Serpentia : Dark Fields of Pain

Melodic Death / Poland
(2003 - Metal Mind Productions)
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I will never be the same, after
Opening this gate.

My feelings crushed to dust
Blown by the wind.

It came to help me in a final duel.
Fire fills my lungs.

I became something i was always afraid of.

Father ! son ! i'm coming into fire, bless me.

Earth, you suffer, i go to pay for what
Has been taken from you.

Brothers, i know you're by my side
And nothing is gonna cease our ties.

I feel cold breeze of air that death
Was breathing.

So many years have passed ... i'm coming back,
Strong as never before.

My tears mix with yours, drowning fools.
We're like swans that flew away free from slavery.

From there i can only see the cataclism
And you between.

Tell me what you feel when the end is near ?
Tell me what you see - your reflection ?

When the skies cry and the earth shakes
The only way is to go with fire and wind
In the eternity.


Unknown fear brings us to ignorance
And ignorance hides what really unknown is.

Ancient ages wisdom is replaced
By the idle God of tripple face.

Programmed minds return their
Harvest to the earth.
Eyes subsided into pit of blackness
Looking for another suns.

When glowing nebulas will surround
Glassy eye of the faithful one,
His heart is gonna shiver for
A long time, convulsing in
A panic extasy.

Secrets, penetrating through themselves
Scaring with the beauty of cruelty.
Stern eye's admiring a frozen sea
That is striking with cold
Despite the summer's heat.

Here's the one empty and proud
Calling himself as crown of the cration.
Murderer of what is out of reach.
Here they are, careful and merciful
They'll bring the chaos while religions fall.

For written is - we the god.


Let`s stand together my friend
To struggle once more against
Experience, logic and faith.

Your arms await for wings` shadow
Every morning standing here at the call,
To destroy humans order
To bring an emotional madness

To die to live to live to die
Words you whisper into my ear ...

I`m waiting up the hill to try myself
With the sun once more.

I`m that challenger who deres to rise
And lift high once more
Just to fall down again.

Today is a day i`ve been waiting for
So long

To went blind to see
To see only blindness.

Now i realize that only existence
Testimony is important...

Narsiuha lend me by hand...




Everyone is looking for something,
I've begun to look for death,
Begun to admire her, to love her,
Each day we were closer ...
I was imagine her
Like beautiful woman,
Who will cuddle me,
Will love me,
Will tear me of reality ...

I was so lonely,
That she became
Everything what i loved,
Her coolness
Touched delicate my body.
At night
She spoke with me
Always wanted to hear me ...

Once she told me,
That we will soon be together.
Then followed the waste
I didn't felt she fairly
I thought that she left me,
Until this day ...
When she appeared,
Most beautiful than every women
Who i've never seen before,
She has caught slight my hand,
And told:
We can be finally together ...


Primitive minds entrapped in
A mortal shell, exiles.
Psyhopatic monuments, selfdestructively
Inclined - vivid kind.

We share the sanctuary of no escape.
Too pretty place for postintelligent
Defeat laboratory.

Prisoners guarded br transplanetary
Typhoons by lethal climate.

Separated with a distance of eternity
From the feeding heart.

But few feel something what
The others cannot experience
We, the children of the lesser race.

Few can see the signs unable to
Understand yet.
We, who head in her embraces
Through our dreams.

We await of what others shiver
The ones of no redemption.
We await the day when death will
Cover our crippled embodiments with
The shroud of eternal sleep,
And bring us over the threshold
Of the mother's house.

Forever, immaterial shelter
Where the feeding breast awaits.
The dearest atom heart beating
Which echoes:

Never let me down
Again my son.


Every day
When the sun goes down
Behind my endless horizon of pain,
Descry you ...
I know,
Where my sight doesn't reach
You drown each day
And i'm not there ...

Every night
When i hear the call
I know - it's you ...
I give you my hand
But you don't detect this ...
Your lips are filled with water.

Every day
When the sun goes down
Behing distant horizon of suffer,
I try crucify my feelings.
I know,
Where my sight doesn't reach
Waves carry your inert body away
And i'm not there ...


Where do we go?
And who has strenght enough
To wander carrying the burden
Of that miserable plague?

Lifted high by the wind of both millenium,
Wind of south that brought the smell
Of blood and burning skin.
But where is that purity and belief
Drowned in the gore ocean?
Four directions in a surface
Four arms, four faces of extinction

Members of mighty tribe!
Torn out of chains
Priests of elements unite!!!!
To breathe and shine
To teach and restore the faith in true
Gleam that makes immortal.

To feel that wind which smells with freedom
To destroy that black mass of souls possession
Ans honest smile for the golden tide.

Let`s reap together skin of lamb
Whith hides the wolf.
Then the time shall come
It would be easier to stare in to the future
Than understand of what happened in the past



Lyrics geaddet von Portnoy - Bearbeite die Lyrics