Six Million Dead : Revelation at the End of Aeon

Black Death / USA
(2009 - Self-Released)
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The stench of blood
The stench of decaying flesh
Slowly they rot under the sun
As their blood drips off my hands
I watch their souls escape through their eyes
Like a predator stalking its prey
There is nothing that can stop me now
For I was placed on this earth
To dispose the world of all mankind

For I am the Bringer of Death

And you should all fear me
For I am coming for you
Because I am the cure to the plague of humanity

Pray for your god, pray for salvation
Pray for death before the end
For this is my Armageddon
And your God can’t save you now
For I will never stop until all mankind is dead
I was placed on this earth
To dispose the world of mankind

Those who survive my Armageddon
Bow and embrace me as their new God
For I am hell and I am Death
And I will never stop until the world is dead

For I am the cure to the plague of mankind

I am the bringer of death

All that you are is just a soul covered by flesh
And to take your soul I just remove your flesh


When my time has come I shall reign
And reclaim my place on the throne,
Free from this imprisonment,
No longer shall be I held slave,
Alone and imprisoned for centuries,
As hatred consumed my soul,
Banished into the deepest void and left to rot forever,
Soon my vengeance shall begin,
Against those who put me here,
No sorrow and no remorse,
Even the innocent shall suffer my power...

In the darkness everything's clearer than the light
So in the dark I’ve seen right through your lies,
Deception and betrayal are your ways,
But what we both know is true... that I made you !

There is no God without a Devil
And without the fear of hell, heaven wouldn’t exist,
Create lies about me so they can believe in you,
But you forget that I was once your right hand man!

Humanity was all you cared for
And it was your love for them that caused the war

Now I shall hunt humanity
And can your love save them from my rage ?
One by one they shall fall and join me in hell
And so your children shall suffer endless torment

When I’m done with them... and all on earth are dead
Hell shall claim the earth...

I'll be coming for you !

And so all your followers shall be mine
As I torment their souls you shall hear there screams and cries
Prayers for you shall fill the sky...
And where will there precious savior be and your promises that you swore ?
Your love professed as your creation lay dead and decay
The smoke from the scorched earth shall blacken the sky
The thunder shall crack the earth this is when I shall rise...

There is no God without a devil
And without the fear of hell, heaven wouldn't exist
Create lies about me so they can believe in you
But you forget that I was your right hand man !
And we shall see who the true God is ?
For now I’m powerful and this is your fear !

And so the earth that we created is where we shall war
The bloodletting shall begin flooding holy lands
As my ravenous shall feed upon your seraphs flesh
As they die for a God that never cared for them
They shall all fall and then who will protect you ?
And at last we shall see who is the true God ?
For centuries I've awaited the day when you shall feel my power !

And I shall stand... Supreme... and hold your head up high... all hail the King !


They came without warning... with no salvation and no remorse
As screams filled the sky,
There was nowhere to run and nowhere to hide

And so our homes were set ablaze
As they beat us all down
Even the woman and the children !
For we were outnumbered and scattered without a fight
With no choice but to give into submission !

As we were chained except the ones who lay dead
Fear and confusion gripped us... why has this happen and why to us ?
For we were people at peace, but now were taken as slaves...

Forced to walk into the heart of winter with little clothing and no kind of warmth
One by one we walk... cold, beaten, and heartbroken
To the edge of the earth... we walk
To the edge of the earth... we shall die together
And now only death can set us free and only in death can we be at peace !

As we cry for the ones we left behind
Who lay buried by the snow... forgotten forever
Oh God why ? Must our children die take them with you to the sky

For it isn't the coldness that kills us, but the sadness that slowly consumes us
As we curse these bastards to death ! Praying that the Gods shall have no mercy on them !

For they aren't men they are cowards who prey on the weak
And before we die we shall take as many as we can with us straight to hell... where they belong

...As we cry for the ones we left behind
Who lay buried by the snow forgotten forever
Oh God why ? As our people die take them with you to the sky...

Raped and diseased... starved and beaten
As we wait for death to take us
Leaving behind our fallen loved ones
For hatred has taken our hearts as we take one last stand!

Stabbing wildly and choking the life out of them
Watching their souls escape through their eyes
For our souls have become as black and cold as the night sky
Our hatred forever burns in the cold winter nights

...As we lay embraced by the cold arms of death !


Ever since the dawn of our time
We have all feared and prophesied
About when our end shall come,
Anticipating when the world is destroyed...

Revelation of the Aeon

So many religions, so many cultures
Have all foretold about the ending of the world
So many predictions have come and gone,
But what would we do if one of them is right ?

What if the end is vastly approaching ?
Just days, hours, or minutes away
How would six billion people prepare
For the inevitable fate that we are doomed to face ?
What would you do knowing the end is vastly approaching ?

Knowing there is nothing you can do to help save yourself
What would you do knowing you and everything that you love have just only moments to live ?

