Satan On Fire : Assumed Tracks

Thrash Death / USA
(1991 - Self-Released)
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Тексты песен

1.Devil In My Lunchbox

Dude you've the groovest message I've ever heard in my fucking life, dude, I'm serious. Well, dude like call me sometime 'cuze I'm just hanging out being bored and we can hang out I duhno man, do some fucking I duhno hang out, play some pool, aight dude
721-3383 names Dennis, Later

Sometimes I'll...I'll just bring
Maybe an action figure or two you know
Other times I'll bring my garlic spread
You know the garlic spread
Cuze the garlic spread's important
And then you just walk around
And people always come up
And they're always saying
What do ya got in your lunchbox?
And for the most part it's usually my lunch
You goddamn cunt!

I get so mad...
But you know
Sometimes I'll just (??)..
I just...
Hit it!

There's a devil in my lunchbox
There's a devil in my lunchbox
He's right over there next to the peanut butter and jelly sandwich
and the banana
That's right...

There is a devil, in my lunchbox
There is a devil, in my lunchbox
He's just hanging out by the peanut butter and jelly sandwich
And the banana that sometimes you gotta bruise
Like one of them strippers at the peach tree lounge
That's on power line road right next to the (??) by the 7-11

Devil in my lunchbox
There's a devil in my lunchbox
He's just hanging out by the peanut butter and jelly sandwich
There is a devil there is a devil
There is a devil in my lunchbox...

There is a devil in my lunchbox...
Devil devil devil in my lunchbox
Devil devil devil in my lunchbox
Devil devil devil in my lunchbox
Devil devil devil in my lunchbox
Devil devil devil in my lunchbox
Devil devil devil in my lunchbox
Devil devil devil in my lunchbox
Devil devil devil in my lunchbox
Devil devil devil in my lunchbox

2b.Number Nine Part Two
(aka Blood Shit & Cum)

"Take my money" is all I think
He looks at the earring
"Fag" he mumbles
I don't mind, he's fat
No one likes him
Life's too short

I pass a table of black girls with short hair
They look like, men
They all look the same

I can hear the strobe now
It's loud and the music's too bright

I look for my friends
but I can't remember if I
came alone or, not
doesn't matter though
There's hundreds of people who have waited all their lives
No doubt
to be my friend
*cough cough*

And as I near the bar
I see two persons
Eating each other's faces

I bark to the bartender
He gives me a placebo
I'm so young he tells me to be here
I nod and swallow the bland drink

Then I stumble several times near a crowd
and they think I'm a good dancer

I hear a girl tell anther girl that some girl she knows
watched a....girl
Puke in the toilet
I smile in their general direction

The good looking one comes over and bites my cheek
It hurts and I start to hit her
But she's grinning
And I can see my blood on her teeth
And I pull her to me
My place or yours?
"The gutter will be fine," she confesses
As we walk out
She takes another bite from my cheek
And I smile at the fat man
By the door

2c.Number Nine Part Three
(aka Those Fuckin' Bitches)

Those fucking bitches!
Fucking stupid whores, they're dykes
Those fucking bitches!
Fucking stupid whores, they're dykes
Thanks for killing my-thanks for killing my-
Thanks for killing my mom

Those fucking bitches!
Those fucking bitches!
Those fucking bitches!
Those fucking bitches!
Those fucking bitches!
Fucking stupid whores, they're dykes

Those fucking bitches!
Thanks for killing my-
Those fucking bitches!
Thanks for killing my-
Those fucking bitches!
Thanks for killing my mom
Those fucking bitches!
Th-th-th-thanks for killing my mom
Those fucking bitches!
Those fucking bitches!
Those fucking bitches!
Those fucking bitches!
Those fucking bitches!
Those fucking bitches!
Fucking stupid whores, they're dykes
Those fucking bitches!
Thanks for-Thanks for-thanks

3.Cat In The Hat
(note: this is a reading of the book taken from a kids record and set to music)

The sun did not shine.
It was too wet to play.
So we sat in the house
All that cold, cold, wet day

I sat there with Sally.
We sat there, we two.
And I said "How I wish
We had something to do!"

Too wet to go out
And too cold to play ball.
So we sat in the house.
We did nothing at all.

So all we could do was to
And we did not like it.
Not one little bit.


And then
Something went bump!
How that bump made us jump!

We looked!
Then we saw him step in on the mat!
We looked!
And we saw him!
The Cat in the Hat!
And he said to us,
"Why do you sit there like that?"

"I know it is wet
And the sun is not sunny.
But we can have
Lots of good fun that is funny!"

"I know some good games we could play,"
Said the cat.
"I know some new tricks,"
Said the Cat in the Hat.
"A lot of good tricks.
I will show them to you.
Your mother
Will not mind at all if I do."

Then Sally and I
Did not know what to say.
Our mother was out of the house
For the day.

But our fish said, "No! No!
Make that cat go away!
Tell that Cat in the Hat
You do NOT want to play.
You should not be here.
You should not be about.
You should not be here
When your mother is out!"

"Now! Now! Have no fear.
Have no fear!" said the cat.
"My tricks are not bad,"
Said the Cat in the Hat.
"Why, we can have
Lots of good fun, if you wish,
With a game that I call
UP-UP-UP with a fish!"

"Put me down!" said the fish.
"This is no fun at all!
Put me down!" said the fish.
"I do NOT wish to fall!"

"Have no fear!" said the cat.
"I will not let you fall.
I will hold you up high
As I stand on a ball.
With a book in one hand!
And a cup on my hat!
But that is not ALL I can do!"
Said the cat...

"Look at me!
Look at me now!" said the cat.
"With a cup and a cake
On the top of my hat!
I can hold TWO books!
I can hold up the fish!
And a little toy ship!
And some milk on a dish!
And look!
I can hop up and down on the ball!
But that is not all!
Oh, no.
That is not all...

"Look at me!
Look at me!
Look at me NOW!
It is fun to have fun

From up there on the ball.
And Sally and I,
We saw ALL the things fall!

And our fish came down, too.
He fell into a pot!
He said, "Do I like this?
Oh, no! I do not.
This is not a good game,"
Said out fish as he lit.
"No, I do not like it,
Not one little bit!"

"Now look what you did!"
Said the fish to the cat.
"Now look at this house!

4.Justify My Love
(note: This is a cover of a Madonna song, with altered lyrics)

Wanting, waiting for you to justify my love

I want you to chew my balls
In Paris, Niagara Falls
I want you to lick my toes
Los Angeles, San Francisco
With the fags and the ho's.

Wanting, waiting for you to justify my love
For you to justify my love...

Oh oh oh oh.
Oh oh oh oh.
Wanting, waiting for you to justify my love
Wanting, waiting for you to justify my love

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