Silver Cypher : Existensial Realisms

Power Metal / USA
(2011 - Self-Released)
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Follow your heart
That’s what they told me
Work hard and your dreams will come true

But they were wrong
I have discovered
It’s not the dreams which come true

I’m consciously aware
That I’m living the nightmare
But that is just reality

And though I’m constantly scared
Living the nightmare
There’s no hope of waking up for me

Decisions of the past have destroyed my future
And trapped me in the here and now
Without hope until the day I die

I’m consciously aware
That I’m living the nightmare
But that is just reality

And though I’m constantly scared
Living the nightmare
There’s no hope of waking up for me

Stop believing in yourself
You are not special at all

Concentrate on what you know
Focus on attainable goals

For one day your life will be over
But you won’t be dead

Stay grounded or the fall will break you

I’m consciously aware
That I’m living the nightmare
But that is just reality

And though I’m constantly scared
Living the nightmare
There’s no hope of waking up for me


A lightning strike on the witching hour
Stirring on and on and on your cauldron

Sacrifice the goat’s life
The blood never lies

Talk to ghosts on your Ouija Board
And decipher the messages they send you

Gather now on the solstice
Drawing power from a static cosmos

Believing in God was never your destiny or your final Purpose
Things are the way they are because there is no other way That they could ever be

Believing in God was never your destiny
There’s no final purpose
Things are the way they are because there is no other way That they could ever be

Take the drug
Consult your spirit guide
And follow on the path he sends you

See your future on your deck of tarot cards

Join a cult
Burn an effigy
Kill yourself and to travel to next world

And ride your steed
Across the rainbow bridge
And enter Valhalla

Believing in God was never your destiny or your final Purpose
Things are the way they are because there is no other way That they could ever be

Believing in God was never your destiny
There’s no final purpose
Things are the way they are because there is no other way That they could ever be

Believing in God was never your destiny or your final Purpose
Things are the way they are because there is no other way That they could ever be

Believing in God was never your destiny
There’s no final purpose
Things are the way they are because there is no other way That they could ever be

The power of the old ways is lost now in our days


A question has been raised
The solution is not known
I feel an overwhelming need
To solve it on my own

Absorbed into thought
I run on instinct
Exploring paths that are both
Unique and distinct

No one else before me
Has ever tried what I’ve tried
For this path that I take
I must be my own guide

For I will find the answer to another question
Reveal another mystery of the universe

I will succeed one day
Exploring learned knowledge in my own name

Frustration overwhelms me
I cannot find an answer
The many dead ends that I have found
A reason for my concern

Just then an errant thought
Leads to an inspiration
I explore this theory
To a bitter conclusion

Another attempt
And yet another failure
But there must be an answer
Of that much I’m sure

For I will find the answer to another question
Reveal another mystery of the universe

I will succeed one day
Exploring learned knowledge in my own name

For I will find the answer to another question
Reveal another mystery of the universe

I will succeed one day
Exploring learned knowledge in my own name


Power : surges through me
Post resurrection
A disciple no more
I’m beyond death

Time : a repeating loop
That travels through me
All past obligation’s fulfilled now

Billions of voices cry out from the distance
And then they were gone…

Mind : I’m omniscient
With all thoughts known to me
Knowledge is mine to control

Reality : bends to my will
Anything that I wish to be
Becomes what is truth

Now is the time when your hero’s come out to defend you (Omnipotent)
They’ll struggle and battle against me, but do so in vain (All powerful)
For I have usurped the control over eternity
Becoming the God over this sphere of reality
My name means death

Space : is meaningless
When I am everywhere
No matter the distance I’ll see you

Soul : I haven’t one
But everyone
And I am eternal without

Now is the time when your hero’s come out to defend you (Omnipotent)
They’ll struggle and battle against me, but do so in vain (All powerful)
For I have usurped the control over eternity
Becoming the God over this sphere of reality


Society’s changing constantly
Freedoms get lost
But I hope it’s for the best

Because I met a girl today
She said “I LOVE YOU”
And I think I love her too (Thoughtcrime)

There are three stages in your reintegration
Learning, understanding, and acceptance

There will be no loyalty except the loyalty towards The Party
There will be no love except for the love of Big Brother

1984, 1984 Big Brother is watching you

Look up in sky
It’s the same sky for everyone everywhere (and the world Never cared)
And all the people under the sky are just like you and me (And the world never cared)

They will ban our words
Then they’ll ban our books
Then they’ll ban our thoughts and declare them Crimes…thoughtcrimes

I will not betray her (Thoughtcrime)
But I still love her (Thoughtcrime)
Please stop torturing me
Torture someone else…DO IT TO HER!!!