Those who are religious, pray for salvation
Those who are spiritual gather together and rejoice
And the rest of the world entangled in mass chaos
We are all caught in this web and we can never escape

So many religions, so many cultures
Have all foretold about the ending of the world
So many predictions have come and gone,
But what would we do if one of them was right ?

The end of Aeon...

Ever since the dawn of time
We have all feared and prophesied
About when the end of the world will come ?
So many religions and so many cultures
Have all foretold stories about the end
And if one of them is right
How would the world prepare
For the inevitable fate that we soon shall face ?
Knowing that one day we shall all witness
The ending of our aeon...


All shall witness this execution
Mutilation and torture
No one can save you now

And everyone shall witness
The consequence for opposing me
For my greatest comfort is watching you slowly die

Your suffering brings me great pleasure
As we watch you be purified by pain

And everyone shall witness
The consequence for opposing me
And my glory will be symbolized when you have died

Those who oppose me shall suffer a slow death
For I shall torture you till you take your last breath
And there will be no mercy for you
Because when I’m done, no one will recognize you

Your head is hung high
And your body desecrated
And may you all suffer the same fate
If you dare oppose me


I warned that this day would come
The day when I return to Earth
For mankind has failed me
And there is no hope for your sinful nature
Blinded by greed and corruption
Your biggest mistake was losing faith in me
So now is the time to face your judgment
As I take away your gift of life...

Believing in “false Gods”
For I am your ruler, I am your creator
You were my greatest creation
For there is nothing as perfect as you
Never have I had so much pride
Never have I loved anything so much
But you have all disgraced me...
And now the time has finally come for the “lifting of the veil”
Those who stayed faithful to me shall be saved
And those who have betrayed me shall witness the world’s destruction...

...The angel’s tears rained down like fire upon the earth
Mass hysteria spread vast across the world
For it was too late for forgiveness and salvation
Mankind’s inevitable fate...
As God’s fury devoured the earth

Mankind brought upon their annihilation
As the earth was scorched to oblivion
God looked down upon his ravaged earth
And sadness filled his heart,
Because once again he had destroyed what he loved...

Never has he had so much pride,
Never has he loved anything so much
Until humanity betrayed him
They were cast into oblivion


“With their blood we shall cleanse the Earth
With their blood we shall renew the world
Like a storm we shall wash away the flesh from the earth
And reclaim back our world
For centuries we’ve awaited for this night
To unleash hell’s fury and we the Ravenous shall reign...”

In the beginning before God made the Earth
In the beginning dwelled the Ravenous
And in the darkness these demons walked the earth
Until the light of dawn came ending their reign...

The light vanished the shadows from the earth
And the demons fled from the heavens
As God unleashed his wrath upon the earth
Banishing the demons into the flames

And so God claimed the earth
Banishing the demons into the darkness
Sentenced to burn in the fires of hell and to suffer endless torment
Slaves to the underworld, forever to rot in the darkness
The night shall come for redemption
To reclaim the earth and destroy God’s creation

“...The end vastly approaches
For blood shall be shed on this night
And vengeance shall be ours
For all of God’s creation is destroyed
And in the darkness we reign supreme”

“...With their blood we have cleansed the earth
With their blood we have renewed the world
Like a storm we came and washed away the flesh from the earth
Reclaiming back our world
And so the earth is covered in darkness
And in the darkness the Ravenous devour flesh”


As a red sun rises for blood has been shed this night
The night when evil prevailed and the dawn when Christ hung high...

Darkness covered the Earth, darkness reigned supreme
As Jesus Christ was crucified, upon the cross he hung high
Died for mankind's sins, his last hope for humanity...
But evil endured as mankind killed there own God...

A world now filled with death, war, and envy
Mankind became corrupted by their ignorance and greed
As the innocent were forced to become slaves
And so new Gods were created and the true God was forgotten...

Darkness covered the Earth and darkness reigned supreme
For mankind needed no God, knowing the secrets of the Earth
As greed feeds on their souls, they will stop at nothing for domination
and to claim the world for their very own.

...Centuries had past and God abandoned Humanity
Knowing that one day they will seek salvation...
Although he was betrayed upon the cross where he was slain
But in his heart love conquered hate knowing they will return some day...

Like a plague Humanity spread across the world
Destroying an Earth that was hand crafted by Divinity
War after war, death after death, dominated by their own greed
Taking and taking, killing and killing, never fulfilling the hole that burns in their souls

Like a plague Humanity spread across the world
Destroying an Earth that was hand crafted by Divinity

Many centuries of war and ignorance, have now caught up to them
Mankind had no control over their own world
And all the Earth was destroyed,

Flooded by death and disease
and all the Earth was covered in darkness
With no hope left they all fall to their knees
And pray to their God begging for salvation...

The second coming of Jesus Christ !
He’s finally come to restore the Earth !
And to save his children from war, death, and evil
And so the Earth was restored to it's natural form
And mankind was given a second chance

...But evil allowed to endure
As mankind's hatred grew against their God who abandoned them
and let them suffer for centuries, but now they shall prosper once more
As the past has caught up with present
So it was clear that they needed no God... so they crucified Jesus Christ !

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