Scarve : Irradiant (Single)

Technical Death / France
(2004 - Listenable Records)
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Now that the bleeding is even
The ineluctable settles inside
To remain inert forever
Somewhere something has died

Capture echoes of the end
In uncommon lucid moments
Strain our eyes staring
Where there's nothing to be seen

Mirthless perspectives
Perpetual imbalance
Kill-conceived instinct
A spiritless battle
Doomed to be lost

Running fast and fearless
Hooked onto our empty shells
A profound sensorial burn-out
Switched off all remaining reason

Blinded numb with shock
Somewhere something has died
Simply heading towards the day
When our suffering will subside


Unrelayed, bite right through
Curse the weight that strains your mind
Stationary, facing nothing
It devours you from inside
Short-lived passion, now inflamed
Realize you've spilt the essence
Boiling over, flesh melts fast
Liberate the key to vengeance

I'm not the one to steer this
My duties are fulfilled
Take the strain and struggle
The endless downhill

From a reasonable distance
All seems strangely quiet
Take just one step closer
And be entangled in my spite
Jackhammer comes crushing
Pounds to pulp with no relief
Bite the dust and chew it well
Suffering's all I can give

I'm not the one to steer this
My duties are fulfilled
Take the strain and struggle
The endless downhill
Wreack havoc on my path
Strike back with blinding rage
Nothing can hold me back
None will be saved

Each second the need is growing
To fill this enveloping void
Each instant without passion
Leaves me emptier still


Now that the bleeding is even
The ineluctable settles inside
To remain inert forever
Somewhere something has died

Capture echoes of the end
In uncommon lucid moments
Strain our eyes staring
Where there's nothing to be seen

Mirthless perspectives
Perpetual imbalance
Kill-conceived instinct
A spiritless battle
Doomed to be lost

Running fast and fearless
Hooked onto our empty shells
A profound sensorial burn-out
Switched off all remaining reason

Blinded numb with shock
Somewhere something has died
Simply heading towards the day
When our suffering will subside

lyrics added by tiluz - Modify this lyrics