Shekinah (USA) : Freedom



Disciples of Truth
Disciples of the Way
Disciples of discipline
Servants of the Eternal King


Servants of Truth
Servants of the Way
Slaves of righteousness
Warriors in the night

God's Truth is in us
Through the Holy Spirit
God the Father
Father of Light
Slavery has never been more satisfying

Disciples of Truth
Disciples of the Way
Servants of Truth
Servants of...


Servants of God!
Servants of God!

Disciples of Truth

Disciples of Truth
Disciples of the Way
Disciples of discipline
Servants of the Eternal King

Servants of Truth
Servants of the Way
Slaves of righteousness
Warriors in the night

Behold this righteousness within us
It is not our own
We are slaves of righteousness
We are disciples of the Way

Servants of Truth
Servants of the Way
Slaves of righteousness
Warriors in the night

Behold this righteousness within us
It is not our own
We are slaves of righteousness
We are disciples of the Way

Disciples of Truth!
Disciples of Truth!


Slavery is true freedom

Freedom in slavery
Slaves of righteousness
Slavery is the true form of freedom

Slaves, beggars, poor in spirit
Slaves, beggars, poor in heart
Slaves, no longer poor, our Master is our God

Freely He gives and freely we receive His salvation
Purchased with a great price
The blood washes over our foreheads

Slaves to sin no longer
Slaves to righteousness we'll be
We'll be free, true freedom in the Most High

Slaves of righteousness
Slaves of righteousness

Righteousness we take
Righteousness we are
Righteousness enslaved
Righteousness in Christ


Slaves of righteousness
Slaves of God
Slavery is the true freedom

It never occurred to me that I am a slave
Because this slavery feels like freedom

Slaves of Christ
No longer are we slaves of this flesh
We have righteousness in Christ

Jesus the Messiah
How gladly are we to be obtained by You
Purchased by your blood
To set us free

Let the captives go now
Slaves of righteousness
Slaves in Christ Jesus


Outstanding hypocrisy
Before me stands the gate of the pure and free
Outlasting informality
Inside the gate of hatred and apostasy

Democrat, Republican... where did we go wrong?
Black, white, they hate us all
The demonic filth
Stench of all that is unrighteous

Stop your senseless bickering!
Don't you realize we've had it all wrong?
Stop your senseless whining and fighting
Or else this nation will fall
Into the lowest pits of Hell's fire

United States... land of the free
Divided States... land of the slave
Giving into every selfish desire
Giving into lust and fornication

Pride, pride the arrogance of all the wicked
Standing before me is a line I do not wish to cross
Land of the free, is not freedom
Land of the slave, is here in our midst to come
They hate us all

Stop this hypocrisy, stop fighting one another
Whether you're a Democrat or Republican or something else entirely
Senseless fighting, nothing but slaughter
Worthless intolerance, of another's skin color

Black, white, the demons hate us all
They don't care what race you are
Look at this principality as it claws
At our most beloved country

Digging trenches straight to the pit of Hell
Trenches of racial divide, in the spirit realm
Taking our minds as fodder
Bleeding on our cold dead hands

Break out of your box, those of you legalistic and lukewarm
Don't you see the demonic agenda in our midst?
We've missed the point entirely
Vote righteousness, save your nation from divide
You must not give in

Save your nation, don't divide amongst yourselves
And not for a petty sticker

I see the church at the door
Of execution... strip our rights away!
Communistic totalitarian rulers
Just like Venezuela, and countless others
Democide... the government has total control

Leaders are good, leaders are fine
Take everything as a grain of sand
Church divided... Satan has complete and total control!

Don't give in to the worldly agenda!
Don't give in to racial division!
Don't give in to self loathing or hatred!
Don't give in, we must conquer and win!

Together! We must stand tall
Together! Don't divide
Together! Don't hate another
Together! Don't compromise
Together! Whether you are left or right!

Worse than Hitler, you're stirring up hatred and racial division
Worse than Stalin, you're sending the poor to put the rich to death
Worse than Kim Jong un, the land of the brainwashed and slave
Worse than the Congo, where there were pools of blood staining the streets
And the nation fell because of racial divide

Who is responsible for this you say? Just look in the mirror!
It's me! It's you! It's our fault, we are responsible
You vote Democrat or Republican to suit your fancy
You stir up hatred on social media
And take your apostasy to share with someone else

And it's not about the man in the oval office now
This has been a long time coming... the great Racial Divide!

Through prayer and fasting send this demon of
Racial division back to Hell where it belongs!
The great Racial Divide!


Mortified, terrified
Atrocious rejection

Morality desecrated
Nothing good remains

I'm sick and appalled
At the lack of morality in mankind
Constant filth and degrading
Of all that is good and light

Constant evil, constant darkness
Orgies, blood and murder
Your immorality sickens me
I am appalled at this apostasy

Such a tragedy
How atrocious, so sickening
I'm disgusted by your heresy
Because of the Holy Spirit in me
With this clarity of morality

That you reject
You reject the Son of the Living God

I'm sickened, appalled, and gruesomely mortified

Gruesomely mortified at your lack of morality
Constant degrading off all that is good and light

Constant heresy
Apostasy has reached it's high rise
In this degenerate generation
And this foolish society

Your pride and your arrogance
Is your downfall
Watch as you bring world war three
From your lack of morality


I pray to the Night
For all I see is the Shining Night

I pray to the Night
This night shall ever end
Praying to the Night
The glorious Night

How beautiful it is
How beautiful it says I can be
Bow down and worship the Night
The Lord of Night, the moon, and stars

They shine of His magnificent glory
Glory to the King of Kings
And the Lord of Lords
He is the King of Night

"And He said 'Separate the darkness from the light.
The light shall be called day,
And the darkness shall be called night.'"

