Silencer (USA) : MMIII

Power Metal / USA
(2003 - Self-Produced)
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Time will create the godcell
As time perfected the sin
Who bears the chromium sunrise?
Biding alone in our pure advance
By great machines

Greeted by the future scores of the cell
Who crucified the godless
Hiding, set numb by the spark
That left our sockets hollow

Brilliant or mad just the same
With suns to power the nexus
Blinding upon the silicate thrones
Altars now a thousand

We've harnessed the light
We have harnessed the godcell


Consuming the great ages drive
We stand, we forge, in thoughtless need we lie

There's nothing left this time
The well we've drained away
Fill the void the time to act is now

Now at hand is born irate atomic spire
To save, to kill, to hoard this fusive breath
The swollen giant screams and the oceans burn
Soon the embrace from the cleansing bore of fire

Voice of the wyrm
We bathe in flame
Voice of the wyrm
We bathe in flame

lyrics added by patate - Modify this lyrics