Shadowmourne : The Frozen Throne

Unblack / South-Africa
(2021 - Hagah Recordings)
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"Render unto Caesar
That which is Caesar's"
Is not a call to take corruption lying down
Trust in the bloodstained crown

The bloodstained crown

Sic semper tyrannis
My battle cry
Because they steal relief
While the hungry die

Sic semper tyrannis
Sic semper tyrannis

The poor starve and die
While the corrupt bloat
Are your bellies not full?
As you bleed my country dry
Sometimes I wonder
Why you just won't die
Does Mammon keep you alive?

Why do they have power?
Unholy avarice

Sic semper tyrannis
The angels cry
Finally bringing death
To those who deserve to die

You'll be crushed
And fed to worms


Frozen wasteland
Desperation, temptation
Corrupted betrayer
Ally slayer
Turning your back
On the light
Unholy weapon
Brings you unending night

You've lost sight
Of the eternal goal
This darkness
Will never make you whole

Frostmourne hungers
Frostmourne hungers
Frostmourne hungers
Frostmourne hungers

Purging genocide
Violent patricide
Buy into the lie
A thousand deaths to die
Your belief in your strength
Proves you are weak
Shines through when you speak

You trust in a lord of lies
His false power a blatant disguise
You abandon all hope
And now there's only loss
You wield a demonic sword
And an inverted cross

Stop this madness please
Stop spreading the scourge
Suffering follows you
Apocalypse on its verge
Trust in the one true path
Abandon this madness
Bathe in the light
Eternal gladness

You've lost sight
Of the eternal goal
This darkness
Will never make you whole

Frostmourne hungers
The demons hunger for your weakness
Frostmourne hungers
The demons hunger for your weakness

His darkness will never make you whole
You'll be forever trapped in the frozen throne


"Faith will make you wealthy"
Lies of the sadistic, mentally unhealthy
But they get rich
On pedaling false hope
Sociopathic preachers
Belong on the end of a rope

False prophets prosper
By stealing from their flock
From their flock

Tax evading psychopaths
While poverty runs amok
Poverty runs amok

Selling hope is business
Business is great
We should be flipping tables
Because we're so irate
Cash, cheque and credit card
There's multiple ways to pay
They may be rich right now
But they'll be poor on Judgment Day

False prophets prosper
By stealing from their flock
From their flock

"Faith will make you wealthy"
Lies of the sadistic, mentally unhealthy
But they get rich
On pedaling false hope
Sociopathic preachers
Belong on the end of a rope

Private jets while people starve
Private jets while people starve

Burn, the righteous rage burns
Burn, you all will burn
Burn, the righteous rage burns
Burn, you all will burn


You say, "Ave Satanas" like it's a joke
But in the end it's on his lies that you choke
Surrounded here by fear and flame
Because in life, you spoke of heresy and shame
You call him Morningstar
As if he's the source of light
But your death
Will mean an endless night

A blasphemer's eulogy
Your choice to self-immolate
A blasphemer's eulogy
Now you stand at Hell's charred gate

You chose the losing side
In a battle all but won
You've suffered life's defeat
Now you'll never see the sun
You chose the losing side
In a battle all but won
You've suffered life's defeat
Now you'll never see the sun

A blasphemer's eulogy
Your choice to self-immolate
A blasphemer's eulogy
Now you stand at Hell's charred gate

The gates open
You're ushered inside
Burning sulfur
Nowhere to hide

A blasphemer's eulogy
Your choice to self-immolate
A blasphemer's eulogy
Now you stand at Hell's charred gate

The gates open
You're ushered inside
Burning sulfur
Nowhere to hide
There's nowhere, there's nowhere to hide


The great burning shadow
Covers the land
Consuming all those
Who dare take a stand
The burning legion
Devours all
The great corruption
Don't answer its call

Corrupting darkness
Suborns the weak
Don't let
The foul ones speak

The burning legion
Devours all
The great corruption
Don't answer its call

A great crusade
Demonic soldiers
End of all things

The great burning shadow
Covers the land
Consuming all those
Who dare take a stand
Corrupting darkness
Suborns the weak
Don't let
The foul ones speak
The burning legion
Devours all
A great crusade
Demonic soldiers
End of all things



lyrics added by Coleiosis - Modify this lyrics