1984, 1984 Big Brother is watching you
1984, 1984 Big Brother will control you

Look up in sky
It’s the same sky for everyone everywhere (and the world Never cared)
And all the people under that sky are just like you and me (And world never cared and they lost it all)

People denied freedom of thought
Brainwashed by their own all oppressive oligarchy
(And the world never cared)

When they control your mind look into your heart
You will find the power to truly change the world forever


I’m the rightful ruler of eternal darkness and I’ll be a Slave no longer
The fallen leaves from the cemetery trees tremble as the Ground quakes beneath me

(Rise, Rise, Rise)

Follow me, follow me, follow me you soulless corpses
I’ve restored your life
Follow me to oblivion and I will bring you back again

As we spread across the land we spare no body living or Dead and we reach his gates in force

The demons shriek at my unholy army
Enraged by our betrayal
They attack us
We push them back
Overwhelmed they turn and run in fear

But we will hunt them down like rabid dogs
For I have the will to survive
My evil is stronger and so it shall thrive
I’ll be the one to rule this kingdom once they are dead

I will take control

I will hunt him down like a rabid dog
For I have the will to survive
My evil is stronger and so it shall thrive
And soon he too will join me once he is dead

My victory evokes the dark lord and my minions surround him For the final battle

In a burst of flame my army’s decimated
Consumed within the hellfire
The next blast disintegrates my flesh
In an instant I am dead

My black soul was lost to a greater evil
But I will rise again


Don’t worry
Calm down
It’s all being taken care of
You needn’t concern yourself

Empty your mind
Become complacent
Your thoughts are not necessary
They’ve been thought of before

Independence is so hard
Don’t work yourself up
You should know all that we teach you
And nothing more!

Empty your mind
Become complacent
Your thoughts are not necessary
They’ve been thought of by people much smarter than you
Better than you
Don’t waste your time
Avoid stress and live longer
Learn to meditate

Empty your mind
Become complacent
Your thoughts are not necessary
Don’t ever try to be someone, discover anything, touch Someone, or find a reason to fight us


Stuck on Trigonometry
Since the 2nd century B.C.
The greatest minds couldn’t even prove
How it was possible that objects move

The paradox was solved one day
When the last magician showed the way
Nature’s laws lay hid in night
God said “Let Newton be” and all was light

I am Isaac Newton
While others spoke of lies I published truths
For I frame no hypothesis
Privileged in this world I know the mind of God

The laws on the earth are the same in the heavens
Every action has an equally opposite reaction
My calculus can explain it all, everything to you you’ll see
The universe is just an equation

I am Isaac Newton
Scientist, physicist, and philosopher
But I frame no hypothesis
I’m a mathematician and an alchemist too

Color is the outcome of reflecting light
Decompose the spectrum with my optical device
Behold the galaxy through a telescope I invented
Discover the brightest son is me and not Christ

The divinity: the holy trinity
The Infinity is infinitesimal
The divinity is infinity


The sun was about to rise and usher in a new dawn
But in the twilight I felt a shadow grow around me

It was a grim reaper standing near me
A grim reaper beckoning at me

I approached and asked “Why have you come for me so soon”?
“It’s not soon. It is your time. Now come with me” (Reaper)

And then the grim reaper reached for me
The grim reaper wanted to take me

So I challenge death for the fate of my soul
A challenge no one has ever won
But I have to win if I am to survive
What’s done can be undone: I’ll challenge the reaper

I’ll challenge the reaper
I’ll challenge death
I’ll challenge the reaper
I’ll challenge death

And I will see the shadow slowly decay in starlight
I will live to see the morning come

It was a grim reaper battling me
And the grim reaper lost that battle to me

So I challenged death for the fate of my soul
A challenge no one had ever won
I had to win if I was to survive
What’s done was undone: I challenged the reaper

I challenged the reaper
I challenged death
I challenged the reaper
I challenged death

I challenged death and I won
My prize was eternal life


I do remember this place
A scene from days of old
When I stepped through the doorway
I was searching for a soul

I often think about it
Of things I should not know
When I search through the darkness
I’m searching for a soul

I do remember your face
It was so long ago
When I looked through your dark eyes
Those windows to your soul

I often think about it
Of things I should not know
When I search through this darkness
Sometimes I lose control

Is anything left here for me?
Is anything left I’ve not seen?
Is anything left here for me?
Is anyone alive who knew me?

Who knew me?
Who knew me?
Who knew me?

The long distances I’ve traveled
Across the world and back again
As time pass by I passed through
I’m alone here
When will I die?

Is anything left here for me?
Is anything left I’ve not seen?
Is anything left here for me?
Is anyone alive who knew me?

Who knows me?
Who knows me?
Who knows me?

At first I thought everybody had something wrong with them
They got old, they died, animals too but not me
I meet someone, learn a name say a word: they’re gone
Ripples in a wheat field blown by the wind

Is anything left here for me?
Is anything left I’ve not seen?
Is anything left here for me?
Is anyone alive who knew me?

Who knows me?
Who knows me?
Who knows me?

The long distances I’ve traveled
Across the world and back again
As time pass by I passed through
I’m alone here
When will I die?

Is anything left here for me?
Is anything left I’ve not seen?
Is anything left here for me?
Is anyone alive who knows me?

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