
Labeled A Leper In Society
Deterioration Takes Its Toll A Walking Corpse Is Left
To Roam Alone


Uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the brain
Now begin to spread
Damaged cells by developed inflammation
Causing pressure in the skull
Abnormalities in the human body
Slowly start to occur
Bringing forth this horrid and
Unnatural disease

Radiation treatment
Is brought into effect
Medical examinations
CT scans of the head

Being Exposed to Radiation
Only Leading to your corrosion
Liquid Injections, Chemo Therapy
Desperate for a solution
No known medical treatment

Coming to a conclusion
Sweaty palms grasping the handle
Chamber loaded, barrel in his mouth

Pulled the trigger cancered cells
Splattered on the floor
A suicide he tried to achieve
Came to no success
Sickness he was trying to abort
Still remains alive

A Reconstructive surgery
Physicians have accomplished
goal to end it all for once
Assassination with no success
Cancer Rotting Corpse
Now back to radiation
Medical examinations lead
Back to self immolation




Body Obliterated, Mind Slowly Slips Away
Trauma Reassures His Sanity Can No Longer Be Saved
Horrible Acquaintance of Life Expiration
These Haunting Nightmares of civil annihilation

Time passes by
Still suffering day and night
Flashes from the past
Memories Of how they died

Bloodbath Trauma, fields of corpses rotting
torn apart, flesh and steel colliding
Trying to Escape these flashes of the massacres
Lurking Fears avenging me viciously

Time passes by
Still suffering day and night
Flashes from the past
Memories Of how they died


awakening to this horrible scene
surrounded by these horrid screams
survival is what they plead
my mind recalling what this means

getting closer to hitting sea
a bright light flashing in front of me
crashing, i look for an escape
slowly everything begins to fade away

Regaining my conscious mind
I now come back to reality
Slowly escaping Death
Abandoning this fatality

Enclosed by a vast open ocean
How will I ever survive
Swimming endlessly
Waves begin clashing against me
Blaring thundering sounds
Coming from the darkening sky
Arriving onto shore
Craving a lust to savagely gorge

Starving on this barren island
I encounter a corpse drifted to shore
cannibalism practice has begun
For I shall starve no more
Selfish decision, carnivorous
Feast has come to an end
An impulse to consume all that was left
reduced to starvation once again

Engaging in self dissection
I begin ingesting my flesh
Devouring human skin
my oneself carnage


A Given life To Decay
Dwelling In The Riches Of Man
Obsession And Lust For Blood
Began to overrule her mind

A Compulsion to torture
With ordinary and excessive cruelty
Her corrupted blacken thoughts
Led her to cause endless pain
Bodies hang dead,
Drainage of all their blood
Bathing in their liquid of life
Increasing her morbid addiction

The blood now seeps through her chest
Dissecting Them Alive
The body count begins to rise
Putrid smells now emerge
Dismembered corpses overlay castle floors
With sound be in stitches as they die
Sadistically torturing her victims
Her killing spree continues all for a LIE!

A Given life To Decay
Dwelling In The Riches Of Man
Now the countess withers away
Life long imprisonment, Sentenced to Rot


Stuck In this place
Seems life has come to an end
This hell made of ice
Is destroying me now how will I mend?

Paralyzed my body lays
This freezing pain intensifies
Paralyzed my body is stiff
Sub zero termination of life

Wishing Death Would Take Me Now
Free Me From This Frozen Dwell/Hell
Life Ends Short Yet Pain's So Long
How Can This Be? Existence Soon To Be Gone

Frozen My Body Has Become
Screaming Shatters Me Internally

Trying To Survive
This Arctic Fatality

Paralyzed my body lays
This freezing pain intensifies
Paralyzed my body is stiff
Sub zero termination of life

Frigid These Last Breathes Begin To Come Slow
Numbing Out My Body No Longer Feels Cold
Feel Death Is Near Blinding My Eyes Closed Shut
Preserved History Is Left Within This Corpse

Paralyzed my body lays
This freezing pain intensifies
Paralyzed my body is stiff
Sub zero termination of life

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