Searching Serenity : The Struggles of the Earthly Ones

Deathcore / USA
(2021 - Self-Released)
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Seek the Lord
The healer of Sins
His grace pours out
For those who trust


"He coveteth greedily all the day long:
But the righteous giveth and spareth not"
(Proverbs 21:26)

The possessions of others
Are not your own
To take what is not yours
Is to betray the Lord

The spirit of the Lord is that of a giver
Love your neighbor
Reject yourself
Give wholeheartedly without greed


Cross my heart and hope to die
I gave you my faith, I gave you my life

I need a sign
Of your presence
This world is broken beyond repair
I'm struggling to feel you there

Your plan is taught to be greater
Than our understanding
It's said the plan for the world
Is all in Your hands

Reaching out to the heavens
I feel my life slip away
Send me a dove from your world above
So I know you aren't absent from me

Satan comes and provides doubt
Are you even real?
Do you even hear my please for you?
He preys on me like a helpless sheep
Knowing my faith is present despite my constant worries and doubts and fears

"Faith is confidence in what we hope for
And assurance about what
We do not see"
(Hebrews 11:1)


"He will wipe
Every tear
From their eyes

There will be no more death
Our mourning, crying, nor pain

For the old order of things
Has passed away"
(Revelation 21:4)

The pains of life
The thorn of love
The deeds of those
Who care not what they do

They break those close
With no remorse
Left broken and bleeding

Heal my wounds and make me whole
Give me strength to carry on
Tell me You are bigger than my pain
So I may worship You

They tear and rip
They steal my solace
Providing nothing beyond pain and sadness

My heart has broken for the ones of the world
Like Yours breaks for those who do not follow
Heal my wounds and make me whole
So I may worship You


"He who robs his father or his mother
And says it is not a transgression
Is the companion of a man who destroys"
(Proverbs 28:24)

Believing in a way of life
Where goods are open
For the taking
Precious and loved by those who own them

Available to steal with no proper thought
Your disregard for the possession of your brother
Reveals your heart
Full of greed
Lacking in love

Betrayal of a friend
Stings like a hornet
The pain seeps beneath the surface


"For all that is secret
Will eventually be brought
Into the open

And everything that is concealed
Will be brought to light
And made known to all"
(Luke 8:17)

Acting as one with knowledge
Ill intent, goals to lead astray
Misinformation spreading like wildfire
Burning the forests of belief and truth

Desires to deceit
Hiding the light of truth
Acting as the evil one
You harm those in your path


One of a kind
Your world revolves
Around yourself
At the expense
Of those you know and love

"Everyone who is arrogant in heart
Is an abomination
To the Lord
Be assured
He will not
Go unpunished"
(Proverbs 16:5)

You put yourself before others
Driving stakes and burning bridges
Causing harm for your own gain
All to feed your self-righteous egotistical mentality

Deep in the mind of the prideful being
Tormented by pain and doubt
Tearing others down to lift yourself up
You seek no healing, just destruction

Unshackle the bonds
Of pride
Give to others
As they to you




"Woe to those who devise wickedness
And work evil on their beds!
When the morning dawns
They perform it
Because it is in the power of their hand"
(Micah 2:1)

Evil actions
Dark power
Things of this world
Not of the Lord

Seek not ways to serve evil
Driving out light
Inviting in darkness
Casting words in the name of Satan
Actions without intent of holy worship

Discernment and clarity for what is right
The knowledge of good and evil
Putting oneself into a plight
In the name of all that is wrong


"If anyone causes one of these little ones
Those who believe in me, to stumble
It would be better for them to have
A large millstone hung around their neck
And to be drowned in the depths of the sea"
(Matthew 18:6)

The precious life of the young and naive
Sinful by nature, but unknowing of the world

To take advantage through your own selfish deeds
Of those who know not how to defend

Seeking pleasure from the innocent
Causing harm for your own gain

Taking what is not yours
Torturing the soul of a poor little one

Evil seeps from your every word
Your actions reflect the darkness of your heart

Your mind focuses not on things of God
Just on the sins of the world and your own disgusting gain

Life is a precious gift
From the creator
Tarnish it
And you will be doomed

Tie a millstone around your neck
And jump in the sea!


"Beloved, never avenge yourselves
But leave it to the wrath of God
For it is written
'Vengeance is mine
I will repay,' says the Lord"
(Romans 12:9)

The sacredness of our lives
Made in the holy image of the Father
Taken lightly as if unspectacular
Is detestable to the Lord

To take the life of a fellow being
Is to take the role of the almighty creator
Who giveth and taketh
Through His own personal will

Your life is not your own
Nor is the life of another man yours to take
But glory to God in the highest
Who gives us life and is in control


Villainous intent
Malicious atrocities
Driving away peace
Bringing in destruction

Knitting fear into the people
Of the world
One by one
Causing mayhem and discontent
All in the name of division

"Whoever makes a practice of sinning
Is of the devil
For the devil has been sinning from the beginning
The reason the Son of God appeared
Was to destroy the works of the devil"
(1 John 3:8)

The desire to gain justice
To avenge the fallen
The hope to bring to light
Those who are living in the dark

This is the will of the Lord
Not that we may fix the world
In our own power
But to live in His will
For us
Allowing Him to take his place
As the rightful judge of all

Satan works within one's soul
Feeding desires to hurt and cause pain
Seek now ways to bruise your neighbor
Instead seek light
Evade becoming the villain


Human beings born into sin
No escape through our own doing
No hope without the work of the Lord
Seek not how you may save yourself
Seek the Lord to take away your sin

We fight and struggle
To find our own path
Yearning to heal
Hoping to end the pain
God the Father
Who sent His son
Gives us eternal life
Through letting go of ourselves
To trust in Him

"For I consider that the sufferings
Of this present time
Are not worthy comparing
With the glory that is to be revealed to us"
(Romans 8:18)

lyrics added by Coleiosis - Modify this lyrics