Sick Of It All : Potential for a Fall

Hardcore / USA
(1999 - Fat Wreck Chords)
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Here's another tale, a replay of society's failures
Out for ourselves, bred to consume in pursuit of wealth
And the ones in charge, once secure show disregard
For future generations who must endure what's left behind

No compassion, no caution, no forethought
Potential for a fall
No forethought, no vision, no future
Potential for a fall
Go about our lives as we turn a blind eye
As long as i get mine
Potential for a fall
Submissive, complacent, sit back and let it slip away
Just can't seem to hold it together

And yet we continue with the charade of being individuals
As we get spoon-fed, kept in check by the latest trends
Are we that shallow?
Is getting your groove on all that matters
I'm not asking you to bleed
But show consideration please
Sit back and let it slip away
We can't seem to hold it together
We can't seem to get it right


Another time another place
I might have had a smile on my face
This could have been such a beautiful thing
But now it's just a fucking waste of time
We've said what had to be said
The issue's discussed already dead
We're clinging to something
what we don't know
It's about time we just let go

What's the point, why do we bother
Just to try and hurt each other
Or to try and save part of what was there
Put on an act pretend like we care
Avoiding the outcome we both know
Cut the shit and just let go

All this back and forth
Cheap shots no remorse
No chance wounds to mend
When is this all gonna end
All I ever wanted was some fucking peace


Soul be free
Not chained in any way by petty jealousy
Soul be free
Not bound in any way by selfishness or greed

The bonds were formed over the years
Suddenly so flimsy and weak
So did they ever exist?

I just watched as my life was criticized
So I could judge who had my happiness in mind

My best interest isn't your best interest
Count me out if I'm to serve you further
My best interest isn't your best interest
Let me out if it's that one-sided

Soul be free
Not chained in any way by petty jealousy
Soul be free
Not bound in any way by selfishness or greed

Let them do what they do and make a list
Check it out and see what friends amount to shit

My best interest isn't your best interest
Count me out if I'm to serve you further
My best interest isn't your best interest
Let me out if it's that one-sided

I want the best for the souls that are close to me
I won't stand in the way of their happiness
I want the best for the souls that are dear to me
I won't stand in the way of their freedom
Their calling, their destiny

Soul be free
Soul be free
Soul be free
Soul be free

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