Searching Serenity : Retribution

Deathcore / USA
(2023 - Self-Released)
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Eternal suffering!


We are cursed
Plagued by this generational darkness rooted in pride and self glorification
This sinful nature with us, since the fall of man, we are cursed
The pain and toil
Is overwhelming
The Lord thy God
Save us through Your grace
The war was waged, the battles commence, the good shall reign, the world is saved
The curse of sin runs through the minds of all who walk this planet
Mental fortitude broken by Satan's torment of our mind
Through the grace of God, his bountiful forgiveness, we are given the chance to be redeemed
Place your faith in Him within your heart


Living amongst the tyrannical dynasty of evil drives me mad day by day
Swimming against the current and fighting against the grain
The lawless nature of this earthly realm darkens endlessly
The hidden realm so sweet and pure
No evil shall ever take away its dazzling light
This place has been prepared for us by the one who sits upon the mighty throne
His loud voice rumbles as everyone trembles at His glorious might
Where your treasure is there your heart shall be
The heavens declare the glory of God
And the expanse proclaims the work of His hands
Storing up these treasures in heaven
Trusting in Your mighty plan to come to fruition
Praying that Your sovereignty would protect me from all who wish to harm
This world shall one day pass away to make way for the new heaven and new earth


The earth is not as it was
Evil crept in and took the place of peace
Plaguing the land
The devils ploy to destroy all humanity
Sent our land into a state of utter shock
Hatred of the Father who cast him down
A desire to overtake Him as the new ruler
The angel of light cast from the sky
Sentenced to an eternity of suffering
Grasping for anyone he can pull down
He torments the minds of the citizens of earth
Day in, day out
Plaguing the minds of people
To distract them from God above
My Savior
I call to thee
Protect me
From this torment


Don't worry about anything
Present your requests to God
Pray honestly and trust faithfully
He will forever be standing with you
My heart shall forever be guarded by Christ
Believing in Him despite my limited understanding
He is my wonderful counselor
My faithful Guide
My trustworthy Father
My gracious redemption
Teach me to continually trust in You Lord
Show your grace when I am weak and Your presence when I am strong
You fill me with Your peace daily
May I proceed show this peace others
Fill me with the joy and peace that surpasses that which I receive on earth




War is waged in the spiritual realm
The fight between good and evil continually advances
The Lord is faithful to strengthen me
Protect me from the evil one
Worldly weapons are useless in this realm
The fight of the mind and spirit tears at me more and more
God's power to demolish is ever-present
The evil ones tremble in fear at the sight of His awesome power
We must be alert and of sober mind
Standing against the adversary with awareness and readiness
Satan's desire to tear us down and make us weak empowers him relentlessly, he shall fall in defeat when the final day draws near
We must resist his evil temptations
The spirit that fills us will give us this power


The King of Kings and Lord of Lords arrives
This final battle to end the era of pain and suffering has commenced
As the swarms fill the skies and the lands
The heavenly armies take their stand
As heaven opens and justice pours out, God's might is revealed
His armies pursuing to end evil's tyrannical reign on these lands
As the beast is captured it screams out in rage
He is thrown into the lake of fiery burning sulfur for eternal punishment
Satan shall pay for the destruction he has caused
The countless lives led astray through evil intention
Families broken and torn apart
Lives stolen from this world through wars and hatred
The angelic armies of God shall be led by the savior to the ultimate victory!


Demonic influence rampaging through many
Tearing through the barriers of those who seek to play
This hive mind controlled by its evil source will forever chase their prey
Since the beginning in the garden
These demons have troubled and tortured the world
Creating disaster and plight for their own enjoyment
Tearing apart the fabric of peace for all
The evil ways of this world are not a reflection of our God above
The torment of life and nature of darkness shall be cast into the eternal flame to rot for all of eternity


Fighting through this life on earth
Struggling to find my place
Learning to battle my faults and better myself
Roadblocks causing difficulties in my life
I'm eternally thankful for the sovereignty of Christ
Knowing He stands with me and knows my pain
Understanding the trauma and sadness of a life on earth
Empathizing with those who are lost and celebrating with those who are found
The gracious redemption granted by God is the greatest gift I've received
His desire to pursue me relentlessly gives comfort beyond understanding


As I scream up into the heavens, bowing my head to you
I pray you hear these words, Lord hear my prayer
I need you now
I lift these words in a time of great trial to the God above who is over all I know
Your divinity is beyond my comprehension
Your sovereignty is greater than anything I can imagine
Meticulously crafting together the world through nothing but your words
How dare I deem myself capable of knowing better than You

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