Saints Never Surrender : Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst

Hardcore / USA
(2007 - Blood And Ink Records)
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Seems like days like these
Just come and go
But it's nights like this
That we'll never forget
All these late nights and long drives
Are nothing in the scope of life
And this will always mean so much to me
I'm not one for letting go over
People that mean so much to me
Here's where we begin
All of our dreams as small as they seem
Will not disappear
I'm not giving up on this desire
To live my life to it's full potential
This moment means everything
This moment means the world to me
Brothers holding steadfast
And standing strong
And in unity
We're still standing strong


We're back to where we started
With nowhere left to go
We'll build this up
Just to tear each other down
Without Compassion
We will never succeed
I won't
Be the
One who
Gives in this time
This is where we stand
What we're fighting for
What we're fighting for
Like brothers in arms
We'll arm each other


These songs that we sing
Aren't just words
But our dreams
A reflection of what we have inside
This time my actions will
Speak for themselves
Breaking down these walls
That we've built up just to
Keep each other out
I will be the one
Who makes the difference

4. WHO IS...



And I'll keep repeating
Everything I've ever done
To let you down
I'm constantly messing up
Disappointing people that I
Don't deserve
Again and again
Over and over
It's a vicious cycle
That never seems to end
Is this something that
I'll ever overcome
I'm constantly beating myself up
A change in just one day
Knowing what I have to do to make a change and actually doing it
It's the hardest thing to ever try


Why would you reach for
A fool like me
For so long you've been my rock
My strength and shelter
Holding me up when
Everyone wanted me to fail
Without you
I am nothing
I am nothing without you
Actions speak
Louder than words
I'm trying to focus
All I am
Upon everything you've ever done for me
And all those times that you have carried me
Through the past and through this darkness
Allowing me to grow on my own
You're my inspiration
I am amazed at everything
That you've done


Stories are told as we speak
Are we missing the best part of everything
The words you speak will
Motivate me
With a will that's stronger
Than the strongest of men
With a righteous purpose
For striving forward
Comfort security the only constant
In my life
Closer than I have ever felt before
Now I'm stronger
Than yesterday
Someone that keeps me
That keeps me moving forward still
Everything comes down to our passion
For each other
The will to stand
Everything falls to our passion
For each other
We have our inspiration
Let this be my
Will this be my
Let this be my
Guiding star
The greatest of men
Is the man
Who makes others feel


I spent some time in my life
Living in regret
Letting things control me
When you became
Second best
Now I'm holding onto nothing
Wanting to move on
You say that times have changed
But I am still the same
Proved to you my heart's strong
Don't give up on today
Who knows what tomorrow brings
We've got to start today

9. THIS IS...



They say that life is short
But I dont think that's true
The days I spend with the people that I love
Make time stand still
With all the things we say
And all that's left to do
What are we waiting for?
Why can't we understand
We have a lifetime?

If I could be a child for the rest of my life
I wouldn't waste one day
Searching for a purpose that
That I might never find
Regrets won't be my anchor
This is where I want to be

Pressing against a million faces
We will not be forgotten

We've come farther than we could ever dream
Conversation keeps us from getting carried away
But we'll still dream for as long as we can


I'm not the same person
That I thought I've always been
Seems like times have changed
And I just don't know
Who've I become
What have I done
To become such a heartless being
I'm giving up on everything
That has ever meant
So much to me
Abandoning all my ideals
That I have held so close
Will I be more than this
Angry man full of hate
Will I be more than
Anything that everyone
Has expected of me


I'm trying to understand
Where you're coming from
But your ideals
Aren't very clear
It's easy to sit there
And point your finger
But what did you do today
These dire times
Call for desperate measures
We can't forget
How to love each other
I'm not ready
To give up on
Everything that
We've worked
So hard to build up
We can't move forward
Without something
To hope for
You say we'll never make a difference
That we can't make a change
But if nothing is ever lost
What can be gained
Each chance at adversity
Only makes us stronger
We can be
So much more
Than this


Can we continue
This charade that
Everything is fine
This is nothing short of
My destruction and I
Don't know how to make it right

To be called a failure
Would be a compliment to the way
I live my life
I am nothing more
Than a shadow of the person
That I once was
Can you stir in me the desire to be more like you
I'm so desperate for resolution
Day in and Day I am working harder
To overcome these obstacles

Lets let the past be past
And Learn from our mistakes

The more things change
The more I stay the same
When will these barricades fall
Another day another chance to change who I am


And I'm still standing after all this time
And I'm not running away
Four years of never knowing
When it's time to quit
Four years of counting on my
Four best friends
To help me through
To make sure I
Come back down
Four years of wanting
Just four more years
Living for a reason
Reaching out to the moment
I want more
Each time each time
I love this more
Promises promises I can see
Face to face
Standing in front of this stage
I've said these words a thousand times
They are only the beginning of my explanation
Can we live this dream
This is the world to me
This is everything
This is my everything
Regrets are the last thing on my mind tonight
So take a breath all together
This is my
This is everything
Let's live this night like it's our last chance
There's nothing to hold us back from feeling
And every time I left my head
I see a friend I never had
Four years is the end
Four years is this over

lyrics added by DedHunter - Modify this lyrics