Shandrazel : In Pursuit of the Dragon Island



Now it’s time to live the adventure
The one I’ve always dreamed to be a part of
I’ve left my wife, my father, and my village
In the pursuit of the dragon island
I can’t believe it’s finally happening
I hoped it since I was a little boy
I know it can be very dangerous
But that may be the price for such an adventure

I am sure that hundreds of wonders
Will await me
I have so much to discover
And I start from nothing

Maybe than I am just a fool
That just follows a stupid obsession
But I promised my wife
That I will come back with all my answers
I never be able to stop thinking
About that night with our meeting
I know she’s right I have to follow my path
Despite what my father thinks about it

I am sur than hundreds of wonders
Will await me
I have so much to discover
And I start from nothing

I have realized that I never left my village before
I had no idea of what I could find

I knew that the world was big
With huge mountains and endless seas
But I have never imagined
That it could be so exciting
The more I advance on this road
The more I know I did the right choice
I won’t go back until I reach my goal
And finally kill all my ghosts

No matter what I’ve to go though
I will do what I have to do
I have so much determination
I will face all the dangers
I’ll go ahead, I will be brave
I will never give up
I will become a new men
And at the end I will be proud

I never thoughtI could get the courage
To say goodbye to the one I care
I am sure that it wasn’t a mistake
I’ll have so much to tell to my descendants
The more I advance on this road
The more I know I did the right choice
I won’t go back until I reach my goal
And finally kill all my ghosts

Wherever you are I will find you
To get a chance to talk with you
And to understand what you are
And what is the land on your back
I’ll go ahead, I will be brave
I will never give up
I will become a new men
And at the end I will be proud


This place have it own kind of magic
With all this woods that makes up it structure
There is so much colors around here
Because of the stained-glasses windows
And because of the sunshines that cross them
Of course i have seen some books before
But never some with such book bindings
With big gold letters printed on it

So much cover made with some great leather
All arranged by alphabetic order
Talking about so many topics
All the knowledge of the world seems to be here

When i open one of them I see lights
That come to my eyes and that seems to hug me

No matter where i look around
I’m surrounded by thousands of dreams
I feel like the words land on my skin
Surrounded by thousands of dreams

When i open one of them I see lights
That come to my eyes and who seems to hug me
As if i were in the stars among the most beautiful Constelations that decorate the sky
I even have the impression that he can see me from where he is with this book in my hand talking about him

No matter where I look around
I’m surrounded by thousands of dreams
I feel like the words land on my skin
Surrounded by thousands of dream
I’m a vision among the stars
Surrounded by thousands of dreams
I will maybe find my answers
Surrounded by thousand of dreams

So much cover made with some great leather
All arranged by alphabetic order
Talking about so many topics
All the knowledge of the world seems to be here
Can you just imagine
The happiness you can find here
There is no better place to learn
Especially with such a mentor like Theodor

When i open one of them i see lights
That come to my eyes and who seems to hug me
As if i were in the stars among the most beautiful Constelations that decorate the sky
I even have the impression that he can see me from where he is with this book in my hand talking about him

No matter where i look around
I’m surrounded by thousands of dreams
I feel like the words land on my skin
Surrounded by thousands of dream
I’m a vision among the stars
Surrounded by thousands of dreams
I will maybe find my answers
Surrounded by thousand of dreams


Here I go again
On this long road
I am so proud
Of all I’ve done
I started from
And Now I feel
Like a new man

In my past life
It was so hard
Not to live
my life completely

To breath normally
That’s why I chose
A new beginning
Something I needed

In my past life
It was so hard
Not to live
my life completely

Since I started
My trip I have
Lived more than I expected
I feel ashamed
That I didn’t
Do it before
For not having taken
My destiny in hands

In my past life
It was so hard
Not to live
my life completely

But this time this is for good
Now I know I’m going somewhere
Wait for me I’m coming
It will change all my futur
And of course my behavior
I’ll become a better men

The more the time past, the more I want to write
About this extraordinary adventures
Something like a legend or something close
Like the books I read in the Kalidior library
I had so much luck to meet such great people
Earl and Theodor, who helped me the best they could
The Guardian and the forest dragon
Who drove me toward even much more beautiful things

When I will go back to Saltcoast town
I will live my life in a new direction
I will be able to get my head held high
Without any shame and with a lot of courage
I have desires than I never had before
Like for exemple to create a family
I will tell my childs the story I lived
And I’m sure that they will be as proud as I am
The more the time past, the more I want to write
About this extraordinary adventures
Something like a legend or something close
Like the books I read in the Kalidior library
I had so much luck to meet such great people
Earl and Theodor, who helped me the best they could
The Guardian and the forest dragon
Who drove me toward even much more beautiful things

All of this was possible because of my wonderful wife
I started this trip as a long way of hope
I will continue to walk on this dream road
She makes it more beautiful my long way of hope
I can’t wait to get her on my arms once again
She makes it more beautiful my long way of hope
With her on my mind I started to walk this dream road
She makes it more beautiful my long way of hope

Here I go again
On this long road
I am so proud
Of all I’ve done
I started from
And Now I feel
Like a new man

In my new life I’ll be someone else
I will never be afraid anymore

The more the time past, the more I want to write
About this extraordinary adventures
Something like a legend or something close
Like the books I read in the Kalidior library
I had so much luck to meet such great people
Earl and Theodor, who helped me the best they could
The Guardian and the forest dragon
Who drove me toward even much more beautiful things

All of this was possible because of my wonderful wife
I started this trip as a long way of hope
I will continue to walk on this dream road
She makes it more beautiful my long way of hope
I can’t wait to get her on my arms once again
She makes it more beautiful my long way of hope
With her on my mind I started to walk this dream road
She makes it more beautiful my long way of hope


It goes so fast
And we go so high in the sky
I don’t know what to expect
But we are very close now
The mountains are almost
There like if I could touch them
And once we overpassed them
I’ve been introduced to a new world

I saw an entire universe
Populated by all types of dragons
Evolving in a huge and green valley
Protected by the back of this giant
Babies like fruits grow in trees
Fed by water from a waterfall
That find birth in the mountains of his back
It goes beyond anything I could imagine

The biggest dragons learn to the youngest ones
All the things they need know to survive
And in the same time they play with them
Everything is working like a family
There is so much happiness all around this place
So much more than in our own world
There is no war there is no fight
There is just tolerance and love everywhere

I’ve found in this place a new definition of life
I’ve never seen something as beautiful as that
He is the essence of his own nature and world
Because of him I’m living an incredible time

This is more than all i’ve ever expected
I feel so grateful for him and my wife
This is something i will live only once
So I might as well take full advantage
It answers to all my questions
That I’ve asked my self for so much time now
I am not dreaming, because this is for real
I’m living what an incredible time

I’ve found in this place a new definition of life
I’ve never seen something as beautiful as that
He is the essence of his own nature and world
Because of him I now living what an incredible time
(Because of him because of her everything has changed in my life)

It was then that I saw his world fly away accompanied by a tornado of cries of joy and colors
All around us babies were circling trying to fly awkwardly but once they get it they started to sing an accomplishment song of happiness
They flew higher like a rainbow wanting to touch the most distant stars ready to conquer the endless sky like a commet circling the earth
No one else than me had seen this event I’m the luckiest men in this world I will never forget this moment ‘til I die let’s be honest what an incredible time

lyrics added by Shandrazel - Modify this lyrics