The darkness of the whole Earth
And it's blackened hemisphere
In blackness He is in glory
In light He is in glory forevermore

Behind the Shining Night
The King has come at the midnight hour
Behold the Shining Knight
Jesus Christ is the Lord of the nightly hour

I pray to the Night
For all I see is the Shining Night

I pray to the Night
This night shall ever end
Praying to the Night
The glorious Night
The moon, the stars shine of His glory

They shine of His magnificent glory
Glory to the King of Kings
And the Lord of Lords
He is the King of Night

How beautiful it is
How beautiful it says I can be
Bow down and worship the Night

The darkness of the whole Earth
And it's blackened hemisphere
In blackness He is in glory
In light He is in glory forevermore

Behind the Shining Night
The King has come at the midnight hour
Behold the Shining Knight
Jesus Christ is the Lord of the nightly hour

Nocturnal creatures rejoice
Behold the moon and the stars
Behold Yahweh's magnificence
Behold, the Shining Night!
Behold, the Shining Knight!

Nocturnal creatures rejoice
Behold the moon and the stars
Behold Yahweh's magnificence
Behold, the Shining Night!
Behold, the Shining Knight!

Jesus Christ is the Lord of the nightly hour
Jesus Christ is the Lord of the nightly hour
Jesus Christ is the Lord of the nightly hour

Nocturnal creatures rejoice
Behold the moon and the stars
Behold Yahweh's magnificence
Behold, the Shining Night!
Behold, the Shining Knight!


Flame of God ascends
Fire from Hell is sent to trial

Job was a righteous man who prolonged days
Rich and powerful he became because of God's grace
Never once denied the Lord through His life
Satan sends fire of Hell, trial by flame

In the same way we are hardened
God purifies us in the blackest of Hell's fire
So that when the day of reckoning comes
We will stand firm... always!

Flame of Hell surrounds me
The darkness below my feet
Demons mocking as they seduce me
Into an altered state of reality

Flame of God begins to descend
Flame of Hell cannot prevail
Tried in flame I can stand firm
In the Word of God by the Holy Spirit
I am set free

I stand firm
I stand firm
I can stand firm now

Victory I can see in front of me
Victory and triumph over the wicked foe
No longer to be tested by fire
A new season begins

A new life begins now
Don't let the devil stomp out your victory
Don't put out the fire
But you must endure for a little longer
If you want to be free... in power
In victory

Hardened in Hellflame I burn in this trial
No longer

Trial by fire
Victory is mine

Victory I can see in front of me
Victory and triumph over the wicked foe
No longer to be tested by fire
A new season begins

A new life begins now
Don't let the devil stomp out your victory
Don't put out the fire
But you must endure for a little longer
If you want to be free... in power
In victory

Hardened in Hellflame I burn in this trial
No longer

Trial by fire
Victory is mine

Flame of God ascends
Fire from Hell is sent to trial

Job was a righteous man who prolonged days
Rich and powerful he became because of God's grace
Never once denied the Lord through His life
Satan sends fire of Hell, trial by flame

In the same way we are hardened
God purifies us in the blackest of Hell's fire
So that when the day of reckoning comes
We will stand firm... always!

Flame of Hell surrounds me
The darkness below my feet
Demons mocking as they seduce me
Into an altered state of reality

Flame of God begins to descend
Flame of Hell cannot prevail
Tried in flame I can stand firm
In the Word of God by the Holy Spirit
I am set free

I stand firm
I stand firm
I can stand firm now

Victory I can see in front of me
Victory and triumph over the wicked foe
No longer to be tested by fire
A new season begins

A new life begins now


Viewing the corpses of the fallen ones
I behold Your supreme might
Taken away from this destructive realm
For You Lord, I prepare a sacrifice
Behold the scapegoat

Driven away from mankind
Left to burn in the desert
Driven away in sin
Taken from his abysmal throne

Driven to burn amidst the desert sands
Northern dark lord no more
Forever inflamed by the scorching sun
All ice melts as the scapegoat is driven away

Send him away

Burn in sulfur, the scapegoat sacrifice
Burdened with sin, you are driven away
The scapegoat sacrifice far away in a distant land
Scapegoat sacrifice, the Baphomet is inflamed with sin

Send him away, let him bleed

Send him away, let him bleed
The unholy scapegoat drenched in the sin of the people
Burning amidst the desert sands of the unearthly flame
In Hell you burn in a wasteland worthy of thee

Driven to the desert sands, eternal damnation awaits you
Taken from his abysmal throne, shattered be your altar of distain
Filthy whorelings under our feet
Your distasteful ways burn in the desert's flame

Desert sands scorch your body, driven away from me
The sin you carry is too great for sympathy
Driven away from mankind is the only lot for thee
Driven away into sandstorms you are buried

No longer are you the frozen king of the northern hordes
Burn in the desert of the southland, let the ice melt (it fades)
In this desert you burn amidst the scorching heat
In this desert you are driven far away (to Hell)

lyrics added by Coleiosis - Modify this lyrics