Silver Cypher : Cryptic Characters

Power Metal / USA
(2009 - Self-Released)
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The holy places have been retaken
Our enemies have been killed
With Christendom no longer threatened
The Crusade has been fulfilled

But our work here is far from done
Outremer needs our protection
Send nine to the temple mount
Prepare the orders creation

We are The Knights Templar
We are The Knights Templar

We take vows of obedience
Poverty and chastity
Under a white mantle and red cross
We’re exempt from all but His authority

With the courage to fight to the very last
The Templar flag will fly through the land
And soon the whole world will come to fear us
And the power which we command

We are The Knights Templar
We are The Knights Templar
We are The Knights Templar
We are The Knights Templar

The pope has called on me
To defend Christianity
Use violence and piety
To protect his sovereignty

And though I must sacrifice
Abandon every mortal vice
The church of Christ depends upon
Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon

Defeat came not from a standing army
But by those we swore to defend
Beware the thirteenth of Friday
That day of betrayal marks our end

But oh we will deceive them all
And overcome the inquisition
Our great order will rise again
To resume our holy mission

We are The Knights Templar
We are The Knights Templar
We are The Knights Templar
We are The Knights Templar

The pope has called on me
To defend Christianity
Use violence and piety
To protect his sovereignty

And though I must sacrifice
Abandon every mortal vice
The church of Christ depends upon
Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon


I gaze across this open field and see a path revealed
A glorious empire fought here once on this frontier

The fearless legions of Rome brought a victory home
2000 years ago, I know
I was here

Now 7th army to the forward and weapons to the ready
Strike them hard fast and above all keep your aim steady

We must push onward past this first infantry division
Its victory that I want and glory which I envision

No bastard ever won a war for his country by dying
He won by making the other man who wanted to kill him die Trying

Press forward, do not stop, attack while on the move
To halt while under fire is a suicide this army has not Approved

Perpetual peace is a futile dream
War is the greatest endeavor of man
The others don’t compare

To ensure peace now for our country you must fight
So lead me, follow me, or get out of my way

I don’t give a damn about the color of your skin
Just kill those other sons of bitches wearing green and we Will win

Any soldier who’s uninjured and wastes a hero’s bed
I is a yellow coward traitor and should be shot dead

Perpetual peace is a futile dream
War is the greatest endeavor of man
The others don’t compare

To ensure peace now for our country you must fight
So lead me, follow me, or get out of my way

I know you want to go home and put an end to this war
The quickest way to end it is to kill them on their own Shore

The sooner they are whipped the sooner we can all go home
Victory lies in Berlin; Berlin and Tokyo

Perpetual peace is a futile dream
War is the greatest endeavor of man
The others don’t compare

To ensure peace now for our country you must fight
So lead me, follow me, or get out of my way


Born in sin
Come on in
Born in lust
Turn to dust

I can read all of your thoughts
I’ll reveal your sins just for fun
You should agree to my request
Or you will all die one by one

Give me what I want and I’ll go away
Give me what I want and I’ll go away

Born in sin
Come on in
Born in lust
Turn to dust

Our name is Legion: we are many
A demand I bring for you townsfolk
Chose a stone and gamble some souls
Or share the fate of Roanoke Virginia

Give me what I want and I’ll go away
Give me what I want and I’ll go away
Give me what I want and I’ll go away
Give me what I want and I’ll go away

Give me what I want and I’ll go away
Give me your child and I'll go away


No second road there for me
A single path is what I see
Darkness can hide all things well
Even the bright fires of my hell

A slimy serpent in guise of human skin
You fooled me with your Gorgon’s grin
Poisoned me with a silver tongue
You damned me when I was young

I will always hate you
And I will never forgive you
No forgiveness
For your sin was too great

My world continues to descend
This hate will drag me to my end
Will God forgive my lack of forgiveness
(H)Is hypocrisy righteous?

I will always hate you
And I will never forgive you
No forgiveness for your sin
It’s too late

And soon I will be dead but I’m prepared for what’s ahead
Eternal pain or final peace?
All that matters is my release

I know that if I could just forgive that I could find the Peace to live
No matter what I won’t forgive you
I’ll die and never forgive you


These mindless barbarians do not understand our threats
We are the most powerful civilization in the world
Our superior military will crush any and all opposition
Our armies will invade and conquer and expand
Hail Caesar!

Witness the fall of your empire
Not from aliens, villainy, or the wrath of an angry god
There is no greater danger we face then ourselves and our Own arrogance

These insolent rebels do not understand our threats
We are the empire on which the sun never sets
We claim absolute sovereignty over all of our lands
Squash this revolt and bring the colony to its knees
For king and country!

Witness the fall of your empire
Not from aliens, villainy, or the wrath of an angry god
There is no greater danger we face then ourselves and our Own arrogance

We cannot ensure our survival through misuse of force
It has never worked and it never will
Now we must learn from the past before it again repeats and Stop embracing ignorance

These fanatical terrorists do not understand our threats
We are the greatest nation that has ever existed
In an instant we can nuke their backwards society into Nothingness
We’ll shock them and awe them until they see things the Right way
Live free or die!

Witness the fall of your empire
Not from aliens, villainy, or the wrath of an angry god
There is no greater danger we face then ourselves and our Own arrogance

We cannot ensure our survival through misuse of force
It has never worked and it never will
Now we must learn from the past before it again repeats and Stop embracing ignorance


Mistakes have been made and opportunities have been missed
Most probably won’t reach the end they wanted
Those who do will wish they’d reached for more

If you find this world is not for you
Try and see a different point of view
Reality is just one way through
Oh your dreams are just as true

There are no second chances
You will only get one try
You’ll die and when those who knew you die too
Oh the world will forget you but…

Perception is consciousness
You define existence

Judgments are not relevant
It only matters what you think

Abandon your crutches
All you have to do is believe

And worship yourself
You are God

If you find this world is not for you
Try and see a different point of view
Reality is just one way through
Oh your dreams are just as true

In this gigantic universe you are unimportant
Everything and anything that you do
For good or bad it doesn’t matter

Perception is consciousness
You define existence

Judgments are not relevant
It only matters what you think

Abandon your crutches
All you have to do is believe

And worship yourself
You are God

Lyrics geaddet von tbc85 - Bearbeite die Lyrics