Semperfi : Paper Boat

Post Hardcore / Canada
(2010 - Self-Produced)
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I think I'll break in half
I feel so sick and inspiration won't come
There's someone I still think if
Because love never left my heart
My bosy is dry and dead but I am still
Walking under the Sun
A crowd in my head
I never felt so alone
Somebody wrote on my paper boat
"It was never meant to fly"
But what is this supposed to mean
When the Oceans is in the sky
On my legs the scars
The past has its own art
I sense a nagging prescence
Looking for a pray
The world laughed at me
While they were building a bigger plague
Now where is the next scene
I can't remember what you said
The colors seem so distant
I'm fading in the darkness
And now bitter is the taste
Of my sweetest souvenirs
What a beautiful wreckage
I've made trough all these years.

2. 1608

With this name tied to my neck
It seems like I've lost my humaness
Just to become another cold religious
But now I'm tired of pretending
When under it all I am not
When unter it all I'm just a man
Give me your eyes to see these people
Give me your hearts so we'll feel the same love for them.


Just to look at you makes me Burn inside
I'm burning of desire to love you and to take you in my arms
Remember when I kissed you for the very first time
That night you stole my heart and took me by suprise
My heart is crying out your name but you are out of range
I'm sorry i have made you feel all this pain
I'm the only one to blame for the mistakes that I've made
My heart so cold is about to break
And leaves behind the part of me that used to be my life
I just want to see a smile on your face
And even if it costs me life I still want to try
Because I love you with all my heart
And it's not something I can stop
I see your face when I close my eyes
So darling would you be my bride
Because I'll be happy on the day
That you will meet me down the aisle
We'll exchange our vows and then we'll kiss
Forever our lives will be blessed.


If I sail like the dawning day
To go dwell on the other side of the sea
Even there you'll lead me
Even there you'll hold me
I can't understand all of this
Such onderful knowledge is
Far above me (I can't believe it)
Where could I go
Where could I go
Where could I go
Where could I go
To escape from your spirit
To escape from your Sight
If I were to climb up the highest mountain
You would be there
If I were to dig down to the deepest resting place
You would also be there.


I keep my fears inside and say that I'm alright
Keep my tears inside and pretend it's a beautiful night
You blurred the time line of my life
And freakin hurt me
Now every picture in my mind
Reminds me of that tragedy
You don't try to be right
And you don't cray at night
For killing the only hope of love
Between you and me
For you can't make it
For you can't be alone
But you can fake it
Calling it your home
My fingers are bleeding
Because I played so hard
My throat is burning
Because i sang so loud
But still it's not enough
To show you how much it's hurting me
I won't try to use beautiful words
And I won't cause a scene
I just want you to know
That your life isn't a dream
You won't wake up tomorrow
And say good morning the sun will vanish
And you'll start burning
You'll hear the gnashing of teeth and weeping
So tell me how do you want to spend eternity?
That way? or with me
Jesus is real
You just have to believe
I was hungry and he gave me something to eat
I was thirsty and he gave me drink
I was naked and he clothed me
I was a stranger and he invited me in.


It's over
You can sleep well now
You'll be safe
For I exchanged our places
I've been wounded
And beaten down
I've been crucified
With all your Sins
I have many more things to say to you
But you cannot bear them now
But when He, the spirit of truth comes
He will guide you into all the truth
And even tough we've lost everything we had
We come more glorious than ever
because no gold, no diamonds, no jewelry
Can be compared to the love weÄve found
We carry our burden on our own shoulders
We don't need help from any savior
I feel the water in my lungs
As my Heart beat slows down
My vision slowy disapperas
But I have no fear.

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