Serpentia : Nails Enigma

Melodic Death / Poland
(2004 - Metal Mind Productions)
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When the timeless emptiness dwells
Inside my soul,the fire struggeles
To swallow hunger i feel far so many

When there's nobody i could back for
In my home -i became a wanderer.
Day by day much far from home and myself.
In the hidding somewhere between regret and

Touched by Parahlitos i'm looking for
Meanings of all.
The trip into my within is my destiny.
Each another eve i feel much more lost.


Now i know there's no return.
I have to stay here to be forgotten.
Only the wind shall hum the melody of my life.
It only knows who i really was...

When the deed score is unavoidible,
And judgement so cruel,
I,ll be laughing with the tears in my eyes.

Now, awaken after so long time
I have meet just the ruins of my youth.
Only cold experience left instead of memories.
Does my Angel left me?
Or maybe He just died?
I will never know the truth...
The wandering is slowly finishing,
And the wind creates new sounds...

The only truealy friend - loneliness.


Motivated by revenge, desperately grasping
For air,I strangle...
Eyes turned out to the north,there i will
Achieve, what was going to.
Power gets lesser but the shine gives me the chance.

The sore in my back reminds my friend,
It bleeds still reminding betrayal.
Though suffering i can see a goal,
That gives me the hope,for my trip to be finished.
Chill wind eases the pain.

I think I'm the choosen one for the stars
Are changing their eternal route.
When the mourning bell's sound flows majesticly,
My chest bears the mark of black,
I know i approache to the point of resolution.

So many time have passed since
I have been send to reveal of what's
Been hidden so deep.
I've been buried with the others for
The secret could sleep undone still.
Your experience failed and it's fruit
Rot down with the last drop of my blood.

Now i came back from the dark fields
To stare into the eyes once more,
And set my fire free.
For i'm the only one ,and the stars
Know about it.


Pushed down by the world into canes,
We are waking to scream for our lives again.
We're becoming a memory that you
Don't want remember.
But our blood on your hands is removing so hard.

Reaped inside,you try to forget,what you have
Done to us.
Some of you wanted to be like the God,
That gives, that takes away.
Whole your life is a miserable wading
Among the others.

Too simple to understand conseqences.
We will always be here,and you 'll
Never be in able to get rid of us.
Fragmented childhood shall be your curse.
Each another agony shall be like prayer for vengeance.

Someone will be there to remind you about it as your
Eyes get close to an eternal sleep.
When there's no love ,no warmth then only the darkness
Remains,and we're coming out of it.
There will be the ones -the drummers of death and fear.

You'll be swollowed by that,what has pushed you to that Crimes.
And the same convulsions shall be friends at your end.


Shattered heart,strangled scream,
Unspoken words,destination's hands cold,
Reflection of the suffering face.


Abyss in that is suspended my soul,
It lives in me by itself,waits for new meat.
Nails are my cure ,I slowly stick them
Into my flesh.

Would it be the only way to salvation? salvation though pain and suffering?
On the dark way each relif is like a curse,
And the larvas wait for new blood...

Who's the one to torture me today?
Who's gonna disembowell that sadness
Out of my soul?
Those about the stuppor,they'll not
Find the way.

Lost by word and deed they'll stand
Unknown forever...
I'd like to know i feel,therefore
Nails are nesessary to find the truth.

Freedom flavour allures me...
Who is that one ,whom I 'll give
The sign of cross now and forever?
Who will be blamed for my failure?
Who will let me rise up?

When the mummbles and moans turn to silence,
And the silence fill me -I will know the truth!


The cold of your eyes has awoken me
Once more, thoughts come back they make me
Remember that place,where I wait for you each
Another day of my defeat.

Something give me hazy hope just to reap me
From the inside.
I yearn for the sleep so much that my lungs
Are heavy of bitterness.

Once like the others I was waiting for wings,
I didn't know you've not the one who could see them.
On the dark fields i live and I deny of divinity.
I'm the part of the place I created

Why weren't you waiting for me, alone now,
Somewhere there where your thoughts can't get in.
I know that the stigmats are the part of the ancient times,
They wouldn't allow you to come back and remind
-What the rain has wiped for so long ago.

For once more...




Water got cold just like my life.
The wander I proceed has turned circle again.
I'm in the beginning of it,or is it maybe the end ?
My heart tries to cheat destiny - once I ment they are
Both entwine...

I know I have no time enough ,to grant you with what
The fate once took away from me.
Water slowly gets the royal colour.
With the first hallucinations ,visions come back,
Some have haunted me for whole my life.

When my body is fighting,the mind is feeling serene
I haven't been given,like happiness which the fate
Has once taken from me.

I remember the Saturday morning,
As I waited for you,as you rushed so much,
That finally you 've never come to me.
I died with you ,and fate made me the prisioner of flesh.
Now it has no meaning 'cause I bear that stone which pumps My blood.


When the days flee tougether with memories
You've trying to paint my pain.
My face is changing never experienced of happiness.
Now you've laughing at me,'cause you've sure
I 'll be still alive.


Cheated by your fate,you're escaping
Through another days,being blind to see
That the things that have to come are so near.
Forgetting the sins of your youth,you've
Tried to fix your life on,but the final word is mine...

Every passing hour makes you shiver,
Cause you don't know what i offer to you...
The peace of mind is what you desire,
The peace of what you'll never be given

You hear me deep inside,and my song shall
Take away all your happyness,
It will build the kingdomn,it will become
The invisible burden at your broken back.

Is the one you love?
Have you departed it?
I know you 'll never,ever do it!

Temporary is the time when your happyness
Is vanishing,so I'll be having fun at your expense.
What would reveal the next day?
Just answer to yourself.

I am the mistery and i am the sollution
I am the destiny so i am the curse too.
You are my slave,and your fate is the toy of mine.
You are the reward for taking care i've offered to you!


Finishing my work,I'm trying to erase my pain,
Dinning thorough sadness.
My hands bleed as soul burns deep inside.
Each another day i accept that struggle of
What is important to me.

There's blood of my father down in
This land,and the tears of my mother
Can't even wipe it.
Determinism is like a good fundament
To create the new annihilation.

Scratching my revenge I'm using violence
And suffering.
Somewhere deep is what has to come.

Their sacrifice wasn't in vain,but
My answer shall be ultimate,
And the hell we'll prepare-
The place of their rest.


A thousand stars have died since
I've swallowed this so bitter drop.
Only the darkness of my dreams were
Heaving to my regret.

Mixture lethal to the others,
Let me to rise up.
Because that face is hidden behind
Two masks,and if hatered gives me
That strenght -be blessed forever.

I'm afraid to close my eyes,
Your hand fails to bring warmth.
If i'll lay my head upon your chest,
I'll hear the sound of frozen heart.

You are mourtuary of feelings in living.
you are denial of what you're calling life.
You've holding in your hand invitation
For the celebration.

I've seen the temple full of the
Mourning bells when i was travelling
Out of myself.
Sound of melody got me down.
She stared at me without the sound.

Invited for the concert of the heart already dead,
Full of glory, cause appathy always allures her.
Death is a perfect player,and her hands are always clean.




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