Salem (ISR) : Strings Attached

Death Doom / Israel
(2005 - Master Disk)
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Las palabras

1. A Moment Of Silence

Remember when all the days were of gold.
And Time was always at your side.
The days of childhood are forever gone.
Innocence lays shattered by the Grave.
Wait for a moment of silence.

Before the day turns to night.
Before the end of light.
Wait for a moment of silence.

Before the coming of the dark.
Before the great storm.
Wait for a moment of silence.

And then the sun turns to black.
The sun turns to black.
Wait for a moment of silence.

In remembrance of days that will never come back.
We each must face our dying pasts.
For every day must die.
And though we strive to make them last.
The future is inevitable.

2. Anno Domini

Dropped from the sky.
Came to earth.
To clean your minds.
And serve your hate.
Say your prayers.
Bring your child.
Save your souls.
I know what you've done.
You try to rule our lives.
You want to gain control.
You use a son of God.
To bring this hate.
You blind us with his name.
You treat us like a game.
Your story is a shame on our end.

3. Coming End Of Reason

Show the world and your masses blood of the butchered you have slain.
Behold the coming end of reason.
Death is a better way of life.
Throw yourself at the mercy of the dead who seek revenge.
When blood is seen in heaven, God knows his creatures have gone insane.
Find no shelter from their wrath.
Hate will lead you underground.
Mark of glory-quiet mind.
Brain dead leaders out of line.
You heed to words of the demented.
Used as puppets in their play of lies, hate and destruction.
True dark ages abomination.

4. Dying Embers

Lost in thoughts of the past.
The anguish of the years.
Darkness is my only friend.
Darkness hides my tears.
I've lost the only light.
The embers fade and die.
The memories of days long gone.
Refuse to ignite.
Why? Can this be all that's left?
This love has gone ammis.
And why am I left to die?
To perish here for all to see.

5. Winter's Tear

When autumn leaves are falling, nature's calling me to stay at home.
And if the rain is pouring, my heart's soaring and I'm all alone.
I wish I could be understood.
It's only fair but they all stare.
I'm at a loss at such a cost.
I wish that you were here to stay.
Say that it isn't so.
Don't tell me that it's time to go.
Don't ever be the one to know.
Just say that it isn't so.
In winter's tear when no one's near, I find condolence in the past.
I reminisce and then get pissed.
Her image haunts me like a ghost.

6. Ha'ayara Bo'eret

ùøéôä, àçéí ùøéôä! òééøúðå áåòøú ëåìä, áä øåçåú ùçåøåú éñòøå, ìäáåú çåøáï éáòøå, ò÷áåúéä ìà ðùàøå, äéà òåìä áàù, åàúí çåá÷éí éãééí áìé äåùéè òæøä áìé ëáåú àú àù äìäá àù äòééøä.

ùøéôä, àçéí ùøéôä! ø÷ áéãëí áìáã äéà äòæøä, çéù äåùéèå éã àåäáú åäöéìå îäîååú, áãîëí ëáå ùìäáú, çéù ëáå áãí îøçå÷ àì úòîãå,ëé äàù òåìä, àì ðà úçá÷å éãééí, äùøéôä âãåìä!

ùøéôä, àçéí ùøéôä! ÷øåáä çñ åçìéìä äùòä, ëé äìäáåú éúîéãå, àú ëåìðå ôä éùîéãå, ø÷ ùøéãé ÷éøåú éòéãå îä ùôä äéä, åàúí çåá÷éí éãééí, áìé äåùéè òæøä, áìé ëáåú àú àù äìäá, àù äòééøä.

7. Eyes To Match A Soul

Cry out for one soul.
The only one that could ever hear.
Only one whose ears are brave enough to listen to the beat of a heart.
I try to find a pair of eyes.
Eyes to match a soul.
The sweat meets my tears.
The salt blinds my eyes.
You are there I know it.
I can sense the throbbing pain.
I catch a glimpse of sparkling eyes.
Then I see the eyes no more.

8. Slave

9. Old Wounds

Screams of death.
It's happened again.
The nightmare has been revived.
Old wounds re-opened.
Desecration of the graves.
And the writing on the wall.
Power of hatred can turn back the hands of time.
Old wounds.
France - ancient tombs destroyed.
England - Riots in the streets.
Russia - property was burned.
What happened to the human race?
Their hate so strong it makes them blind.
Millions of bodies buried in the earth.
Rolling over inside their graves.
Their holy sleep has been disturbed.
They will never rest again.

10. Hourglass

Time is seeping between my hands.
The clock is ticking.
Days fly by.
Time is seeping into my thoughts.
There's no mistaking what's to come.
I live my life.
I have no choice.
No voice.
The line's not getting any shorter.
The road we're taking is straight and narrow.
Looking forward.
Nothing is clear.
One thing is certain: The end is near.

11. The Fading

My life is fading.
All that's left are memories.
Vastige from the past.
A fire storm of fear.
I'm a shadow of a man.
One foot in the grave.
I remember times of chaos.
A fire storm of fear.
Nothing can escape from mortality.
Man begins to feed on man.
Wanted by demons of the past.
The leaders talk and talk, but nothing can escape the avalanche.
Fire - Storm - Of - Fear.

12. Recall

Before you end your life, recall all that you've done.
Striving for wealth to gain some more power.
All of which is now gone.
No rest in your afterlife.
Now we're left with a weapon to be used in our Russian roulette.
Being self centered brings mass destruction.
This is the world you helped create.
No one can leave this place.
A planet in chaos, unsafe.
Rest in pieces.
Rest in war.
Why were you so dumb?
Ruining the future for the ones you love.
Now you begin yourredemption.
Your rotting corpse will fertilize the earth.
If no one follows your hollow ways, there is a new chance for rebirth.

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